- Attunements, Jay Burrell
Angel LightCode Healing Reiki – Advanced Angelic Healing & Personal Ascension
- £50.00
- Prerequisite: None IMPORTANT NOTICE! Angel LightCode Healing Reiki is not the same as Angel Reiki founded by Kevin Core. Although there are some similarities in the name and the connections with Archangel Metatron, this is where the similarities end. Angel LightCode Healing Reiki is a stand alone system of advanced angelic healing and spiritual progression. Angel LightCode Healing Reiki was…
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- Practitioner and Diploma Courses
Animal Healing & Communication Diploma
- £179.00
- On successful completion of this diploma course, you will be able to offer professional animal communication and healing consultations, in person and distance (by photo). 250-page comprehensive manual 15 Audio lessons Spiritual Animal Healer Attunement Program and 6 attunements (usually sold separately for £80) Animal Healing Package with 18 different manuals in valued at £129 is also included (http://sunshineuni-uk.com/product/animal-healing-package/) Bonus…
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- Attunements
Animal Protection Reiki
- £18.00
- Animal Protection Reiki was originally channeled by Linda Colibert. This is a lovely attunement for anyone who loves animals. The Animal Protection Reiki works to surround animals, pets, and endangered species of animals with protection. Your attunement to Animal Protection Reiki connects you to the universal energies of the Creative Source for healing and protection of animals. The Animal Protection Reiki attunement will strengthen…
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- Attunements
Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System
- £69.00
- The Dolphins wove their energies with those of the crystals and colors. This gift, called Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System, is a powerful but gentle healing system. This warm sparkling energy will cleanse and energize your energy centers (charkas), fill your life with the love and joy of the dolphins, and you will become more vibrant, and add more color…
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- Attunements, Senay Yildirim
Family Life Protection Reiki
- £40.00
- Founder: Senay Yildirim, 2025 The "Family Life Protection Reiki" manual introduces a transformative energy system focused on enhancing family dynamics, fostering harmony and providing spiritual protection. It integrates traditional Reiki principles with specialized techniques designed to address family challenges and strengthen bonds. With guidance from Divine energies, this system promotes love, peace and prosperity within the family unit while safeguarding…
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- Attunements, Packages
Healer’s Attunement Package
- £99.00
- Includes 22 manuals and attunements sent by chi ball method, for you to call in when you are ready. Once you have received the attunements, you are able to pass them on to others and charge for them. You will receive one certificate on completion of the attunement package.
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- Attunements
Inner Sun Reiki
- £49.00
- Inner Sun Reiki combines and teaches several schools of thought from Usui Reiki, GTummo, Kundalini and others. Below are the outlines of the four manuals you will receive: Inner Sun Beginner’s Manual Hand Positions The Standard Set Other Hand Position Sets: Chakra Balancing Acupoint Based Hand Position Set Self-Healing Working With Clients: The Healing Session The Meditations 1. A Gentle…
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- Practitioner and Diploma Courses
Karuna Ki Reiki 1 to Masters
- £35.00
- Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Master Karuna Ki is wonderful at strengthening your ability to heal on all levels, physical, emotional and spiritual. Karuna is a Sanskrit word that means "compassion in action". The word Karuna is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened Beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. It is understood that…
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- Attunements, Packages
Kundalini Package
- £149.00
- If purchased separately, these attunements are valued at over £1 100. No substitutions. According to Tantra, kundalini energy rests like a coiled serpent at the base of the spine. When this dormant energy flows freely upward through the seven chakras (energy centers) and leads to an expanded state of consciousness, it is known as a kundalini awakening. For some, the experience can be blissful and filled…
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- Lightarian modalities
Lightarian Reiki™
- £220.00
- Prerequisites for taking Lightarian Reiki™ There are two prerequisites for taking Lightarian Reiki: First, you must be an Usui-based Reiki Master/Teacher. Secondly, you must either have received Karuna-based Reiki 1 & 2 OR the Lightarian "Buddhic Boost." The Lightarian Buddhic Boost is offered as a means to energetically "bridge the vibrational gap" between Usui-based Reiki and Lightarian Reiki. Receiving the…
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- Practitioner and Diploma Courses
Ma’heo’o Reiki 1 to Masters
- £107.00
- Prerequisites: None Includes registration at no extra cost. Ma’heo’o Reiki is a broad term that includes healing beliefs and practices of hundreds of indigenous tribes of North America as well as tribal cultures from around the world. It combines spirituality, herbal medicine, and rituals that are used to treat people with medical and emotional conditions. From the Native American perspective,…
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- Attunements
Medicine Buddha Reiki
- £20.00
- Levels: 1 Symbols: 9 Founder: Stephen Comee Prerequisite: None The Medicine Buddha is an enlightened being who has unbiased compassion for all living beings. He protects living beings from physical and mental illnesses and other dangers and obstacles, and helps them to eradicate the three poisons - attachment, hatred, and ignorance - which are the source of all sickness and…
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- Attunements, Rishi Rohit Sharma
Mountain Reiki
- £50.00
- Founder: Rishi Rohit Sharma, 2024 The "Mountain Reiki" manual details an attunement process deeply rooted in spiritual growth and transformation through the integration of mountain symbolism and Reiki energy across the body's chakras. The manual encapsulates a journey of ascending and descending through metaphorical mountain landscapes to align with each chakra, offering a profound exploration of both physical and spiritual…
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- Attunements
One Day at a time Reiki
- £20.00
- Living One Day at a Time seems like a very simple concept. It is a slogan we have all heard before. Yet, applying the concept of living one day at a time can certainly be challenging as we trudge the road to our happy destiny. It can seem very difficult to live life daily without thinking about tomorrow. The Ascended…
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- Sale!
- Attunements, Rishi Rohit Sharma
Reiki Bomb – Healing, Clearing Blockages
- £35.00
- Prerequisite: None Reiki Bomb was channeled in 2023 by Rishi Rohit Sharma. Scientists believe that our universe started with an explosion which they call the "Big Bang". This theory states that through the rapid expansion and extreme outward release of energy, creation was manifested. Creation and destruction are interdependent. Even within our physical body, our cells die every day and many…
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- Attunements, Jay Burrell
Reiki Grand Master 21st & 22nd Degree
- £25.00
- Reiki Grand Master 21st & 22nd Degree Empowerments {The Secret Reiki Symbols} was channeled by in 2020 by Jay Burrell. Reiki Grand Master 21st and 22nd Degree's were channeled as I was channeling another attunement called "Angel LightCode Healing Reiki". I meditated to ask the Angels if these new Reiki energies were part of the Angelic system and I felt…
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- Attunements, Jay Burrell
Reiki Grand Master 23rd – 25th Degree Initiations – Duality & Divine Healing
- £25.00
- Prerequisite: Reiki Grand Master 5-22 Reiki Grand Master 23rd - 25th Degree Initiations were channeled in 2022 by Jay Burrell The Grand Master Degrees of Reiki are not part of the original teachings of Master Usui. They are companion energies that have been given to us through several channels who have brought forth new symbols, and knowledge that can be…
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- Printables
Reiki Session Journal
- £20.00
- 50 page workbook to use with your clients 2 versions within same booklet - you choose which one you would like to use. Size 8.5 x 11 (US Legal) It is easy to print in a different size, you can set your printer to A4 - you can also print in grayscale if you want to save on ink.
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- Attunements, Rishi Rohit Sharma
Reiki Sparkles – Energy Work for Joy, Happiness & Healing
- £25.00
- Prerequisite: None Reiki Sparkles was channelled in 2023 by Rishi Rohit Sharma. Whether it is the stars in the night sky or the shimmer of glitter, we all love sparkles. The human eyes naturally detect movement and specifically rapid changes in light and dark. These signals create an attraction towards shiny and sparkly items. We all value sparkling objects as pure, expensive…
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- Rishi Rohit Sharma
Tantra Badha Mukti
- £0.00
- Unlock the Secrets of Spiritual Liberation and Protection Download here Tantra Badha Mukti Author: Rishi Rohit Sharma Are you feeling blocked, drained, or stuck in life? Do you want to break free from spiritual bindings, protect your energy, and reclaim your power? This transformative guide will show you how to identify and remove negative spiritual influences using ancient techniques like…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses
Tibetan Soul Star Reiki
- £35.00
- Tibetan Soul Star Reiki is a system which will teach you to activate, clear and align the Higher Chakras and connect you to your Divine Higher Self and is designed to assist you in the Ascension process. These symbols have been channeled by Joni Bresler and her Tibetan Spirit Guides with the assistance of Kwan Yin. Tibetan Soul Star Reiki…
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