- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
101 Healing practices and self-nurturing rituals
- £129.00
- Course content 1 PDF - 101 Healing Practices and Self-Nurturing Rituals (71 pages) 102 page Meditation Journal 14 Guided Meditations 14 Guided meditation audio 14 Guided meditation scripts I Love Myself Emotional Healing Self-Compassion Child Within I Heal Myself From Within Stop Self-Defeating Behaviors Self Acceptance Let Go Of Toxic Relationships I Believe In Myself Processing Pain Release Negative Self-Image…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
21-Day Online Business launch course
- £149.00
- Launch your online business in the next 21 Days following a proven step-by-step blueprint" The top 5 online business models for building a successful online business fast. over the next 21 days, you will know exactly what you need to do to launch your online business. Are you trying to launch your online business, but you are just not sure…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
A Journey into the Mystical World of Incense
- £149.00
- Course written by Dr Emma Bisschoff RM WMA MCMA Course Content 20 PDF Modules Extras 24 Smudge Herbs cards PDF Sacred Smoke document (9 pages) Attunements to the value of $399 / R7141 Discover the Ancient Art of Incense with "Sacred Smoke" Embark on a transformative journey into the world of incense and aroma. About the Course: "Sacred Smoke" is…
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- Freebies, Home study, Printables, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
A little bit of Mindfulness
- £0.00
- In this busy world of ours, the mind is constantly pulled from pillar to post, scattering our thoughts and emotions and leaving us feeling stressed, highly-strung and at times quite anxious. Most of us don’t have five minutes to sit down and relax, let alone 30 minutes or more for a meditation session. But it is essential for our wellbeing…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Achieving Optimal Health: A Holistic Approach to Pain-Free Living and Inflammation Reduction
- £45.00
- I know how difficult it is to enjoy a full and happy life when suffering from chronic pain. I know what living with chronic pain feels like - from the physical and mental anguish to the cost of medications, treatments, doctor, and clinic visits - not to mention the aggravation of just trying to do normal day-to-day activities. In addition,…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Activate your Crystalline Body of Light
- £149.00
- Course release date 8 April 2024 Course content 20 PDF Modules Attunements to the value of $160 / R2983 (see end of document for description) 3 Audio Extras Aura Manual Chakra Manual Chakra Affirmations 10 Crystal Grids Crystal Journal (34 pages) Crystals for Spirituality (12 pages) Activate Your Crystalline Body of Light: Transformative Journey to Higher Consciousness Welcome to…
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- Attunements, Packages, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Advanced Attunement Package
- £600.00
- Pre-requisite: Reiki Master Level Includes the following systems (click on system and follow link for full description): Mystery Mastery Healing System 1 - 8 Etheric Clearings 1 - 4 Om Tat Sat Kundalini Fire Reiki Plus your choice of two of the following: Munay Ki (9 Rites / attunements) Nusta Karpay (6 Rites / attunements) Ashati 1 -3 Lightarian AngelLinks…
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- Home study, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses, Uncategorized
Advanced Guided Meditations
- £199.00
- Course contents 23 PDF 17 Audio 6 Attunements Extras 10-Minute Chakra Meditation Card Deck 20-Day Meditation Challenge Plan Meditation Journal (62 pages) 8.5 x 11 Meditation Journal (62 pages) A4 Meditation Journal (62 pages) How to meditate Benefits of meditation My meditation practice My meditation journal Heart focus Meditation practice Being present My affirmations My core values What is…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Anatomy, Physiology & the Spiritual Causes of Dis-ease
- £69.00
- This short course covers the body systems (physical), pathology and disorders of each system, and is necessary in order to give you an overall view of the entire life system. Course Content: Body systems, Spiritual causes of illness, karmic causes of illness, what your ailments mean, questions to ask Extra Bonuses: E-book: Nutrition and Living Well, Acupressure Chart, Slide Show…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Ancient Wisdom Ancestor Reiki
- £36.00
- Ancient Wisdom—Ancestors Reiki connects you to higher source energy and to your ancestors. I works to help draw in the ancient wisdom of ancestors. In days gone by the old ones knew how to survive, how to thrive in nature, and how overcome obstacles. In many circumstances the information and wisdom of the ancient ways are still beneficial to us…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Angelic Protection & Energy Clearing
- £149.00
- Course Content 20 PDF Modules 5 Attunements 4 Audio Extras Angel Oracle Cards PDF (56) Angel Oracle Cards PNG (56) Activating The Angels Of The Heart - Angel of Love, Angel of Wisdom, Angel of Power : 3-Fold Flame Meditation Angel Oracle Card Journal Aura Manual Chakra Manual Crystal Grids (11) Dream Journal (130 pages) I Believe in Angels Affirmation…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Animals as Healers and Teachers: Lessons Our Pets Can Teach Us
- £149.00
- The animals in your life are so very connected to you and to their environment that they understand if you don’t feel safe in the world, if deep down you don’t like yourself very much, or if you don’t feel worthy of a loving, caring, nurturing relationship. Animals can understand these things about you better than, perhaps, you currently understand yourself. Because of…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Aromatic Alchemy: The Complete Essential Oils Course
- £229.00
- Author: Dr Emma Bisschoff RM WMA Course accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH) Download full course outline here COURSE OUTLINE This comprehensive training program covers the science, energy and application of essential oils for healing, wellness and holistic practice. Learn how to blend, apply and use essential oils safely while deepening your understanding of their therapeutic, emotional and…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Art of Spiritual Protection: Energy Cleansing and Shielding
- £149.00
- One practice that has helped me so much over the years is taking the time to perform psychic protection techniques before I feel like I might need them. A lot of people do the opposite, waiting until a crisis, a psychic attack, a bad day or until an aggressive boss shows up - and then quickly whipping out the…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Ascension & Manifestation Lightworker Program – Spiritual growth with Guides and Higher Beings of Light
- £15.00
- The purpose of Ascension & Manifestation LightWorker Program is to help you ascend and learn to manifest your desires quicker than it would take for you to learn this on your own. Normally it could take you years, but this program accelerates your ascension so that you can work with these energies right away. I was told by my guides…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Ascension Reiki 1 – 10 – Tenfold Nature of Divine Love
- £120.00
- The Ten Degree Attunements of Ascension Reiki attune the subtle anatomy of our whole being with Reiki Healing Energy. The attunements of ten aspects of our total subtle anatomy opens us to the fullness of Reiki for healing, service and personal growth. The Ten Degree Attunements of Ascension Reiki open us up to the tenfold nature of Divine Love and the tenfold…
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- Attunements, Packages, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Attunement Package for Children & Teenagers
- £69.00
- Includes 17 PDF manuals and attunements sent by chi ball method, for you to call in at your convenience. You can receive these attunements first, and then pass them on to your child/ren yourself, or we can attune them directly - your choice :) (recommended, so that you can pass on to other children or parents too, if needed). The…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Awaken and heal the Divine Masculine
- £149.00
- As we awaken on an individual and collective level and the old structures and paradigms that dominated our world begin to collapse, we have an unprecedented opportunity to take an eagle eye’s view of the human condition and evaluate the underlying forces that have shaped us into our current disconnection from the Earth and each other. This expanded view gives…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Awaken the Divine Healer Within
- £179.00
- The gift of healing lies within everyone. It is not a gift that only a few people possess. It is everyone’s birthright. Everyone can learn to heal and receive healing. We are all able to connect to universal life force energy and channel it in order to heal other people. This course will teach you how to channel in life…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Awakening the Shaman Within: An Introductory Course to Spiritual Transformation
- £149.00
- The power to do shamanic work is both within you and outside you and is readily accessible for channeling through you. Your inner resources include the creative power of thought and imagination, and the driving force of your spirit energy. They provide vitality, strength and determination, a supply of individual potentials which, however dormant or neglected, can be awakened and…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Balancing Inner and Outer Worlds: Strategies for Inner Peace
- £149.00
- We have probably all had this experience: Life is rippling along like a sweet summer brook, and then a sudden storm of change shows up and disrupts the serenity. Old enemies we think we have defeated - fear and insecurity, for example - return, throwing us off kilter. Our minds frantically try to find a solution to “fix” the issue, the…
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- Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Basic International Diploma in Energy Healing & Natural Therapies
- £269.00
- The Basic Diploma option comprises 12 subjects, 9 of which are compulsory and 3 of your choice. Please forward us your enrolment form with your subject choices (sent to you on receipt of payment). THIS IS A SERIES OF COURSES, NOT AN ATTUNEMENT SYSTEM. YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO ON-SELL TO OTHERS. THIS COURSE IS FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE ONLY!!
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Beyond the Pain: A Course on Reclaiming Your Life After Trauma
- £149.00
- Trauma comes in many forms. It could be an abusive partner or boss, childhood bullying, sexual or emotional abuse, being told you are dumb or worthless, death of a friend or loved one, death of a pet, a hijacking or a burglary. The list is endless. The aftereffects of traumatizing experiences change you in an attempt to protect you from…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Black Elk Shamanic Healing System
- £29.00
- Ben Black Elk is the son of the great Black Elk of the Sioux tribe of North American Indians. A dedicated medicine man and healer like his father, he also interpreted his fathers Lakota works in order for John Neihardt to write the thought provoking book, Black Elk Speaks in 1931. Though his father stands out in Native American Indian…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Breaking Through Abundance Blocks: Unleashing Your Full Potential
- £149.00
- Financial prosperity – I do not think there is a person among us who does not want to succeed financially. Most of us dream of what we would do if only we had a virtually unlimited supply of money at our disposal. We imagine the house we would live in, what kind of car we would drive. Having the means…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Buddha Palm Ki 1 – 5
- £49.00
- Buddha Palm Ki healing technique is an advanced energy system that will activate and open the light of your palms and mind. There are 5 attunements that you will receive 3 days apart. All you need to do is schedule the first one and you will receive one every 3 days until all 5 are sent out, so they will…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Celestial Crystals Empowerment
- £25.00
- Prerequisite: The Celestial Starseed Activation The Celestial Crystals Empowerment was channeled in 2018 by Jay Burrell. The Celestial Crystals Empowerment is a new system that that I have channeled to give you the ability to access specific Crystalline Frequencies in order to help you pass through the Veil of the Old Age so that you can enter the New Age…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Chakra Clearing and Alignment for Manifestation
- £129.00
- As human beings, we are blessed with the potential to serve as conscious instruments of the flow of creation. We can align with the natural process and work with it to manifest the Universe's highest forms of intelligence upon our planet. This science may be conceptualized and studied through the framework of the chakras. The entire process of creation flows…
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- Home study, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Chakra Healing Practitioner Certification
- £179.00
- Course content 54 PDF modules 12 Video 12 Audio Extras Attunements to the value of $526 / R 7 706 (see end of advert for description) The ancient healers knew that the body is more than what is seen. They respected the wholeness of the body, emotions, mind and Spirit, saw the god/goddess within all Beings and treated their patients…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Change your life by believing in yourself
- £149.00
- 29 PDF modules 18 Audio 2 Attunements valued at $130 Believe in yourself you can achieve anything. Many people go their whole lives and they never awaken to what they are truly capable of accomplishing and they live their whole life unaware. Awareness precedes change. If you are living a mediocre life it is because you do not believe in…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Combat Stress – Find Inner Peace and Serenity in a Chaotic World
- £179.00
- Course content 27 PDF modules 16 Audio 11 Video 8 Attunements valued at $179 / R2 821 – see end of advert for description of these Bonuses 30 Mandala coloring pages Peace and happiness self-print card deck Peaceful Chaos mini course + videos Meditation journal (102 pages) Dealing with adversity report So often life feels chaotic. There are things…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Concrete Confidence, Mental Strength and Attitude Alignment Meditation Series
- £2.00
- Presenting your hypnotherapy series for success, enlightenment and mental well being. There is no danger in hypnotherapy but it is able to help you build many aspects of your life. Hypnotherapy an also help you become more mentally aware and has been shown to have healing aspects. We ask you to do nothing else while listening to our series as…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Cosmic Rituals and Connections
- £169.00
- 37 PDF modules 8 Audio Moon Ritual Planner Moon Phase Affirmation Cards (41) Cosmic Messages Oracle Card Deck (42) Moon Phases Journal (24 page) Moon Cycle Crystal Collection Moon Booklet Shadow Work Journal Includes: 6 Cosmic Journals – Cosmic Connection Rituals, Lunar Wisdom, Galactic Creativity, Stardust Spirituality, Stellar Self-Discovery, Astral Healing Embark upon a journey that transcends the boundaries of…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Creating your Own Reality Course
- £89.00
- If you could re-create your life, who would you be? In this segment we cover letting go of things that are holding you back, as well as reinventing yourself to be who you really want to be. Course Content: What is Reality, Soul evolution and your soul’s journey, Forgiveness, releasing the past and cutting ties, Reality Shifting, Self-responsibility and respect…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Cultivating Resilience in Difficult Times: Guided Meditation and Affirmations
- £149.00
- No matter who you are or where you live, it is likely that you will go through some difficult times during the course of your life. This is because it is simply not possible to prepare for every catastrophe which may come your way. When tough times hit, if you don’t have the proper tools, they can be quite challenging…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Discovering the Inner Sanctuary – Cultivating Ease and Joy in Life
- £149.00
- If life in your world today finds you feeling exhausted from often alarming and stressful events, perhaps it is time to take a break. The demands on our time are greater than ever in a world that floods us with info, leaving us wondering how life got this way and yearning for a different experience. Fortunately, a different experience is…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Divine Companions – Embracing Pet Transition and Loss
- £129.00
- Course content 20 PDF Modules 3 Attunements to the value of +$100 / R1 800 1 Audio Pet Grief Loss Journal Self-Care Booklet Welcome to a compassionate voyage that winds through the hills and valleys of pet loss, transition and eventual renewal. This course unfolds as a sanctuary for you, at whichever milestone you find yourself on the path of parting…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Divine Connections – Embracing the Sacred Elements
- £149.00
- Welcome to "Divine Connections: Embracing the Sacred Elements", a transformative course that invites you on a profound exploration of Elemental and Cosmic Energies This course stands as a guiding light for those yearning to deepen their connection with the Universe and their own Divine Essence Introduction to Elemental and Cosmic Energies Embark on a journey to understand the foundational energies…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Divine Light Self-Attunement
- £0.00
- DIVINE-LIGHT is the blissful delight presence of the Divine light Ascended Masters from the upper world manifested as Love and Compassion in the lower world. DIVINE-LIGHT removes all negative energies replacing it with love, joy, and peace raising the recipient’s frequency to directly connect to the Source. DIVINE-LIGHT attunes your body activating a blissful balanced state of male and female…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Do you regret some of the choices you have made in life?
- £129.00
- Do you often feel as though your life is going nowhere? Do you often wish that you had made different choices? Do you often wonder who you really are, is there more to you than you are currently showing to the world? Have questions you would like answered but don’t know where to start? Would you like to live a…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Dog Massage for Deepening Your Bond with Your Furry friend
- £149.00
- ouch. Humans and animals alike crave it. The desire for touch is an instinctive need to fulfill a physiological requirement. Caring touch from another can provide a calming effect and cause a feeling of well-being to spring from our inner depths. Touch can bring comfort to the weary or infirm, joy to the sad or lonely, hope to the apprehensive or frightened. It is…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Dragon’s Flight – Embracing Universal Transformation
- £149.00
- Course Content 17 PDF modules 5 Attunements to the value of $1 120 / R21 056 Extras Chakras E-book (19 pages) Crystal Basics (8 pages) Crystal Cards (32 PDF) Crystal Journal (34 pages) Dragon Wall Art (2) Folder containing images for collage (112 images) Discover the Path of Power, Wisdom and Spiritual Awakening Welcome to "Dragon's Flight: Embracing Universal Transformation," a…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Eat with Gratitude and Presence: Mindful Eating & Affirmations for Weight Loss
- £129.00
- What is mindful eating? Mindful eating is maintaining an in-the-moment awareness of the food and drink you put into your body. It involves observing how the food makes you feel and the signals your body sends about taste, satisfaction, and fullness. Mindful eating requires you to simply acknowledge and accept rather than judge the feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations you…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Elemental Pentagram
- £60.00
- By Rev. Anna May. The Elemental Pentagram Empowerment course works to balance your energy field by invoking the five elements of nature (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit). These elements are represented by the ancient symbol of the pentagram; a five-pointed star. The Circle acts as a protective barrier and also ensures that the power of the five elements is…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Elenari Healing System
- £0.00
- Elenari translates to “Star Elf”. All healing on this dimension comes from the Higher Realms of the traditional Source—the Higher Source/Creator/God/Goddess of All. The Star Realms. This healing system utilizes our senses of visualization and intention to heal. The connection is Earth based and Star based. It implements only 3 symbols, by visualization only; and can be used to heal…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Embrace your Flaws: Find Beauty and Joy in Imperfection
- £129.00
- Perfection is a trap. Is it holding you hostage too? Perfection is the state of being perfect, and this state does not exist. (You knew that, right? Apparently, some of us perfectionists were left off the memo 😊) Perfection is a moving target, forever deluding those of us silly enough to chase it. You cannot ever catch it - much…
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- Home study, Printables, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Embracing Self-Love: A Journey to Self-Acceptance and Inner Healing
- £149.00
- Course written by Dr Emma Bisschoff Self-love is the act of accepting and valuing oneself unconditionally, including all strengths and weaknesses. It involves treating oneself with compassion, kindness, and respect, and recognizing one's worth and inherent value as a human being. Practicing self-love can lead to improved mental health, greater self-esteem, and a more fulfilling life. Empowerment refers to the…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Embracing the Cosmic Mother
- £149.00
- Embracing the Cosmic Mother: A Journey towards Wholeness and Sacred Wisdom Course Content 19 PDF Attunements to the value of $128 / R2 380 Extras 30 Sacred Earth Oracle Cards Moon Planner Journal The Power of Now (21 Video & 21 Audio) Dream Journal Connecting with the Cosmic Mother opens a pathway to profound Spiritual nourishment and Universal understanding. She…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Embracing the Path of the Healer
- £169.00
- Course Content 45 PDF 5 Audio Extras Affirmation Card Deck Aura Manual Chakra Manual Chakra Planner Chakra Reference Sheets Gratitude Journal Subtle Energies & Healing Tools (from our Diploma program) This segment is one of the most important as it lays a solid foundation for energy healing. Course Content: Energy Perception, exercises to feel yours and others energy, the auric…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Embracing the Present: Mastering the Art of Living in the Moment
- £149.00
- When was the last time you looked back on your nearly spent day and thought, “How did it get to be night, already?” You got up before the sun did and you got things done. You checked off everything (or most things) on your to-do list. But now you are thinking that if this disappearing day were your last, you…
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- Home study, Printables, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Empowering Self-Care Practices for Busy Women: Prioritizing Wellness in a Hectic World
- £50.00
- Are you a woman juggling work, family, and home? Kudos to you for displaying utter strength. However, in your busy schedule, do you ever make time for yourself? I am afraid to hear what your answer to this question might be. Many of us are so guilty of taking care of everything and everyone around us but failing to take…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Empowering Yourself: Unlocking Your True Potential through Self-Worth and Confidence
- £129.00
- Course content 25 PDF 44 Audio 6 Attunements 4 Extra eBooks 12 Video Most people begin their journey into low self-confidence in their childhood. Our early environments affect us deeply and we take in the messages we receive. As we hear these same messages over and over again, they take shape in our mind, and over time, they form our core…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Eternal Whispers – Listen to the Voice of your Soul
- £149.00
- Course Contents 21 PDF 2 Audio Attunements to the value of $150 / R2 784 Extras: Awakening your Intuition manual 25 Best Ways to Use Your Intuition Dream & Sleep Journal Getting in Touch with Your Intuition Workbook Eternal Whispers: Listen to the Voice of Your Soul Embark on a transformative journey with "Eternal Whispers: Listen to…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Exploring the Art of Divination: Techniques and Practices for Insight and Intuition
- £149.00
- Divination provides us with vital information. It presents us with a view of the direction in which we are heading. By analyzing this information and applying it to our present lives, we can detour around unpleasant destinations and improve the quality of our lives. This, and the knowledge that we can re-create our future lives before they occur, are the…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Faery Shamanism – Home study course
- £149.00
- Once upon a time, and not all that long ago, in the history of history - we were able to see much more, and we were able to hear much more. We lived in synch with the natural world around us, and our very survival depended upon our ability to understand the messages that were presented, and to listen to…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Find meaning and sacredness in everyday life using the 4 elements
- £149.00
- Course content 29 PDF 12 Audio & Video 8 Attunements to the value of $ Extras Do you know who you are and why you are here? Do you know what your mission in life is? Are you aware of the daily guidance from your Soul? No matter how great your outward success is, if you don’t know the answer…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Finding Calm Within: Meditation and Visualization for Inner Peace
- £149.00
- Course content 31 PDF 13 Audio 12 Video Extras 10-Minute Chakra Meditation Card Deck 20-Day Meditation Challenge Plan Meditation Journal (62 pages) 8.5 x 11 Meditation Journal (62 pages) A4 A handy book of meditations A practical guide to meditation Book of meditation and thoughts Mindfulness-meditation Zazen Meditation Journal (62 pages) How to meditate Benefits of meditation My meditation…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Follow your heart – Live a life of freedom and choice
- £149.00
- Inside all of us are dreams of greatness, but these dreams are all too often suppressed because we fear disapproval or rejection from those around us, and sadly, many of us become depressed. Could it be that we never follow our dreams or listen to our hearts because we are waiting for others to give us permission, and we are…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
From Grateful Heart to Abundant Life: How Gratitude Can Open Doors
- £149.00
- Gratitude connects us to the heart, for it is here that all relationships in longing, love, sympathy and compassion resolve in a point of unity. We still maintain the distinctions between ‘you’ and ‘me’, ‘I’ and ‘world’, but not the walls of separateness that keep us isolated and disconnected. Brought back to the magnetic pole of the heart, we realign…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Galactic Self Activation Level 2
- £35.00
- Within this system, we will be focusing on 5 galactic portals which are most commonly associated with previous incarnations of souls who are now within their human form on planet earth. To gain access to these portals will require you to achieve a deep state of meditation. If you find it difficult to meditate then please work with a spiritual…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Golden Dolphin Merkaba of Love for World Peace Meditation
- £0.00
- By Shanti Johnson. This meditation is for world peace, global healing, and unity.
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Gtummo Mao-Shan Levels 1 – 4
- £111.00
- Gtummo means sacred fire and is an art form of mystic teachings from Tibet. Gtummo also originated from the bibles of China called Mao Shan. The masters of Gtummo would often embrace the teachings of the bible into their existing knowledge to prevent the invasion of black magic and to achieve perfection and enlightenment in ones thoughts, words and actions.…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Guidance Mentoring
- £20.00
- Discover the keys to becoming an effective and powerful trainer and speaker You start out with a vision of becoming a powerful trainer capable of inspiring your students to learn, grow and ultimately transform their lives. However, going through the time and effort needed to become an expert instructor can be a real challenge. When you first try to teach…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Happy Trails Reiki – To Assist in the Transition Through Death
- £0.00
- This symbol is to be used for anyone that is in the process of transitioning. They don't have to be at their death-bed to utilize the symbol. A Reiki Master can perform a "Happy Trails" attunement on anyone experiencing a life-threatening situation where death seems probable in the near future.
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Harnessing the Power of the Akashic Records: Transforming Your Life with Divine Guidance
- £149.00
- Journeying into the Akashic Field, you can visit and rewrite your records of the past and get rid of difficult blocks in the present, heal relationship and financial patterns, and change the history of certain times and places that may still have a hold on you. If you have never heard of the Akashic Record, you are not alone. However, you…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Heal your Inner Child
- £149.00
- As we tread our individual pathways in life, we acquire emotional baggage. Some of it is easy to recognize but some, the baggage picked up when we were very young, is often hidden deep within the subconscious. The inner child or child within can harbor decades of old hurt that can cause you to react to situations and people using…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Healing Pet Anxiety
- £9.00
- By Linda Colibert. Helps a pet feel safe and helps to heal anxiety so that your animal friend feels calm and happy. Healing Pet Anxiety Reiki Have you ever had a pet that seems to destroy your home while you are gone? What makes them act this way? What can you do to help him or her to not get…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Herbal Medicine Making Course
- £300.00
- Course written by Dr Emma Bisschoff RM WMA MCMA HERBAL MEDICINE MAKING COURSE - Learn the art of preparing and using medicinal herbs for everyday ailments Download course outline here Herbal Medicine Making Course Outline The whole course comprises 66 modules, broken down into bite-size manageable chunks Prerequisite: None What you will learn: Various herbal formulations which cover how to…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Holistic Wellness: Harmonizing Your Physical, Mental and Spiritual Wellbeing
- £149.00
- When was the last time you felt great? Like, feeling blissful, pain-free, and energized? Sadly, too many of us are living with pain or disease with no easy solutions for recovery in sight. Fortunately, the rise of holistic modalities has provided encouraging options for alternative care when traditional methods have been unsuccessful. Although practiced for thousands of years, holistic modalities…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Ignite Your Inner Flame: Unleashing Your Potential and Passion
- £149.00
- Life is a miraculous gift. Yet, as many of us move through time, we seem to have forgotten. We have grown weary, disconnected, distracted or detached. We have lost our connection with our inner fire - our unique experience of being alive and belonging. Do you remember the light that used to shine from your eyes when you were a…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Incorporating Edible Flowers into Your cooking
- £99.00
- Edible flowers have been used throughout the centuries for medicinal and culinary purposes. It has become very popular in culinary kitchens all over the world today to add flowers, both for color and eye appeal on plates as well as for flavor, ranging from bitter to peppery and aromatically sweet tastes. Not only are they pretty, edible flowers are also…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Indian Head Massage
- £159.00
- Course release date: 1 February 2021 Indian Head Massage is probably the most accessible holistic treatment available as it requires no undressing or use of specialist equipment and can be done almost anywhere. It can benefit all age groups, from calming down over-excited children and anxious teenagers to providing nurturing touch for the elderly. It is particularly suited to the…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Invest in Yourself: Unlocking Your Full Potential
- £149.00
- Course content 27 pdf 21 Audio & Video 4 Attunements – Value $125 / R1 840 (there is no extra charge for attunements that accompany a course) Bonus 1% Better – Kaizen: How small and simple actions every day lead to big results Kaizen audio course – 9 MP3 Have you taken any steps to invest in yourself? Recently? Do…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Jinlap Maitri Reiki Master Course – Tibetan Course working with Medicine Buddha for compassion, potential, wisdom & skillfulness
- £100.00
- Jinlap Maitri is a powerful healing system that is Tibetan and works with The Medicine Buddha. You are connected to these powerful energies and given mantras and meditations for activating the energies. You will work with sound, light, and intellect energies to achieve compassion, emptiness (potential), wisdom, and skillfulness. The Jinlap Maitri is a modern version of a Sacred Tibetan…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Journey Within
- £89.00
- This course is aimed at self-healing and discovering your life purpose. Course Content: Discover your Life Purpose, Ego Transcendence, Inner Child Work, Identifying thought patterns, Exploring your Higher Self and Becoming More Aware, Self Esteem issues, Redesigning your life Extra bonuses: Audio: Align with your Life Purpose, Inner Child Meditation, Forgiveness Meditation, Cutting Ties And Letting Go Meditation, Healing Meditation E-books:…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Journeying Through the Dreamworld: Exploring the Symbolism and Healing Potential of Shamanic Dreaming
- £249.00
- Dreams provide us with images that are deeply meaningful to us - and they do so in a way that circumvents our resistances as we are tapping into the subconscious while dreaming. Pairing dream imagery with visualization offers many advantages over prepackaged visualization tapes or waking guided imagery exercises alone which the person may not relate to. Dreams show us…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Kapuna Healing 1 – 4
- £40.00
- Kapuna Healing System Workshop and Course Founder: Sheryl Carter (founder of Mao'he'o Healing System). This course will cover some of the basics of Huna and Wicca. Kapuna Healing is a unique blend of old teachings. The Teachings of Huna; Native Traditions. Kapuna Healing is devoted to bringing back the teachings of the Kapuna. Kapuna Healing fosters the revitalization, growth and…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Ki Manna
- £0.00
- Ki Manna is all about self and the power you have as a being of light. You are a Master. You have mastered this plane, and are now ready to accept your personal power that is within you. The Master Healer I call this modality. You are the power, the essence and the wisdom. Ki Manna recognizes your power as…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Learning to Use Plants for Health and Wellness
- £129.00
- This course is for your personal use, this course does not qualify you as an Herbalist Practitioner When our ancestors needed to attend to the bumps, bruises, fevers and other illnesses their family suffered, they didn't have a corner chemist (drugstore). Instead these good women relied on simple wisdom, common sense, and pantries well stocked with herbal remedies. With few…
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- Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Lemurian Seed Crystals 1 – 4
- £49.00
- You will learn how to facilitate the Lemurian Temple Initiation, the Dimensional Resonance Activation, the Dimensional Resonance Alignment, and how to facilitate all other types of Lemurian Empowerments. The Lemurian civilizations were far more advanced than our own. They were highly evolved and spiritual. The Lemurians were vigorous and intelligent, so adept at developing their arts and technology and industrious…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Let go of unhealthy relationships Course
- £149.00
- If you have ever gone through a break-up, whether it be divorce or with a partner/boyfriend/girlfriend this course will teach you how to let go of the relationship and the person involved, how not to cling, to act out of revenge, how to let go of bitterness. Most of us have all gone through a break-up at least once in…
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- Lightarian modalities, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Lightarian Mega Package
- £1,500.00
- The cost of the manuals is included in this price With this package, you will receive 35 distant attunements to the following healing modalities. All of which will propel you forward on your spiritual and life's path through the process of Ascension. * Lightarian Angellinks - 5 Levels * * Lightarian Ascension Bands - 6 Levels * * Lightarian Clearing Program - 6 Levels * *…
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- Lightarian modalities, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Lightarian™ Gateway Program
- £220.00
- NOTE: Prerequisites: The BuddhicTrack and The Angel Track programs are prerequisites for receiving the Gateway program. (Lightarian Reiki, Lightarian Ascension Bands, Lightarian AngelLinks, Lightarian Purification Rings) All Gateway attunements must be facilitated in the order we have presented them, as they build upon each other. Continue your journey with the Seraphims that you began through the Angel Track. Build upon the Descension process…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Lucid Dreaming as a Shamanic Practice: Exploring Ancient Wisdom and Modern Techniques
- £249.00
- Course content 48 PDF modules 15 Audio 6 Attunements valued at over $100 / R1 500 - There is no extra charge for attunements that accompany a course Free Lucid Dreaming magazines Have you suspected that far more is possible than passively waiting for (and barely remembering) your nighttime dreams? Around the world, shamans have pioneered a more powerful,…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Lunar Phase Meditation Program
- £14.00
- A lunar phase or phase of the moon refers to the appearance of the illuminated portion of the Moon as seen by an observer, usually on Earth. The lunar phases vary cyclically as the Moon orbits the Earth, according to the changing relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun. One half of the lunar surface is always illuminated by…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Magickal Angel Lightworker Program
- £29.00
- The Angel Lightworker Program connects you to the Angels you need to call on that will help you with Abundance and Prosperity, Healing, Protection, Love and Romance, Psychic Intuition, Instinct, Success, and more! You will learn how to use the energies of the Angel Lightworker Program to become more empowered and change your life for the better so that you…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Magickal Crystal Lightworker Program
- £15.00
- Includes 1 manual and 4 attunements sent by chi ball method, for you to call in when you are ready. Once you have received the attunements, you are able to The Magickal Crystal Lightworker Program will connect you to the basic energies of all crystals and stones. Each crystal and stone has a unique energy that has a specific type…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Magickal Lightwork Advanced Degree 1 – 5
- £69.00
- The Magickal Lightwork Advanced Degree Program helps you to understand how to: Raise Energies Overcome Challenges Manifest Desires Advance Your Knowledge Part 1 - The Basics The 1st degree Includes: Energy Work, tools, sacred space, correspondences, and energy Part 2 - The 2nd Degree Includes: Herbs, Crystals / Stones, Plants Part 3 - The 3rd degree Includes: Angels, Deities, and…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Manifestation Guidance Program 1 – 12
- £111.00
- Manifestation can take time and a lot of focus and dedication to get right. The Manifestation Guidance Program aims to assist you in making it easier by offering these energetic manifestation tools. There are 12 attunements in the program, each covering a specific area of life that you can work to manifest your desires in. Each attunement comes with a…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Mar’Kai 1-3 Healing System by Gaby Solina with Adama
- £99.00
- This is not part of any package Channeling by Gaby Solina with Adamа Greetings, my lovely soul! I'm Adama, the High Priest of Light city TELOS. Some time ago I promised you to initiate you in one of the most high frequency healing system. Now it is time to give this system to people with higher consciousness. This system is…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Mayan Reiki
- £39.00
- This is not part of any other package THIS EXTENSIVE AND ADVANCED WORKSHOP IS THE COMBINATION OF REIKI HEALING SYSTEM WITH MAYAN SHAMANISM Levels: 3 Symbols: 6 Founder: Dennis Alexander Prerequisite: Reiki 2 or 3
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Multi-Dimensional Matrix Activation
- £50.00
- There are many levels of Consciousness that resides within each of us but for the majority of Light-workers the most limited or restricted level of Awareness is that of the Lower Self and the Ego Mind. This level of Consciousness corresponds to the parameters of the 3rd Dimension which is also known as Space, Time and Density. Beyond this level…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Mystery Mastery Healing System 1 – 8
- £350.00
- Here are just a few things that make this system so unique: An instructional format that enables you to directly experience the course materials in addition to understanding them intellectually Emphasis on advanced states of consciousness such as non-resistance, meaninglessness and soft focusing to open your healing channel, move beyond beliefs that limit your healing, create deeper results for you…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Mystical Guardians
- £149.00
- MYSTICAL GUARDIANS: A JOURNEY THROUGH DIVINE REALMS FOR SOUL ASCENSION Course Content 20 PDF modules 2 Audio 5 Attunements Extras In your journey towards Soul Ascension, you are far from alone. In the Spiritual Realms, Guardians serve as keepers of Sacred wisdom and Celestial Guides. They function as both sentinels and teachers, poised at the thresholds between different levels of…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Natural menopause – including Journal, CBT Techniques, Workbook and Symptom Cards
- £129.00
- Since producing the original course, I have now added: Menopause Journal (55 pages) Menopause Symptoms cards (35) CBT techniques for Menopause (31 pages) Menopause Self-care workbook (49 pages) You have permission to share this course with your family, friends and clients, you cannot however resell this course. I have written this course specifically, as when I had my menopause at an early…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Nature Medicine – Tapping into the Earth’s Heartbeat
- £149.00
- Course content 20 PDF Modules 4 Attunements to the value of $240 / R 4 566 Extras: 2024 Moon and Astrology Planner Moon Ritual Planner Wellness Planner Embarking on a journey through the natural world, we open our hearts to a profound connection with Earth's heartbeat, a pulse that resonates with our very essence. "Nature Medicine: Tapping into Earth's Heartbeat"…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Nature Shaman Reiki 1 – 3 – become one with Mother Earth, I AM consciousness, energy expansion, communicate with plants, animals, and more
- £39.00
- Nature Shaman Reiki is a multi-level system that contains 3 initiations which are received at the same time. The levels within this system work to connect you to the energies of Nature, Higher Sacred Source and your Soul Energy. * Nature Shaman Reiki Level 1 - Level 1 teaches you about how you can be at one with your surroundings…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Navigating Loss with Grace: Building Inner Strength and Moving Forward
- £149.00
- Grief is a natural and universal experience that arises from the loss of someone or something significant in our lives. Whether it is the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or the loss of a job, the emotions that come with grief can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate. While it is often tempting to push…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
New Avalon Healing System – Initiation into Lo’Nah – Magic of Light Technology
- £69.00
- This is not part of any package New Avalon - A Magical Healing System into the New Avalon Initiation into Lo'Nah - Magic of Light Technology and dedication to your wand by Merlin. Founder Solina Grill Mittenhofer With your purchase you will receive the manual, distant attunement and a certificate with lineage. In this high magical initiation into Avalon you…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
New Earth Teachers 1 – 9
- £80.00
- The knowledge received in the NET classes is intended to be spread around the planet. Once you take a class, you may also teach it by holding classes or by sending it out via the internet. Anyone can take or teach the NET classes, regardless of background or beliefs. By providing this material to others, you can earn back the…
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- Home study, Printables, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Nurturing Body, Mind and Soul through Holistic Self-Care
- £149.00
- The beauty of printables as opposed to hardcover is that a printable can be printed out time and time again and re-used year after year. Self-care has become somewhat of a buzzword in recent years. It seems like everywhere you look there is someone talking about the importance of self-care. But what is self-care? And why is it so important?…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Open the Path to Mediumship Reiki
- £39.00
- Open the Path to Mediumship Reiki connects you to the higher realms. This system helps to open the path to communications with those who have crossed over. Many of us feel a need to communicate with our loved ones who have crossed, but we are not sure how to do this. There are times we may feel the presence of…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Open to Divine Guidance Course
- £149.00
- Your Guides and Angels are real; they are higher level entities who are here to translate the infinite love of the Universe/Source of All that Is, Father/Mother God/ in ways that we can receive as humans. In this world, we have forgotten how to connect with these great spiritual teachers: the ascended Masters that include the Guides and Angels.…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Overcoming Loneliness: Strategies for Connection and Well-Being
- £129.00
- How to overcome loneliness Loneliness can be quite a daunting experience. It is an emotion that many of us have felt at one point or another in our lives. Whether it's the feeling of being left out, isolated, or disconnected from society, loneliness can take a toll on our mental and physical health. But fear not. In this course, we…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Pagan Wheel of the Year Series
- £30.00
- The Pagan Wheel of the Year Series were channeled by Farhad Najafi. The Pagan calendar is based on the Celtic ‘Wheel of the Year’ which in itself is closely attuned to the natural rhythms and cycles of nature and passing of the seasons. The eight Sabbats relate to the passing seasons, each having a special significance. The two Equinoxes are…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Plant Spirits and their Healing Properties
- £149.00
- Course Content 17 PDF modules Extras 2024 Moon & Astrology Planner 2025 Moon & Astrology Planner Daily Journal Attunements to the value of $1 485 / R26 412 – there is no extra charge for these, you can pass on and charge for them once you have received them yourself, the full price if you so wish. This is the price if…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Polynesian Kahi – Art of Healing Mana
- £30.00
- Polynesian Kahi - Art of Healing Mana was channelled by Reiki Master Patrice Pfeiffer. Within contemporary Maori, Mana means power and it understood as a spiritual energy of a powerful force but in ancient Polynesian culture, someone possessing the Mana was always considered to be a very special being who was descended from the Divine and would be infinitely respected.…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Power Break
- £25.00
- Prerequisite: Reiki Master Power Break Empowerment is a multilevel system that incorporates several metaphysical methods in an abbreviated form which affords you the ability to take power breaks when you need them without having a lot of time. The energy is passed using in person or distant method. This system is for those moments when you need a break but…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Psychic Development Course
- £179.00
- Learn how to increase your psychic abilities with easy to follow exercises and meditations. Course Content: PDF: Intuition and learning to trust yourself, Higher Self, being psychic, the clair senses and how to develop them, telepathy, channelling, empathy, the Akashic Records and how to access them, chakras, the aura, exercises to develop your clair senses and learn how to do telepathy,…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Pura Vida – Radiant Living
- £149.00
- At the age of 32, I was handed a diagnosis - a label spelling out a chronic illness. I was told that in a year's time I would be in a wheelchair. Yet, here I stand, not confined to wheels but moving forward, despite the numerous health challenges that I have had over the years which included a heart attack…
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- Attunements, Jay Burrell, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Rainbow Light Healing System 1 – 10
- £150.00
- 3 NEW LEVELS ADDED The Rainbow Light Healing System is a form of energy healing using the colors of the Rainbow which correspond to the colors of the seven main chakras of the body. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet are the colors of the Rainbow but they are also the Colors of the Seven Main Energy Centers (Chakras)…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Raku Kei
- £49.00
- PLEASE NOTE: You will need to be a Usui Reiki Master to receive this attunement. The words Rei- Ki Originate from the words Raku- Kei. The Raku is the vertical energy flow within the body, whilst the Kei energy flows in a horizontal manner. The two cross at the ‘Hara’ centre at the Solar plexus centre. It is this centre which was…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Rama Sekhem
- £99.00
- RAMA SEKHEM This is a unique Sekhem / Healing Energy System inspired from Rama. Eight special Sekhem symbols to access the Rama energy, the most important energy of the ancient world. Sekhem is the sacredness of this energy - its divine qualities and features. Rama Sekhem is the Protection and Freedom of Rama - the Divine Absolute Authority. Rama contains the universe.…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Reach your true potential by discovering your life purpose
- £149.00
- Connected, curious and courageous, we can channel our energy into things that are meaningful and find meaning in things that trigger pain. We can focus our creativity on building a flourishing future instead of frittering it away maintaining patterns from the past. Our guiding light is our life purpose. We cannot thrive until we discover it; and we cannot fail…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Receiving messages from the other side – Mediumship
- £179.00
- Mediumship can be one of the most rewarding gifts that someone can possess. The look of joy on a bereaved person’s face when they have received even the shortest message from their loved one is one of the best sights that you will ever behold. The immense feeling of satisfaction that a medium gains from helping someone realize that death…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Recovering after Betrayal
- £149.00
- Course content 27 PDF Recovering after betrayal Journal (69 pages) 50 Relationship cards Wellness Planner (100 pages) Healing Separation Agreement Healing Separation Explanation 5 Attunements – see end for full description I have written his course specifically to help people cope when they find out their spouse has betrayed them. At the time that it happened to me I…
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- Freebies, Home study, Printables, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Refresh, Renew and Reset in the New Year
- £40.00
- At some point in our lives, we all feel lost and uncertain of who we are and what we want out of life. It can be a disorienting and even frightening experience. However, it is also an opportunity for growth. Through self-renewal, we can rediscover ourselves and find a new sense of purpose. Self-renewal in many ways is a Spiritual…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Reiki Level IV
- £24.00
- This is a brand new "Reiki Level IV" course in the the new Elemental Usui lineage branch, and is meant to continue your studies after Reiki Level III. (This is not the same Reiki Level IV as presented by some Tibetan-Usui teachers.) In this course, you will learn how to channel Reiki energies and create your own Reiki systems. You…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Restore and heal the Divine Feminine
- £149.00
- This is for the women who are in the midst of an awakening, who are called to know and embody their sacred feminine power, may it be all of us. Your Sacred Feminine is calling. Intuition, healing, nurturing, communing with the moon. Wild, passionate, emotions as transient as the sea. You are pulled towards the mystic and the magic. You…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Rite of the Womb – the 13th Munay Ki Rite
- £49.99
- The Rite of the Womb is a very powerful loving energy transmission that will restore the natural balance of your creative center. The Rite of the Womb is a blessing of the Womb, our sacred place of creation. What you receive: 13 page PDF manual, short Rite of the Womb video, Womb Healing meditation MP3, Rite passed on to you via…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Sacred Cacao Ceremony
- £149.00
- How to hold a personal ceremony or a group ceremony While performing ceremony, we open the door between our ordinary consciousness - who we are on an egoic and personality level - and walk through a veil that leads into the invisible realms. You have to leave behind your ordinary thoughts about your day to cross the veil into the invisible and start your…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Sacred Plant Medicine in Shamanic Practice
- £149.00
- Author: Dr Emma Bisschoff RM WMA MCMA, Hampikamayoq Mesa Carrier, Shamanic Life Coach Accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH) Download course outline here Sacred Plant Medicine - Course Outline Course Content 18 PDF 2 Audio / Video Attunements to the value of Value $650 / R11 944 - you can pass on and charge for these once you have…
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- Attunements, Packages, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Sacred Sexuality & Passion Package
- £99.00
- Total value of package is over £2 560. Includes PDF manuals and distant attunements. Once you have received the attunements you are able to pass them on to others.
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Sacred Waters: A Journey of Connection and Transformation
- £149.00
- Author: Dr Emma Bisschoff RM WMA, MCMA Course accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH) This course invites you to explore the transformative energies of the world’s most sacred waters—springs, rivers, oceans, rain, and even the quiet power of ice and snow. Each form of water carries unique qualities that can open pathways to self-discovery, inner healing, and alignment…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Sekhem Heka
- £99.00
- There are 7 levels of Sekhem Heka Storm Constantine's new system, Sekhem Heka, is published in book form through Megalithic Books, and imprint of Immanion Press. Here is an overview of some of the system's components. In Ancient Egypt, sekhem literally meant ‘power’ or ‘might’. The term applied to gods and goddesses and was often part of the titles of…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Setting Healthy Boundaries
- £149.00
- Course created by Dr Emma Bisschoff Welcome to "Saying ‘No’ with Confidence: Mastering the Art of Boundary-Setting." This course is designed to help you develop the skills and confidence to set boundaries in both your personal and professional life. Many people struggle with saying "no" and feel guilty or obligated to say "yes" to requests and demands from others, even…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Seven Sacred Feminine Archetypes
- £179.00
- Course content 40 PDF Which includes 8 Journals, one for each Archetype and one main Journal Attunements to the value of $1 300 / R22 493 (there is no extra charge for attunements that accompany a course, they can also be passed on and charged for once received) Extras 24-Day Self-Care Challenge Burnout Journal Inner Child Journal Self-Care Journal Self-Love…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Shamanic Mystery Schools
- £279.00
- Course release date: 3 October 2023 Course content 67 PDF - Over 1100 pages Videos embedded in PDF modules Extras Art of Bone – Tibetan Bon Living with Animals - Ojibwe Shamanism Sacred Drums of Siberia Ojibwe Four Directions Teachings Sacred Hoop Magazine Issue 81 The Shaman – Ayahuasca Journeys to Sacred Realms (Sample) Attunements valued at over $170 /…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Shining Soul Reiki 1 – 3
- £69.00
- Shining Soul Reiki is a excellent and special reiki system that works to heal, clear, heal and remove karma. Shining Soul Reiki is the re-patterning of old/negative beliefs and programs learned throughout your life and from past lives. It removes Karma passed on from generation to generation that keeps us from achieving what we want in life. Some of these programs and beliefs are unconscious and go unnoticed however they affect us…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Soul Contracts – Understanding Life Agreements
- £149.00
- Course Content 17 PDF 2 Audio 6 Attunements to the value of $189 / R3 590 Extras Doors of Perception Card Deck Embark on a journey to explore the profound realms of your Soul Contracts with this course. Through meticulously crafted modules, you will dive into the intricate web of Spiritual contracts that shape your life's journey, relationships, and growth.…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Soul Retrieval – Soul Fragmentation
- £100.00
- Author: Dr Emma Bisschoff RM WMA MCMA Download extended course outline here Soul Fragmentation - Course Outline Website Course Content 15 PDF Modules Attunements to the value of $425 / R7 960 - attunements can be passed on and charged for once received. There is no extra charge for attunements that accompany a course. Shortened Course Outline Soul fragmentation can…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Space Clearing, Feng Shui & Earth’s Energy Systems
- £29.00
- Space Clearing & Feng Shui: Everything in the universe is composed of constantly changing energy, including your home and its contents. This energy can profoundly influence your ability to be healthy, loving, creative, and abundant. By clearing and enhancing this energy you can transform your home into a sanctuary that radiates positive energy in ever-expanding circles. Earth's Energy Systems: Sacred…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Spirit Guides & Angels
- £39.00
- Everybody has at least one spirit guide and a guardian angel. Learn to tune in to yours and make your life easier. Course Content: Meet your Guides, Animal Guides and Angels, About Angels, Guardian Angels & Archangels, Meditations to meet your spirit guides and angels, and learn how to work with them. Extra bonuses: Audio: Meet your Guide, Meet your…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Spiritual Ascension Animal Reiki
- £14.00
- The Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki attunement connects you to Spirit, strengthens your abilities in animal communication and understanding, and works to help you with ascension in the area of animals and nature. This attunement also helps with healing both yourself and animals. Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki helps animals to cross over when it is time, and helps yourself and others to…
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- Home study, Printables, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Spiritual Shadow Work – Reclaim your wholeness
- £30.00
- 115 pages of content You will receive 2 versions - one as per first picture above and 1 as per second picture - the second one is a minimalist journal to save on printing. I suggest printing in grayscale 115 pages of content Sizes: US Legal (8.5 x 11) 21 x 29.7 cm (A4) PLUS Free Better Me Journal Does…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Spiritual Wellness: Cultivating Inner Strength and Resilience
- £149.00
- Spirituality as a powerful integrative force provides the most advanced evidence of the evolving nature of our Being - mentally physically and Spiritually. It defines who and what we are at the moment while encompassing the bi-directional endlessness of our existence. It is the guiding force that energizes our existence - past, present and future. Our Spiritual resilience makes it…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Staying sane during and after COVID
- £0.00
- I wrote this course at the beginning of lockdown in our country - mid March 2020. Who knew that over a year later we are still in lockdown and have never been out of it and that there is now a third wave. As uncertain and uncomfortable as this moment in time may be, it holds a powerful catalyst for…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Subtle Energies Course
- £39.00
- This course is one of the most important as it lays a solid foundation for energy healing. This is presented in 2 manuals. Course Content: Energy Perception, exercises to feel yours and others energy, the auric layers, How to see, feel and read the aura, including exercises, aura colours and what they mean, how to scan, balance, sweep, cleanse, and mend…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Surrender: A Gateway to Peace and Alignment
- £149.00
- Course Content 16 PDF Modules Extras Daily Affirmations Journal 44 Spiritual Wisdom cards Attunements to the value of $1 085 / R19 934 included (there is no extra cost for these – you can pass on and charge for these once you have received them yourself) This immersive course is structured into 16 transformative modules, each crafted to explore…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses, Uncategorized
Surviving a changing world – Protect your mental health in times of fear, crisis and uncertainty
- £149.00
- The coronavirus pandemic is affecting people's lives in ways they did not think possible. More than one-quarter of the world's 7.8 billion people were largely confined to their homes, as governments stepped up curbs on movement and social contact in a bid to contain the virus. In many parts of the world borders were closed, airports, hotels and businesses shut…
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- Home study, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Symbols of Transformation: Healing Your Body, Mind, and Soul with Ancient Wisdom
- £149.00
- Ancient Healing Symbols are profoundly sacred and will speak to your Soul – it is such an honor to share them with you. I have trained in many different modalities from cultures around the world and I have practiced and taught many workshops. I am at a point in my life where I want to share all that I have…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Tapping into Your Inner Wisdom through Automatic writing
- £149.00
- Once payment is received you are sent a link to download the course content. No hard copies are posted - you will need to print on your side. Likewise, certificates are sent in email format which you can print out on your side. Course content: 24 PDF 6 Audio & Video 4 Attunements Many Souls get to feeling lost…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
The Art of Spiritual Weaving
- £149.00
- Course Content 20 PDF modules 5 Attunements to the value of $145 / R2 740 4 Audio Extras: Calming Your Mind Journal Shadow Work Journal 50 Goal Affirmation PNG Gratitude Journal As you embark on this voyage, consider that you stand on the threshold of two realms - the realm of the tangible, woven from the fibers of earthly experiences…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
The Empath’s Survival Guide: Coping with Overwhelming Emotions in an Unbalanced World
- £149.00
- Empathy is a valuable trait that allows us to connect with others on a deeper level, but it can also be a double-edged sword. As empaths, we often find ourselves absorbing the emotions and energies of those around us, leaving us feeling drained, overwhelmed, and sometimes even lost in a sea of conflicting emotions. In today's world, where the balance…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
The Healing Power of Scents: Aromatherapy for Health and Wellness
- £140.00
- This course is for your personal use, this course does not qualify you as an Aromatherapy Practitioner Apart from just smelling heavenly, Aromatherapy is hugely beneficial in treating both physical and emotional conditions. This course contains 28 video lessons, 15 PDF lesson modules, bonus e-books: Active Listening, Business Plan Template, How to Write a Successful Marketing Plan, Ethereal Flowers 1…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
The Radiance Within: Rising Above Chronic Illness
- £149.00
- Course Content 17 PDF Positive Affirmations Guide Attunements to the value of $464 / R8 795 Transcending Limitations : Chronic Illness Why I Created this Course Many people come to me with the heartfelt question: “I have learned so many different healing modalities; why am I not healed yet?” This is a profound question and its answer lies at the…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
The Shamanic Lightworker – Bridging Earth and Sky
- £149.00
- Contents 21 PDF Audio Video Attunements to the value of $150 / R2 782 – See bottom of advert for list of attunements Extras: Reading the Runes (28 pages) Set of Elder Futhark Rune Cards Shadow Work E-book Shadow Work Journal Shadow Work Worksheets Tarot Journal (46 pages) Set of Tarot Cards – Major & Minor Arcana Voices of Nature Oracle Cards…
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- Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
The Spirit Release Healing Method Level 2 – Possession & Exorcism Healing
- £50.00
- With this level, you will learn about the following and much more: * The Presence. * The Breaking Point. * The Voice. * The Clash. * The Expulsion. * Stories of Possession. * What is Spirit Release Therapy. * Signs of Possession and Entity Attachment. * Making Holy Water. * How to Exorcise Water. * The Rite of Releasement and…
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- Attunements, Packages, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Third Eye Chakra Package – Gateway to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness
- £149.00
- The third eye refers to the ajna (or brow) chakra. The third eye refers to the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. The third eye often symbolizes a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply personal spiritual or psychological significance. The third eye is often associated with visions, clairvoyance (which includes the ability to observe chakras and auras), the ability to observe chakras and auras, precognition, and out-of-body experiences. Includes 29 PDF manuals…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Thriving Through Adversity: Building Resilience and Coping Strategies for Life’s Tough Times
- £149.00
- Course content 20 PDF 11 Video 1 Audio 6 Attunements valued at $150 / R2 250 Bonus Emotional Mastery mini course + audio, video and transcripts Ignite Passion in your Life Ignite Passion in your Life Checklist Ignite Passion in your Life Worksheet 6 Techniques to drive yourself to do great things in life Be your Best Self Ways to…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Total Access
- £12,500.00
- Receive all courses, attunement packages and single attunements listed on our www.sunshineuni-uk.com website (as at the date of your registration) – that means EVERYTHING on our site up to the date you enrol!! With this option, you have unlimited time to complete your courses. Screenshots will be taken and sent to you to show the courses you will receive -…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Tridaya Master
- £120.00
- Founder: Master Luykman Surjana From the Founder: The meaning of Tridaya: Tri = Three, Daya = Force , so Tridaya Inner Power is a triple force of inner power -- the energy already in existence from birth. What will be trained and taught is how those three outstanding forces be can be awakened and used to neutralize an opponent without touching the persons…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Ultimate Attunement to Dragon of Reiki Grandmaster
- £200.00
- Pre-requisite: Usui Reiki Master and Reiki Grand Master (all levels) Universal Love of Creation, Universal Life Energy, Peace of mind, body, soul. You receive a PDF manual and attunement by chi ball method, for you to call in at your convenience. Once you have received the attunement you are able to pass it on to others.
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Usui Teate Reiki – Original Japanese Reiki
- £100.00
- The original Japanese form of Reiki is markedly different from the manner in which it has ended up being practised in the West. Originally known as Usui Teate, it was considered a spiritual path to enlightenment, based around meditation, self-healing and regular spiritual empowerments. Considerable emphasis was also placed on the importance of living and practising the Reiki precepts. Usui's…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Visva Shakti 1 – 3
- £49.00
- Visva Shakti is a transformational universal life force energy and shakti healing technique that merges touch and intent. The Visva Shakti practitioner's focused intent affects changes that bring about healing for the recipient. The practitioner's touch is used to identify areas on the body that need attention. Visva Shakti is a tool that brings about shifts in the consciousness. It…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Walking the Rainbow Hawaiian
- £20.00
- Pre-requisite: Dolphin Trilogy Reiki Walking The Rainbow Reiki was written and developed by Sheryl Carter. It is a very powerful healing modality and is the follow on course to Dolphin Trilogy Reiki which you will need to have received first before you take this attunement. In her manual/workbook to accompany this system Sheryl Carter writes, “In the Hawaiian culture when someone had…
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- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
When Life Feels Empty: Rediscovering Purpose and Joy
- £149.00
- Course Content 18 PDF No Purpose or Meaning in Life Journal (85 pages) Extras: 50 Affirmation Cards Calming Your Mind Journal (20 pages) Find your Why to Get Unstuck – short course (9 video, 18 audio, PDF eBook) Self-Care Worksheets (21) Easy and Powerful Ways to Accelerate your Gratitude Attunements to the value of $253 / R4 637 (there is no…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
White Light Self Empowerments
- £69.00
- WhiteLight Self Empowerment is an intensive spiritual path of healing, clearing and realignment that was channelled by Reiki Master Daniela Hills. It is also a system that I have worked with for a number of years and have been blessed by the life transforming energies that are accessed when using WhiteLight. WhiteLight Self-Empowerment is a very powerful form of energy…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Wholeness: Achieving Balance and Healing for Body, Mind, and Soul
- £179.00
- Course content 38 pdf Modules 14 Meditation scripts with accompanying audio meditations 27 Audio meditations 38 Infographics 2 Planners – Positivity Planner and Weekly planner 2022 - 2023 760 Affirmations Extras Personal reflection exercises PowerPoint presentation affirmations eBook Daily Affirmations handbook PowerPoint presentation Follow your convictions eBook Healing through Positive Affirmations eBook Self-healing affirmations Your body is an incredible gift,…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Womb Wisdom: Embodying Sacred Feminine Energy for Healing
- £169.00
- Ask yourself this question honestly: Do you find a part of your life to be unfulfilled, lacking in something you cannot quite put your finger on? The way of the womb is for the woman who wants to be totally empowered as a woman, manifesting her Soul mission and being able to have intimate, fulfilling sacred relationships, actively participating and…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Yoga Nidra – Dissolve inner stress and experience a profound state of peace and tranquility
- £179.00
- Did you know that yoga can be practiced without performing physical exercises? Yoga Nidra will give you the understanding and experiential exercises needed to genuinely dissolve stress into inner peacefulness and joy with the experience of profound contentment and wholeness. Physical comfort and relaxation are experienced, mental and emotional distress is minimized, limiting beliefs are lessened and intuitive awareness and…
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