Lightarian Rays



Prerequisite: None

Accelerate your spiritual transformation by receiving the Lightarian Ray Program, a series of powerful, guided-meditation attunements inspired by the Celestial Masters – Maitreya, El Morya, Buddha, Sananda and St. Germain, and by our Universal Source.

The first five Rays focus on the essential phases of spiritual processing.  They are:

  • Empowerment
  • Clearing
  • Healing
  • Activation and
  • Manifestation

The sixth Ray (Source Ray) focuses on lifting you further into the unfolding global-human ascension process.

The first five Lightarian Rays are a series of guided-meditation attunements, each creating a powerful and permanent connection for you with one of the Masters. Each Ray is an “attunement event” that launches extraordinary “energetic processing” within your chakras, subtle bodies and physical body, creating spiritual, mental, emotional and physical transformation in your life. Once this connection is made, the particular Master works with you energetically “in your etheric background” to support an essential aspect of your spiritual self-development. After receiving the Ray attunements, you will accelerate along your spiritual path perhaps more quickly and effectively, and with more grace and joy, than you would naturally be experiencing!

Empowerment Ray
Inspired by Ascension Master Maitreya, the Empowerment Ray is the starting point for the spiritual awakening process and serves as prerequisite for receiving the other Rays. The Empowerment Ray stimulates a dramatic “spiritual wake-up call” of the highest order…triggering waves of energetic acceleration and vibrational change.

Clearing Ray
Created by Ascended Master El Morya, the Clearing Ray launches a gentle, yet effective “etheric deep cleaning”… stripping away all of your adverse soul programming, inappropriate belief structures and undesired mental and emotional patterns.

Activation Ray
Inspired by Ascended Master Sananda, the Activation Ray energetically activates your latent etheric coding and triggers powerful, ongoing spiritual initiations…allowing more of your Higher Self energies to flow into your day-to-day life.

Healing Ray
Sourced by Ascended Master Buddha, the Healing Ray initiates a powerful process of holistic self-healing… returning you to a state of balance and alignment.

Manifestation Ray
Sourced by Ascended Master St. Germain, the Manifestation Ray expands your capacity for manifesting on all levels…opening you to attract spiritual, mental, emotional and physical abundance… all to serve your highest purpose!

There is a 7 day period in between each level as set out by the Lightarian Institute.


All manuals are sent via e-mail. The cost of the manuals is included in this price. Manuals have a watermark on them with the Teacher registration number 


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