Cosmic Consciousness Package 1



Includes the following manuals and attunements:

  • Ascension Reiki
  • Inner Sun
  • Lunar Light
  • Orgone
  • Planetary Empowerments:
  • Chiron
  • Earth
  • Moon
  • Jupiter
  • Mercury
  • Pluto
  • Uranus
  • Venus
  • Mars
  • Neptune
  • Saturn
  • Sun
  • Celestial Joy Energy
  • Celestial Rose Essence
  • Celestial Reiki
  • Cosmic Alignments
  • Cosmic Namaste Reiki
  • Cosmic Kundalini Reiki
  • Cosmic Matrix Connection
  • Divine Protection
  • Divine Light
  • Divine Lights Empowerment
  • Divine Clearing Ray
  • Dubhe Star Essence
  • Earth Light
  • Earth Star
  • Earth Blessing
  • Eclipse Energy Empowerment



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