Mystery Mastery Healing System 1 – 3



Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Master

The Mystery Mastery Healing System is a unique, Oneness Paradigm modality of advanced energy healing and awakening. The Mystery Mastery Healing System teaches you how to work from an embodiment of your Infinite nature, how to utilize that which is unknown and unknowable, and how to go into states of consciousness that transcend limitations, opening your healing channel to easier and deeper results and new possibilities.   Overview   Level 1 of the Mystery Mastery Healing Session reframes healing in the larger context of infinity. You will learn powerful states of being to let go of limiting identifications and open yourself (and your clients) to deeper healing than you imagined possible. These are the states of being from which “miracles” happen. Level 1 also helps you identify limiting thinking, common blind spots that hinder healing. Once you recognize these in yourself, you free your mind, and your healing will follow.

Mastery of the skills in level 1 will open the doors to all kinds of delightful possibilities for in person and distance healing in level 2, which you will then take “quantum” in level 3 as you learn to work in infinite depth and breadth. Level 3 will also teach you how to teach and attune others to the Mystery Mastery Healing System. After completion of level 3, you will be able to continue your development via ongoing attunements and new tips and techniques.

Here are just a few things that make this system so unique:

*An instructional format that enables you to directly experience the course materials in addition to understanding them intellectually

*Emphasis on advanced states of consciousness such as non-resistance, meaninglessness and soft focusing to open your healing channel, move beyond beliefs that limit your healing, create deeper results for you and your clients, increase intuition, and more

*Working from an embodiment of your infinite nature, where you have all of creation backing you up

*Accessing all this is known, unknown and unknowable, without having to intellectually understand any of it

*Taking advantage of chaos to easily break way from what does not work, and help your clients do the same

*Opening your healing channel to a constantly growing palate of high vibration energies for yourself, and offer them hands on or distance to your clients

*Using subtle energy to transform fear into joy, pain into comfort, and any other emotion or thought into something more desirable

*A powerful subtle energy technique to embody affirmations, making them more powerful and easier to manifest

The Mystery Mastery Healing System is infinite. It includes all energies and all possibilities. There is a lot to explore; its uses are only limited by your thinking, and as you evolve you will still find new uses for it.

Many techniques will probably be new, even to the most experienced healers   To use the Mystery Mastery Healing System, you will need a basic understanding of energy healing and experience offering sessions and instruction. Since Reiki already teaches that very well, Usui Reiki Mastership is a prerequisite for the Mystery Mastery Healing System.


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