The Shaman Rattle




By Manuela Marques

Receive an Etheric rattle of light to heal others, call down spiritual helpers, and more

Rattles are among the most important and ancient of ceremonial tools.For a shaman the rattle is not only a healing tool but even one of the strongest spiritual tool because with the rattle a shaman can call down all the spirits and enter in their dimensions. A rattle is even a powerful antenna that may inform you about what’s going on around you , if there are bad people or energy  with this attunement you’ll receive in your hands an etheric rattle of light so you may heal people ,you can call down spiritual helpers and you may better your perceptions especially when you pass your hands on someone or something.


What you receive:

Manual written by Manuela Marques

Attunement via chi ball

Certificate after receiving attunement



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