Eat with Gratitude and Presence: Mindful Eating & Affirmations for Weight Loss



Course content

20 PDF

4 Audio + scripts

2 Attunement


Mindless eating and your weight

Meal Planner (42 pages)

Superfood for overall health and balance (55 pages)

Mindful eating affirmation cards (30 PNG and PDF)

Food Addiction Creative Writing Prompts (115 pages)


Embrace the art of present-moment nourishment and discover a profound way to deepen your relationship with food through mindful eating.

This transformative practice encourages us to truly savor each bite, heightening our senses and fostering a sense of gratitude.

This enriching experience promises to bring serenity to your meal times and cultivate a heightened sense of appreciation.

Prepare to embrace this practice and illuminate your eating habits with mindfulness.

Understanding mindful eating

Mindful eating is more than just a trend; it’s a profound approach to nourishment that cultivates awareness, presence, and gratitude.

Here are some key aspects of mindful eating to pique your curiosity:

  • Engaging the senses:Mindful eating invites us to fully engage our senses, savoring the flavors, aromas, textures, and even the visual appeal of our food.
  • Slowing down:By intentionally slowing our pace, we create space to truly experience each bite, allowing the body to process and enjoy the nourishment.
  • Cultivating awareness:Mindful eating encourages us to tune in to our body’s cues, recognize hunger and satiety signals, and respond to them with compassion and respect.
  • Non-judgmental observation:Rather than labeling food as “good” or “bad,” mindful eating encourages non-judgmental observation of our food choices, fostering a healthy relationship with eating.
  • Gratitude and connection: Mindful eating promotes a deep sense of gratitude for the food we have, acknowledging the efforts of those involved in its production and fostering a connection to the Earth and its resources.

What is mindless eating?

How many meals do you shovel down without thought or attention? How often have you grabbed a bag of chips or cookies when you were anxious or blue?

Do you ever go to fast food drive-thrus because you don’t want to take time to prepare a healthy meal?

Mindless eating refers to a way of consuming food without conscious awareness or attention. Eating becomes an automated and disconnected experience, often characterized by distractions, multitasking, or even emotional triggers.

This kind of disconnected eating can lead to overeating, digestion problems, and little enjoyment or satisfaction from meals.

It removes us from the sensory experience of eating, prevents us from listening to our body’s signals, and diminishes our gratitude for the nourishment we receive.

Why should you eating mindfully?

Embracing mindful eating goes beyond a mere shift in our approach to food; it has far-reaching benefits that extend to various aspects of our well-being.

Here are some of the remarkable advantages that await those who choose to engage in mindful eating:

  • Enhanced enjoyment:By fully immersing ourselves in the sensory experience of eating, we unlock a newfound pleasure in every bite, heightening our overall enjoyment of food.
  • Improved digestion: Mindful eating encourages us to eat at a slower pace, allowing our bodies to properly digest and absorb nutrients, leading to improved digestion and reduced digestive discomfort.
  • Weight management:By tuning in to our body’s hunger and satiety signals, mindful eating can promote healthier portion control and prevent overeating, supporting weight management goals.
  • Heightened awareness of food choices:Mindful eating helps us develop a greater awareness of our food choices, enabling us to make more conscious decisions aligned with our health and well-being.
  • Reduced emotional eating:By cultivating mindfulness and non-judgmental awareness, we can break free from the cycle of emotional eating, becoming more attuned to our true hunger and finding healthier ways to cope with emotions.
  • Increased gratitude:Mindful eating fosters a deep sense of gratitude for the food we consume, cultivating an appreciation for the nourishment it provides and creating a more positive relationship with our meals.

By embracing the practice of mindful eating, we nourish not only our bodies but also our minds and souls, reaping the bountiful rewards it has to offer.

Final thoughts

Embracing mindful eating opens a gateway to a profound connection with our food and ourselves.

Integrating mindfulness into our meals allows us to savor the present moment, cultivate gratitude, and foster a healthier relationship with nourishment.

Let this practice become a cornerstone of your culinary rituals, guiding you to a path of conscious and joyful eating.

Nourish your body, nurture your soul, and embark on a lifelong journey of mindful nourishment.

What is mindful eating?

Mindful eating is maintaining an in-the-moment awareness of the food and drink you put into your body. It involves observing how the food makes you feel and the signals your body sends about taste, satisfaction, and fullness. Mindful eating requires you to simply acknowledge and accept rather than judge the feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations you observe. It can extend to the process of buying, preparing and serving your food as well as consuming it.

For many of us, our busy daily lives often make mealtimes rushed affairs. We find ourselves eating in the car commuting to work, at the desk in front of a computer screen, or parked on the couch watching TV. We eat mindlessly, shoveling food down regardless of whether we’re still hungry or not. In fact, we often eat for reasons other than hunger – to satisfy emotional needs, to relieve stress or cope with unpleasant emotions such as sadness, anxiety, loneliness or boredom. Mindful eating is the opposite of this kind of unhealthy “mindless” eating.

Mindful eating isn’t about being perfect, always eating the right things, or never allowing yourself to eat on-the-go again. And it is not about establishing strict rules for how many calories you can eat or which foods you have to include or avoid in your diet. Rather, it is about focusing all your senses and being present as you shop for, cook, serve and eat your food.

While mindfulness isn’t for everyone, many people find that by eating this way, even for just a few meals a week, you can become more attuned to your body. This can help you to avoid overeating, make it easier to change your dietary habits for the better, and enjoy the improved well-being that comes with a healthier diet.

How well do you eat?

Is mealtime a time for relaxing, savoring tastes and connecting with friends and family? Or are you too harried and stressed, too busy or too rushed to cook?

Do you live in an urban area where you are surrounded by fast food places? Do you fall into the trap of eating for convenience and end up eating take-out because you just don’t have time or energy to cook?

If you do cook at home, is cooking something you do because you have to or is it something you do because you love it? Is it a chore or a pleasure?

Do you buy the packet meals where you just “add water,” or where you just need to “boil in the bag,” or do you simply preheat the oven and bake for 30 minutes? Or do you take the time to make a meal from scratch? Maybe you have been cooking for your family for many years already and you are just plain burnt out?

Are the majority of your meals nutritious and good for you, or are you surviving on junk and processed food, hoping for the best.

There are many reasons why our relationship to food might be less than ideal. On the one hand, we have been told since the fifties and sixties that we have to look a certain way and be a certain (svelte) ideal shape and weight in order to be seen as an “acceptable” human. Models have been too thin, and anorexia has become a serious social problem for many people. We have been given the message that unless we conform to these social stereotypes we are not okay.

On the other hand, we are bombarded in the media with images of delicious looking treats, recipes for calorie-laden cookies and heavy desserts. We are told to indulge ourselves and enjoy ourselves with food that is full of sugar and carbohydrates.

Fast-food places are everywhere you look and the images there are colorful and tempting – more often than not the food is high in unhealthy fats and carbohydrates, with very few vegetables.

As a result of the industrial revolution, fast ways to make food and the creation of factories that mass produce food products, eating has become a negative cycle of overindulgence in unhealthy and non-whole food, followed by guilt and shame. Yet after resolving to do better next time, the cycle starts all over again and we end up overweight and miserable.

The other culturally induced phenomenon is the idea that dieting will make you slim and happy

Many people have succumbed to slimming fads only to fall into that terrible place where you start yo-yo dieting. You lose weight successfully, but very soon gain it all back again, plus several more pounds than you started with. So you try again, and the same thing happens. Eventually you have gained fifty pounds that weren’t there in the beginning.

On top of all of that, there is the aging process

Aging causes changes in our hormones and our metabolism, which makes exercising, losing weight and keeping it off that much harder.

More and more experts are starting to recognize that dieting simply doesn’t work and that we have to take a new approach to eating and food. Essentially, we need to reclaim the joy of eating well.

Eating well is an art and a science

Eating well is an art and indeed a science too that needs to be cultivated and nurtured so that we can feel nurtured, not to mention nourished, by food, by eating, and by our relationships to ourselves, to others and to food itself.

Mindful eating

Learning to be mindful about food has a number of benefits:

  • It makes you slow down. In slowing down, you start to destress. Your parasympathetic nervous system kicks in, allowing the digestive process to perform better.
  • Your body assimilates more nutrients, making you healthier than before.
  • You breathe. This also helps slow down the toxic response of too much adrenaline.
  • You focus on the colors, the textures, the tastes and the smells of the food. Right away, the pleasure factor kicks in and you start to enjoy your food more, as you notice what it is you are putting into your mouth and into your body. Make sure you savor your food and how it feels in your mouth and in your body, as well as, how it smells, looks and tastes. Where does your food come from? Where does it go?

Module 1

The joy of eating well

The idea that dieting will make you slim and happy

The aging process

Eating well is an art and a science

Optimal nutrition

Slow food

Mindful eating


Future-self visualization

Changing core beliefs

Accept your body

Ditch the scale

Work on your self-esteem

Setting boundaries around treats

Develop social bonds

The meaning of the meal

You are what you eat

Using food to stuff emotions doesn’t work

Getting creative in the kitchen

Module 1.1

30 Days of Mindful eating – Reset Journal (115 pages)

What is mindful eating?

Why is our relationship with food broken?

Assessing your own relationship with food

Identify your food lies

10 Questions to help you assess your relationship with food

Mindful eating quick start tips

How to go grocery shopping as a mindful eater

Grocery list

Recipe card planner

How do I eat out as a mindful eater?

How to eat mindfully in social settings?

Detoxing your mind and body to reset your eating habits

Social media and how it impacts your mood, emotions and relationship to food

30 Days of mindful eating journal prompts

Week 1

Develop your daily routine of mindful eating

Before eating checklist and prompts

After eating checklist and prompts

Daily food log

Journal prompts

Week 2

Menu planner


Water intake

Daily food log

Journal prompts

Week 3

Menu planner


Water intake

Daily food log

Journal prompts

Week 4

Menu planner


Water intake

Daily food log

Journal prompts

Module 2

Emotional eating

What is emotional eating?

Emotional hunger v physical hunger

Satisfaction or relief

Emotional or physical

Nutritional or palatable

Lifelong or transient

Causes, symptoms and signs you are an emotional over-eater

Causes and triggers

What you can do

Steps to overcome emotional eating

The way you eat

Recognizing addictive behavior

Learn the difference between hunger and emotional cues

Schedules are your friends

Change your pattern

Find balance

Build healthy behaviors

Build support

Examine yourself

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy




Support yourself with healthy lifestyle habits and self-care

A healthy diet


Avoid substances





Stress management


Emotional support

Spiritual Self-care

Resources to get help

Module 3

Mindful eating

What is mindful eating?

The benefits of mindful eating

Eating mindfully can help you to…

How to practice mindful eating

Fitting mindful eating into your life

Making the switch from mindless eating to mindful eating

Using mindfulness to explore your relationship with food

How does your food make you feel?

Tracking the link between food and feeling

Experimenting with different food combinations

Mixing and matching different foods

Eating to fill a void vs Eating to improve well-being

Need other ways to feed your feelings?

Be mindful of the Four Pillars

My mindfulness food diary


Mindfulness of mind

Mindfulness of body

Mindfulness of thoughts

Mindfulness of feelings

Taking deep breaths before you eat

Pausing to enjoy your food

A good way to start off this journey – Mindful eating meditation

Module 4

Intuitive eating

How going on a diet program or participating in dieting culture affects your natural intuitive eating senses

Example of what that cycle looks like

Key reasons the dieting culture is dangerous and toxic

Diet programs tend to have a lot of restrictive rules and guidelines to follow in order to be successful

Diet programs hold thinness as the most ideal body shape

What it means to be an intuitive eater

Ways to rediscover your intuitive eating abilities

Discover the satisfaction factor in eating

Feel your fullness

Address your emotions with kindness

Accept your body and accept it for what it is

Practice regular, comfortable movement

Honor your health with gentle nutrition

Module 5

Thoughts and behaviors that sabotage weight loss

What is self-sabotage

Common self-sabotaging behaviors

What causes you to self-sabotage your weight-loss

Lack of self-esteem

Fear of failure

Fear of judgment

A vicious cycle

The dieting pendulum

How to stop the weight loss sabotage

Increase your awareness

Change your habit loop

Stay accountable

Module 6

Things to do to improve your diet

Avoid drinking your calories

Create meal plans for the week

Prepare your meals ahead of time

Make your lunch

Don’t skip breakfast

Increase your fruit intake

Increase your vegetable intake

Bake it or grill it

Plan ahead for restaurant outings

Plan ahead for vacations

Make a grocery list

Practice chewing your food

Slow down your eating

Try eating without the television

Skip food deprivation

Reduce your fat intake

Limit processes foods

Practice reading nutrition labels

Assess your diet and make modifications

Increase your fiber intake

Are you eating enough calcium

Watch your sodium intake

Drink water

Eat lean meats

Look for ways to swap sugar

Schedule a cheat day

Be purposeful with your food intake

Go vegan for one day

Enjoy your morning coffee

Track your meals

Include protein with every meal

Eat fish

Take advantage of social media health meal resources

Reduce your portion sizes

Eat whole grains

Add green tea to your beverage list


Get your sleep

Schedule your last snack

Enjoy your dairy

Keep it simple from time to time

Beware of chemical additives

Do not fall for sweeteners

Try going low carb for a while

Try being plant-based

Keep your stress under control

Swap out your juices for real fruit

Eat dark chocolate

Use whole grain flour

Take control of your kitchen

Keep healthy snacks at your desk

Consider boosting your vitamin intake

Drink black and white tea

Permit snacks

Enjoy a protein-filled breakfast

Eat foods rich in various vitamins

Balance your caloric intake and expenditure

Rise and shine to earn early bird credit

Replace your soft drink

Salad dressing on the side?

Count your nutrients more often than calories

Know the signs of when you are full

Avoid making up for missed meals in one sitting

Establish goals each week

Reward yourself for good dietary practices

Choose foods that help lower cholesterol

Eat anti-inflammatory meals

Choose foods that promote digestive health

Choose foods that combat menopausal symptoms

Choose foods that reduce the risk of cancer

Cook with extra virgin olive oil

Be wary of hydrogenated oils

Cook with herbs and spices

Avoid eating three hours before bedtime

Make meals a pleasant eating experience with good company

Make sure the meal is satisfying

Treat each meal like it matters

Keep a positive attitude

Get help from a professional

Module 7

Reflect, reinforce, replace

Create a list of your eating and drinking habits

Highlight the habits that may be leading you to overeat

Look at the unhealthy eating habits

Create a list of cues

Replace unhealth habits with new healthy ones

Eat more slowly

Only eat when you are truly hungry

Plan meals ahead of time

Reinforce your new health habits and be patient with yourself

Module 8

How food affects your mental health

How can food improve your mental health?

How does junk food affect mental health?

What foods are best for mental health?

Module 9

How to ease into your new way of eating

Starting with breakfast

When you are at work (or school)

Dinner time

After dinner

Skill builder: Mindful bites

Skill builder: Awakening your senses

Module 10

Detailed meal planner (25 pages)

Module 11

Affirmations for weight loss

20 Celebrating weight loss affirmations

20 Dealing with cravings positive affirmations

20 Establishing healthy habits for weight loss affirmations

20 “Food has no power over me” affirmations

20 I believe I can lose this weight affirmations

20 I control my hunger affirmations

20 I deserve to be healthy affirmations

20 I deserve to lose this weight affirmations

20 Mindfulness for weight loss affirmations

20 My dream body affirmations

20 My health matters affirmations

20 “No more weight loss sabotage” affirmations

20 Positive thoughts for weight loss affirmations

20 Setting intentions for weight loss affirmations

20 Weight loss manifestation affirmations

20 Weight loss motivation affirmations

20 Weight loss success affirmations

Module 12

My Emotional Eating and Diary workbook

Exercise 1 How I Feel About Food

Exercise 2 How I Feel About Myself

Exercise 3 Self-Assessment

Are You An Emotional Eater?

Exercise 4 Food Diary

Exercise 5 Identifying Your Triggers

List of difficult emotions

My triggers

What feelings make me eat

What situations make me eat

How do I feel after I eat behind my emotions

Exercise 6 My Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Alternative Activities List

Make a list of your alternative activities

Alternative Foods

Make your list of those foods here

Exercise 7 Techniques That Help Manage Emotions

Healthy Coping

Mindfulness and Emotional Awareness

Learn to expect and accept negative emotions, write down your thoughts and plan for this

What do my negative emotions mean?

My coping mechanisms and commitment to use them

I accept unpleasant feelings will arise (write it out in your own words)

How I judge my feelings and my plan to move towards acceptance and self-compassion

Exercise 8 My Healthy Meal Plan

My commitment and plan to eat healthy meals throughout the day in order to curtail emotional or binge eating

Exercise 9 My Commitment To Practice Patience And Self-Compassion

Get Help

Find a mental health professional

Module 13

Weight Loss Habits Journal (21 pages)

Module 14

Weight Loss Intentions Journal (22 pages)

Module 15

Weight Loss Motivation Journal (21 pages)

Module 16

Weight Loss Sabotage Journal (22 pages)

Module 17

Weight Loss Success Journal (21 pages)

Module 18

I Believe I can Lose Weight Journal (22 pages)


Module 19

I Deserve to Lose Weight Journal (22 pages)


Module 20

Diet for Weight Loss Journal (21 pages)

Module 21

Achieving your Dream Body Journal (21 pages)

Module 22

Emotional Eating Journal (21 pages)

Module 23

Exercise for Weight Loss Journal (21 pages)

Module 24

Healthy Weight Loss Journal (22 pages)

Module 25

Manifesting Weight Loss Journal (21 pages)

Module 26

Mindfulness Weight Loss Journal (21 pages)

Module 27

Releasing Food Control Journal (21 pages)

Module 28

Thinking Positively Journal (22 pages)

Module 29

Weight Loss Wins Journal (21 pages)

30 Mindful Eating affirmation cards


Guided meditations & scripts

Achieve Weight Loss

I Believe I can Lose Weight

Setting Intentions for Weight Loss

I Am Deserving – No More Self-Sabotage Weight Loss

My Weight Loss Journey



Emotional Eating Disorders Reiki

Weight Loss Empowerment


Handout Mindful Eating

Meal Planner

Weight Loss Inspiration Calendar

Superfoods Booklet (55 pages)

7 Weight Loss and Health Tips for Busy Women Infographic

340 Weight Loss Affirmations (18 pages)