The Power of Ritual: How to Create Meaningful Practices for Daily Life



When I speak of ritual, it is not in the religious sense. To me, ritual is about making the moment count; it is about being present in the task you are doing.

In essence a ritual is about bringing sacredness into your life, and about honoring something greater than you and me. It is about honoring the Mystery, and the Bringer of Life in all things, from the flowers, to the trees, to the birds, the tiny caterpillar glistening on a fresh leaf, or the waking sun, and the moonlight. There is a Divine force that moves through all things, like a river, enlivening all of life. It is the same force that moves the plant to flower, the wolf to howl, or lights up a baby’s face. As we become more aware of this higher force moving in our lives and express our gratitude for it, it expands and colors daily life with a radiance and light that connects us to all living things.

Having rituals in your life will enhance your experience greatly. Sometimes the benefit, the richness of experience, will be felt on a subtle level but that does not mean it is not worthy. It is such a beautiful gift to have your friends and family witness the care you take with any ritual that you share with them. Children will see the tenderness with which you create and perform a ritual and they will grow up with the memory, and continue it when they move out.

Rituals are meant not only to celebrate significant moments, but to ease us through difficult times by preserving stability and to establish bonds that transcend time. Rituals performed with family and friends bring us closer to one another and keep us grounded, but all personal ritual, no matter how outwardly mundane, is meaningful.

I am offering you ideas that will help you enrich your life, and therefore select what appeals to you and leave the rest. What you will find, however, is that bringing ritual into your life is simple and easy and only takes a moment. Yes, there are bigger rituals that can take a lot of time, but the idea is to choose what appeals to you and fits with your lifestyle.


Module 1



Module 2

What exactly is a Sacred Ritual?

The elements of a Ritual




Personal meaning

Why Rituals work


Module 3

Smudging Ritual

Smudging Four Directions

Things to avoid

Tips while performing the Ritual

When to smudge yourself

Make your own smudge sticks or wands

Smudging alternatives

Smudge spray

Sea salt

Clearing candles

Himalayan salt crystals

Holy water

Crystal Clearing Grid

Nature – fresh air and sunshine

Sound – bells, chimes and singing bowls


Module 4

Sacred space

Why create a “space”?

Using your sacred space

Building up the energy


Module 5


The Creation of your Altar

Steps to create Altar

Create an Altar for a particular purpose

Choose your Objects

Extra symbolic Altar items

Create a Sacred Box

Video:       Creating an Altar


Module 6



Module 7


Light an Affirmation Candle

Light a Prayer Candle

Light a Blessing Candle

Light an Inner Reflection Candle


Module 8


The Ritual of Journaling

Why journal?

Why is Journaling so healing?

How to Journal

What should you Journal about?

Full Moon Journaling Ritual


Module 9

Morning Rituals

How to create your morning Ritual


Module 10

Gratitude Rituals


Module 11

Bath Rituals

Chakra balancing Bath Ritual

A Spiritual Bath for positive energy

What does a Spiritual Bath Involve?

Uplifting and Invigorating Bath

Calming and Relaxing Bath

Focus and Intent Bath

Cleansing Bath


Module 12

Fire Rituals

Release Ceremony

Shamanic Fire Ceremony

Sacred Fire Ceremony

Video:       Full Moon Fire Ceremony


Module 13

Mystical Moon

Full Moon Letting Go Ritual

Full Moon calendar 2018

New Moon calendar 2018


Module 14

Full Moon Rituals

Full Moon Ritual for Finding your Heart’s Desire

Full Moon Ritual for Abundance

Full Moon Ritual for Letting Go


Module 15

New Moon Rituals

New Moon Wishes Ritual

New Moon Gathering


Module 16

Tea Rituals

Steep your Soul with a Daily Tea Ritual

Create your own Tea Ritual

How you will benefit from a Tea Ritual

The Japanese Tea Ceremony


Module 17

Family Rituals

Making a Talking Stick

Some suggestions to create everyday Rituals to bring the Family closer


Module 18

Cord Cutting Ritual

Video:       Full Moon Cord Cutting Ritual


Module 19

A Ritual to Discover your Life’s Purpose


Module 20

Clutter Clearing Rituals

Steps to Cleansing the Energy in your Home


Module 21

Sacred Womb Ritual


Module 22

Inner Guidance Ritual


Module 23

Retirement Ritual


Module 24

Becoming an Elder Ritual


Module 25

Unlocking Blocks Ritual


Module 26

Rituals for Coping with Stress

Moving through Depression Ritual


Module 27

Blessingway (Mother Blessing) Ritual

What happens at a Mother Blessing?

How to Plan a Mother Blessing


Module 28

Goddess Rituals

Goddess Brigit’s Ritual – Make a Decision

Freyja’s Ritual – Stand out and Shine

Lakshmi Goddess of Abundance & Wisdom

Kuan Yin’s Great Compassion


Module 29

Harnessing the Power of Vedic Rituals


Module 30

Releasing Old Relationships Ritual


Module 31

Menopause Ritual

Menopause – Honoring the Power of Change


Module 32

Ritual to Honor your Departed Loved Ones




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