Spiritual Shadow Work – Reclaim your wholeness



Spiritual Shadow Work Workbook and Journal

You will receive 2 versions – one as per first picture above and 1 as per second picture – the second one is a minimalist journal to save on printing. I suggest printing in grayscale

115 pages of content


US Legal (8.5 x 11)

21 x 29.7 cm (A4)

PLUS Free Better Me Journal

What is shadow work?

Working with your unconscious mind to uncover the parts of yourself that you repress and hide from yourself. This can include trauma or parts of your personality that you subconsciously consider undesirable.

Anyone can do shadow work on their own.

What is the goal of shadow work? 

Your shadow isn’t a flaw or a mistake  – instead, it is a natural part of who you are.

Shadow work is, at heart, about developing self-awareness and ultimately, self-acceptance and compassion. Shadow work is often both therapy and more spiritual, helping you see the different parts of yourself. For people who have been especially good at avoiding their shadow – for instance, because it is too far different from your own self-perception or desired impression – shadow work is about acknowledging the existence of shadows and getting curious about exploring them.

For those whose shadow is associated with trauma, this type of work helps you work through trauma to embrace the part of yourself that’s been suppressed or shamed throughout your life.

By accepting your shadow self, you can start to see how your thoughts and emotions influence your behavior. When you’re aware of this, you can take control and empower yourself to live life more deliberately and consciously. You can start to show up as your authentic self.

Benefits of shadow work 

You can benefit from practicing shadow work in several different aspects of your life. Here are just eight examples of benefits you can gain by implementing shadow work into your self-care practices.

Gain more confidence and self-esteem

You can show up more confidently when you show up as the full version of yourself, shadow and all.

There’s no more hidden self-doubt about parts of yourself that you may dislike or even loathe. This means you can be more confident as you move forward to achieve your goals.

Most of the time, our shadow traits are actually valuable parts of our personality. But if they are truly weaknesses, you’re better able to address them when you bring them out into the light so you can understand (and maybe better manage) them. Our shadow is most problematic when we aren’t even aware of it.

Improve your creativity

Your shadow doesn’t just hide traits that people consider undesirable. It can also hide amazing parts of yourself, like creativity.

Accepting your shadow means you get to embrace your creative side. Instead of suppressing your darker self, you can fully tap into all of the unique expressions it hides.

Build better relationships with others

Only when you fully love and accept yourself can you fully love and accept others.

When you tame your projections, you can see others for who they really are. You no longer see them as projections of the side of you that you dislike.

As a result, you can build stronger bonds with them.

Practice self-acceptance

You can get rid of the self-loathing you may unconsciously have when you repress your shadow. But you can only do this by fully accepting that side of yourself and practicing self-awareness.

Accepting your shadow means accepting and feeling self-compassion for every aspect of yourself. It won’t necessarily come easily and automatically. But beginning shadow work opens the door for you to get there.

Discover your hidden talents

You can use shadow work to uncover what some people call the “gold in your shadow bags” — in other words, your inner strengths and resources that you didn’t realize you had before.

Some people may fear that their shadow contains too much darkness for them to overcome. But in most cases, this golden shadow takes up most of the space. It just never had an opportunity to thrive before.

Shadow work can tempt this side of yourself out of hiding and allow you to step into everything you can really do.

Improve your overall wellness

Repressing your shadow can lead to all sorts of problems. You may not even realize these problems stem from a repressed side of yourself until you’re ready to face that shadow.

Shadow work can help you take control of your wellness journey by starting at the root. Instead of addressing specific wellness issues, like anxiety or unhealthy relationships, shadow work tackles their root causes.

Increase your compassion toward others

Shadow work helps you reduce projection when you interact with others. You’re less likely to be triggered by other people’s personality traits and quirks.

In turn, this can help you feel more compassionate toward others. You no longer see the dark side of yourself reflected in others. Instead, you can see them as whole people who likely have their own inner battles to face.

Have better clarity 

Shadow work gives you better clarity on how your thoughts, emotions, and feelings lead you to act the way you do.

When you have this information, you can show up with more clarity and authenticity.

The effects of ignoring your shadow

When you ignore it, your shadow will find ways to make you aware that it exists. This can lead to issues like:

  • Self-loathing or poor self-esteem
  • Self-deceit and deceiving others
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Offensive behavior toward others
  • Struggling to have healthy relationships with others
  • Self-sabotage
  • Self-absorption
  • An inflated ego

When you reject your shadow, you may also start projecting onto others. Projection happens when you see things in others that you subconsciously recognize within yourself.

Those parts can make you uncomfortable. As a result, you can seek to judge or punish others who reflect those traits.

The Spiritual Shadow Work Journal & Workbook includes:

Shadow Work Journal: come face to face with your inner darkness and heal the wounded parts of yourself to live a more fulfilling life, these journal prompts are a great tool to help you tap into the darker parts of your personality and bring them to light.

Moon Journal: Tap into the unique manifesting power of the moon with the Moon Cycle Printable Journal.

Gratitude Journal: Practice gratitude daily with the gratitude journal.

Mindfulness Workbook: learn how to stay mindful and present in everything you do.

  • Growth zones of mindfulness
  • Daily charts for mindfulness
  • Triangle breathing

Meditation journal: Unblock chakras and practice yoga daily with journal entries, trackers, and pictures of yoga poses for each chakra.

Manifestation journal: 3-6-9 Manifesting technique

Crystal Healing Journal: Use these entries to manifest with crystals.

Others: Self-Love, Reflection, Goals setting, Self-Forgiveness – and much more.