- Home study, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Aromatic Alchemy: The Complete Essential Oils Course
- £229.00
- Author: Dr Emma Bisschoff RM WMA Course accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH) Download full course outline here COURSE OUTLINE This comprehensive training program covers the science, energy and application of essential oils for healing, wellness and holistic practice. Learn how to blend, apply and use essential oils safely while deepening your understanding of their therapeutic, emotional and…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Art of Spiritual Protection: Energy Cleansing and Shielding
- £149.00
- One practice that has helped me so much over the years is taking the time to perform psychic protection techniques before I feel like I might need them. A lot of people do the opposite, waiting until a crisis, a psychic attack, a bad day or until an aggressive boss shows up - and then quickly whipping out the…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Ascension & Manifestation Lightworker Program – Spiritual growth with Guides and Higher Beings of Light
- £15.00
- The purpose of Ascension & Manifestation LightWorker Program is to help you ascend and learn to manifest your desires quicker than it would take for you to learn this on your own. Normally it could take you years, but this program accelerates your ascension so that you can work with these energies right away. I was told by my guides…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Ascension Reiki 1 – 10 – Tenfold Nature of Divine Love
- £120.00
- The Ten Degree Attunements of Ascension Reiki attune the subtle anatomy of our whole being with Reiki Healing Energy. The attunements of ten aspects of our total subtle anatomy opens us to the fullness of Reiki for healing, service and personal growth. The Ten Degree Attunements of Ascension Reiki open us up to the tenfold nature of Divine Love and the tenfold…
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- Attunements, Packages, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Attunement Package for Children & Teenagers
- £69.00
- Includes 17 PDF manuals and attunements sent by chi ball method, for you to call in at your convenience. You can receive these attunements first, and then pass them on to your child/ren yourself, or we can attune them directly - your choice :) (recommended, so that you can pass on to other children or parents too, if needed). The…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Awaken and heal the Divine Masculine
- £149.00
- As we awaken on an individual and collective level and the old structures and paradigms that dominated our world begin to collapse, we have an unprecedented opportunity to take an eagle eye’s view of the human condition and evaluate the underlying forces that have shaped us into our current disconnection from the Earth and each other. This expanded view gives…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Awaken the Divine Healer Within
- £179.00
- The gift of healing lies within everyone. It is not a gift that only a few people possess. It is everyone’s birthright. Everyone can learn to heal and receive healing. We are all able to connect to universal life force energy and channel it in order to heal other people. This course will teach you how to channel in life…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Awakening the Shaman Within: An Introductory Course to Spiritual Transformation
- £149.00
- The power to do shamanic work is both within you and outside you and is readily accessible for channeling through you. Your inner resources include the creative power of thought and imagination, and the driving force of your spirit energy. They provide vitality, strength and determination, a supply of individual potentials which, however dormant or neglected, can be awakened and…
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Balancing Inner and Outer Worlds: Strategies for Inner Peace
- £149.00
- We have probably all had this experience: Life is rippling along like a sweet summer brook, and then a sudden storm of change shows up and disrupts the serenity. Old enemies we think we have defeated - fear and insecurity, for example - return, throwing us off kilter. Our minds frantically try to find a solution to “fix” the issue, the…
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- Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Basic International Diploma in Energy Healing & Natural Therapies
- £269.00
- The Basic Diploma option comprises 12 subjects, 9 of which are compulsory and 3 of your choice. Please forward us your enrolment form with your subject choices (sent to you on receipt of payment). THIS IS A SERIES OF COURSES, NOT AN ATTUNEMENT SYSTEM. YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO ON-SELL TO OTHERS. THIS COURSE IS FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE ONLY!!
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- Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Beyond the Pain: A Course on Reclaiming Your Life After Trauma
- £149.00
- Trauma comes in many forms. It could be an abusive partner or boss, childhood bullying, sexual or emotional abuse, being told you are dumb or worthless, death of a friend or loved one, death of a pet, a hijacking or a burglary. The list is endless. The aftereffects of traumatizing experiences change you in an attempt to protect you from…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Black Elk Shamanic Healing System
- £29.00
- Ben Black Elk is the son of the great Black Elk of the Sioux tribe of North American Indians. A dedicated medicine man and healer like his father, he also interpreted his fathers Lakota works in order for John Neihardt to write the thought provoking book, Black Elk Speaks in 1931. Though his father stands out in Native American Indian…
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