The New Energies of the Crystal Dragons – Healing with the Celestial Dragons



Prerequisite: None

The New Energies of the Crystal Dragons were channeled in 2019 by Jay Burrell

Important Notice!

The original Crystal Dragons Attunement was channeled in 2005 but has now undergone a complete revision of the energies and information that was given to me by the Crystal/Celestial Dragons. The original version of the Crystal Dragons is now void and must be replaced by receiving the attunements to this new updated version. 

The New Energies of the Crystal Dragons have been channeled to encode unique energetic symbols into your auric field and palm chakras. The energies of this updated system are unique in the way that they are open-ended which means that when you activate them, they will always bring to you the frequencies that are most beneficial for you at the time of activation. The information within the new manual will re-introduce you to the 3 Crystal Dragons along with their names and associated symbols. You will also receive 3 etheric dragon eggs which are encoded into your palm chakras. This means that the physical dragon eggs that you had to buy and use in the original system are no longer needed. The etheric dragon eggs are encoded into your palm chakras during your 3 attunements. The new symbols have been created to show you the dimensional reality of the dragon eggs. The symbols are given as representations of the etheric blueprint that each dragon egg is made from. In simple terms, the symbols are the etheric blueprints that the crystal dragons use to create the etheric dragon eggs as they are encoded into your palm chakras.

The new energies will give you the chance to clear all forms of negativity from your life through the etheric connection to the 3 crystal dragons and their dragon eggs. They will work quickly to remove limiting perceptions by teaching you to step into your power while boosting your self-confidence in the abilities that lay dormant within you. This is a strong, grounding system that teaches you how to get straight to the core of any problems that you have in your life. The energies are also wonderful to activate when you are working on a spiritual lesson and wish to gain further clarity about a specific situation.

Within this revised channelled manual you will learn about the following and much more: 

* The Crystal Dragons.

* How I met the Crystal Dragons.

* Who are the Dragons?

* The New Energies of the Crystal Dragon Functions.

* The 3 Crystal Dragons (Names and Symbols).

* The Etheric Crystal Dragon Eggs and Dragon Egg Symbols.

* New Dragon Meditation to Meet Your Dragon Guide.

* The Crystal Dragon Key & Dragon Key Symbol.

* Working with the Crystal Dragons.

* Activating the Etheric Crystal Dragon Eggs.