Celtic Shamanism
Course content
47 PDF
15 Audio
9 Attunements
9 Video
The oldest spiritual tradition of our species, Shamanism is an ancient and ever unfolding wisdom path that may be up to 100,000 years old. Our Ancestors discovered a way to divine experience through a natural, mystical connection with Nature. Through this quest of outward connection came a deep, inner awareness of new consciousness. Within these realms, the source of life itself became known along with the power to work with the energy systems of the Self, other living beings and the Earth.
Nourish the Sacred in the Self
The lush, green lands of the Celts are alive with the healing energies of the ancestors, ancient gods and goddesses and the Bards, Druids and Faeries of Celtic history and lore.
They call to us – no matter our native land – drawing us to the wisdom of the early shamans and the transformative practices of indigenous cultures.
These energies, the stories of these lands and the practices inspired by Celtic shamanism – steeped in gratitude, generosity, courage and wonder – offer us a medicine to bring us back home, to our true Self.
They help us reach beyond the mundane and overwhelm of our stressful modern lives and be more attentive, present and receptive to the beauty and wisdom of the land.
Celtic shamanism invites us to open to the world and our lives with awe and wonder at its great mysteries – both the light and the dark. Its wisdom guides us in seeing and honoring the sacred in all things, including ourselves.
The myths, archetypes and practices unique to this ancient tradition remind us of the courage needed to explore all that is before us – the earth and all its beauty and “rough places”, the Otherworld and its inhabitants.
When we learn to approach our lives with less fear and more curiosity and gratitude, we can slow down enough to open to the wisdom all around us, including our own inner wisdom, our Soul and its true desires.
In the modern world, we have lost this deep poetic passion, this connecting thread. Our link with myth and nature’s preserving shrine has been shattered; our lives follow the rapid rhythm of machines instead of liquid bird song or the blowing of wind through scented trees. Still, some people attempt to break free from the tyranny of scientific materialism that dis-spirits and de-sacralizes the natural world.
Celtic shamanism has rites to celebrate the turning of the seasons, rituals for marking the passages of human life and celebrations of the waxing and waning of the moon. We seek to reconnect with the rhythms of our ancestors, to touch and share their experience of the sacred through acknowledging the movement of time in its cycles. In small individual acts of courage, we attempt to re-weave the fabric of our poetic connections with nature.
Can it be said that we are all Celts? Certainly, Western civilization owes as much, if not more, to our Celtic heritage as to Greek and Roman influences.
The time has come for Celtic shamanism to quietly return to the Earth, to take its place among the Spiritual practices that help humans lead fuller, more beneficial lives. No one can find the Light for you; each of us can only point the way for others. Everyone’s experiences will be different. Over a period of time, you will find your own explorations into the Otherworld’s changing, expanding, becoming more detailed and richer as you practice this type of shamanism.
During this course we connect with each of the eight Celtic festivals.
Working with the seasons and celebrating these holidays can help you create rhythm and flow in your life.
These festivals are the perfect checkpoints throughout the year to honor your need for action, celebration, gratitude and rest.
It is my sincere hope that you will immerse yourself fully in these ancient teachings and traditions, drawing inspiration from them, coming back to a knowingness of things past.
Don’t try to memorize anything. As a shaman, you are only trying to get an over-all picture so you will know what to look for on a journey.
Module 1
Ancient wisdom
Direct connection to the Divine
Reconnect with the rhythms of our ancestors
Module 2
Who were the Celts?
Celtic mythology
Celtic origins
Before the Celts – The cosmic people
A brief history
Celtic society
Ancient Celtic Village of Chysauster
Explore the houses
The Fogou
Videos The Celts
Module 3
Something immensely sacred
Web of power
Communication with Spirit that empowers shamans
A stream that runs from the past, through the present and into the future
The grounded/expanded Self – Meditation
Module 4
Celtic shamanism
A practical path that enriches us
The Celtic shamanic approach
Animism – Reclaiming a relationship and dialogue with the earth
Celtic Shaman’s view of the Universe
Abred – The Middleworld
Gwynfyd – The Upperworld
Annwn – The Lowerworld
The seven rivers of life
The Grove of Knowledge (Caer Gwydion) meditation
Guardians of the Grove
Nine different types of shamans
Touch the earth
Module 5
The Druids
Modern Druids
The land beneath the mist
Druid medicine wheel
Folk Druidry
The seven gifts of Druidry
Druidic ethics
Universal Druid prayer
Celtic virtues
Three primary elements of Druidry
Video: The Druids
Module 6
The telling of sacred stories
Celtic myth
The seanchaí (lore keepers)
The Mabinogi
Transmission of the Celtic myths
The surviving Celtic myths
Module 7
The Tuatha Dé Danann
The goddess Danu
Their arrival in Ireland
The ancient land of Tir na nOg
The Dagda
The four treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann as symbols to guide you in healing and empowerment
Sword of Nuada
Spear of Lugh
Dagda’s Cauldron
The Lia Fáil (The Stone of Destiny)
Make the myths meaningful to you
Video: Tuatha Dé Danann
Module 8
Celtic gods and goddesses
Audio: Goddess Dany transmission
Brighid’s Flame
Module 9
Triple goddess
A deeper reality just beyond our physical reality
Three as a sacred number
Module 10
Celtic symbols and their meanings
A way to focus, engaging your heart and your mind
The Celtic Tree of Life
The Celtic Cross
The Dara Knot
The Ailm
The Triquetra
The Triskelion
Serch Bythol
The Celtic Motherhood Knot
Brigid’s Knot
Video: How to make your own Brigid’s Knot
Awen – Symbol of inspiration
Celtic Shield
Taranis Wheel
Double Spiral
How would I use a Celtic symbol in Celtic shamanism?
Module 11
Stone circles and alignment
Spiritually significant places
Long barrows
Entering the womb meditation
Grianán of Aileach (Temple of the Sun)
Bryn Celli Ddu
The Inner Monolith
The Outer Monolith
Dromberg stone circle
Ballynoe stone circle
Audio: Guided meditation Avalon, Glastonbury
Drumming at Newgrange
Stonehenge meditation
Module 12
Springs and healing wells
A symbol of life and source of wisdom
Aquae Sulis: The springs at Bath
Dressing the Wells
Cloughtie Wells
Brighid’s Well
Chalice Well
Vesica Pisces
Meditation: Delving into the depths of the Well
Attunement: Brighid’s Healing Waters
Module 13
Relationship to the land
The primary source of power and relationship
Exercise: Seeing the energy and Spirit presences of a landscape
Guardian Spirits
Exercise: Meeting the Guardian Spirit
Guided land meditation
Module 14
The Sacred Grove
Nemeton: The Sacred Grove in antiquity
Into the forest
Exercise: Learning the land
Exercise: Aligning with an individual tree
Seership (Spirit vision)
The enchanted forest meditation
Audio: Journey into the forest
Module 15
Nine sacred woods of the bonfire and their attributes
Lessons of the Oak
Lessons of the Ash
Lessons of the Thorn
Lessons of the Yew
Lessons of Hazel
Lessons of Willow
Lessons of Birth
Lessons of Elm
Lessons of Alder
Fire ceremony and ritual
Module 16
Sacred alphabet – The tree Ogham We use the tree ogham to do Divination in Celtic Shamanism Level 2)
Celtic Ogham symbol meanings
The First Aicme
Luis or Lus
Fearn or Fern
Saille or Sail
Nion or Nin
The Second Aicme
Duir or Dair
The Third Aicme
The Fourth Aicme
Ailim or Ailm
Oir (Spindle)
Uillean (Honeysuckle)
Ifin (Beech)
Mor (The sea)
Module 17
Celtic Sacred Calendar (The Wheel of the Year)
Wisdom from the Wheel of the Year
Fire festivals
The sacred days as seasons
Connection to land
The eight sacred festivals
How to use the Wheel of the Year in your own life
Module 17.1
Samhain (Halloween)
Samhain correspondences
Meditation: Phoenix rising
Remembering the dead ritual
Audio: Samhain, ancestral healing
Module 17.2
Yule (Winter Solstice)
Yule correspondences
Yule altar
Yule cleansing ritual
Meditation: Of stars and snow
Spiced hot chocolate
Hot spiced Wassail (Non-alcoholic)
Count your blessings
Audio: Yule meditation
Module 17.3
Imbolc (Candlemas)
Imbolc correspondences
Cleansing and purification bath
Herbs for cleansing and purification
Imbolc candle ritual
End of winter meditation
Shadow work
Making lanterns with intentions
Tune into the energy of Imbolc
Audio: Imbolc meditation
Video: Imbolc
Module 17.4
Ostara (Spring equinox)
Ostara correspondences
Ostara altar
Ostara candles and incense
Ostara tea
More ways to honor Ostara
Video: Ostara and the white hare
Ostara reflections
Natural egg dyes
Video: How to dye eggs
Ostara meditation
Earth meditation
Audio: Ostara meditation
Module 17.5
Beltane correspondences
Beltane altar
Beltane candles and incense
More ways to honor Beltane
Beltane reflections
Meditate on the forces of life and Spring
Spend time in nature
Create a flower and crystal mandala grid
Video: How to make a nature mandala
Beltane Faery meditation
Audio: Beltane meditation
Module 17.6
Litha (Summer solstice)
Litha correspondences
Litha altar
Litha candles and incense
More ways to honor Litha
Litha reflections
Summer solstice ritual bath with flowers
Summer solstice manifestation ritual
Summer solstice sun tea
Sun alchemy
How to make solarized water
Sun mandala
Fire ritual
Midsummer prayers
Module 17.7
Lughnasadh (Lammas)
Lammas correspondences
Lammas altar
Video: How to make a corn dolly
Lammas candles and incense
More ways to honor Lammas
Lammas reflections
Lammas journal prompt ideas
Honoring the past
Audio: Lughnasadh
Module 17.8
Mabon (Autumn equinox)
Mabon correspondences
Mabon altar
More ways to honor Mabon
Mabon reflections
Into the shadows
Shadow meditation
Continuing the cycle
The give-away
Module 18
Celtic tree calendar
Birch (Beth)
Rowan (Luis)
Ash (Nion)
Alder (Fearn)
Willow (Saille)
Hawthorne (Huathe)
Oak (Duir)
Holly (Tinne)
Hazel (Coll)
Vine (Muin)
Ivy (Gort)
Reed (Ngetal)
Elder (Ruis)
Module 19
Sacred space
Opening/casting and closing a circle
Call the directions
Call on ancestors and guides
Defining the circle in Celtic shamanism
Altered states of consciousness
Sacred space
Power concentrator
Space between worlds
Omnipresent now
Akashic egg
Extension of personal aura
Crucible of change
Module 20
Grounding and centering
Grounding visualization
A centering meditation
Module 21
Celtic Tree of Life (Crann Bethadh)
Upperworld (Gwynfyd)
Middleworld (Abred)
Lowerworld (Annwn)
Connecting with the Tree of Life within meditation
Module 22
Shamanic doorways
Why create journey gateways?
Audio: Opening a door to the Spirit world
Module 23
Shamanic visioning
Garden of images
Deep level hypnotic imaging exercise
Module 24
Celtic Otherworld
The three realms
Three cauldrons (energy vortexes)
The Cauldron of Warming (Crown, base)
The Cauldron of Vocation (Heart, solar plexus)
The Cauldron of Wisdom (Throat, sacral)
The Celtic Otherworldly paradise
The World of the Sky (Upperworld)
The Earth World (Middleworld)
The Land under the Sea (Underworld)
Glimpsing the Otherworld
Module 25
Spirit songs
Sacred sound
Exercise: Spirit songs
Module 26
Building your altar
Objects on your altar
Offerings on your altar
Altar cloth
Meaning of different color altar cloths
Flowers, fruit and grains
Other offerings
Different altars
Module 27
Connecting with nature
Change your mindset
Cloud and star gazing
Go barefoot
Sun and moon gazing
Listen to your body
The trees
The flowing stream of water
The birds
The mountains
The flying geese
Get friendly with the elements
How to communicate and commune with trees
Tell your tree story
Audio: Lessons from nature
Module 28
Protection and cleansing
What is negative energy?
Process for clearing, cleansing and setting protection
Energy cleanse ritual
Types of smudge sticks
Smudging yourself
Using smudging for space clearing
Making your own smudge sticks
Making a sacred smudge bowl
Smokeless smudge (Florida water)
Florida water diffuser blend
Audio: Cleanse, clear and align your energy
Module 29
Celtic tree astrology
Your Celtic tree astrology signs and meanings
Module 30
Celtic animal symbols
Meaning of animal symbols in relation to the trees of the ogham
Eagle / Birch
Quail / Rowan
Fox / Alder
Deer / Willow
Butterfly / Ash
Owl / Hawthorn
Horse / Oak
Badger / Holly
Salmon / Hazel
Wren / Apple
Swan / Vine
Swallow / Ivy
Goose / Reed
Bee / Blackthorn
Crow / Elder
Sparrow / Fir
Rabbit / Gorse
Pheasant / Heather
Dove / Aspen
How to create your own oracle cards
Module 31
Celtic animal signs and the Lunar Zodiac
Keywords, element, plant, legend and meaning in Celtic Astrology for each one
Module 32
Celtic cauldrons
Everyday cauldrons
The cauldron of Cerridwen
The Dagda’s cauldron of Plenty
The pair dadeni
The cauldron of Dyrnwch
The cauldron of Diwrnach
The Gundestrup cauldron
The importance of cauldrons
Module 33
Lessons from nature
Strength in adversity
Storing inner strength
Connecting your body to nature
Change your mindset
Cloud and star gaze
Go barefoot
Sun and moon gazing
Listen to your body
The trees
The flowing stream of water
The birds
The mountains
Get friendly with the elements
How to communicate with trees
Tell your tree story
Audio: Lessons from nature
Module 34
Your inner sanctuary
The four aspects of your inner sanctuary
Why is it important to create an inner sanctuary?
Getting started
The meditation
Audio: Inner sanctuary
Module 35
Ritual and ceremony
The elements of ceremony
Module 36
Transmutation breathing
Why do we need to learn how to breathe?
How to do transmutation breathing
Additional breathing exercise and techniques
Counting the breath
Four directions breathing
Earth breath – Magnetizes and grounds
Water breath – Releases feelings – letting go
Fire breath – Energizing and lifts us out of depression
Air breath – For clearing out cobwebs in the mind
Three stage deep breathing
Alternate nostril breathing
Using healing breath with clients
Module 37
The art of shapeshifting
Animal Spirits as a catalyst for shapeshifting
Module 38
Spirit Guides and your own Spirit
What feeds your Spirit?
Ways to feed your Spirit
The Spirit World
Different types of Spirit Guides
Module 39
Brigid’s Healing Waters (Value $14 / R140)
– https://sunshineuni-uk.com/product/brigids-healing-waters-healing-empowerment-protection/
Prerequisite: None
The Distant Attunement to Brighid’s Healing Waters has been channeled to connect you to Spirit, the Goddess Brighid and the Waters of Brighid’s Sacred Well for Healing and Empowerment. Brighid’s Healing Waters are believed to be Sacred and are known to possess great Healing Energies. This Attunement will work to enhance your Healing Abilities while at the same time helping you to heal yourself and others, as well as working to heal Plants, Animals and Mother Earth. You will learn how to Empower Water to use in your Healing Sessions as well as Manifestations and Protection Rituals. The Energies are quite intense and will fill you with a sense of pure Love and Compassion.
Celtic Oak Empowerment (Value $20 / R200)
Prerequisite: None
The Celtic Oak Empowerment has been channeled to help you connect with the Ancient, Magical Energies of the Oak Tree and the Ancient Earth of Celtic Traditions assisting you to find your Inner Strength and Power to open yourself to Ancient Wisdom and Knowledge to find the answers to the questions that you have deep within you. The Oak is considered to be a Masculine energy which represents the Supreme Strength and Power of Nature. The Oak was honored for its many qualities such as Strength, Wisdom, Power, Nobility, Truth, Courage, Beauty, Longevity, Endurance, Power and much more. These are the same qualities that the Celtic Oak Empowerment will give to you as you with the energies.
The Celtic Oak Empowerment will connect you to the Ancient Celtic Energies and Power of the Oak while helping you in the following areas of your life.
* Bringing Strength in times of Struggle
* Embracing your Divine Masculine energies.
* Knowledge and Wisdom
* Connections to Powerful Nature Energies.
* Stability & Protection.
* Endurance & Resilience.
* Inner Strength & Courage.
* Overcoming Problems.
* Self Confidence.
* Balance
Crone Wisdom of Goddess Morrigan Empowerment (Value $14 / R140)
The Goddess Morrigan in her Crone Goddess phase brings wisdom of ritual, ancient power and psychic knowledge of future events. Morrigan is well known for predicting the outcome of war and death. However, as a seer, she also predicts the outcome of your struggles, new beginning born of death (letting go of something), and changes in your life.
The Crone Wisdom of Goddess Morrigan Empowerment attunes you to the Goddess Morrigan in her Crone phase and to the creative source in a way that brings wisdom and empowerment. Once attuned to the energies, you will be able to connect quickly with the Crone Goddess Morrigan for guidance and wisdom.
Beltane Empowerment (Value $16 / R235)
Channeled by Sinead Walkinshaw
With your purchase you will receive the manual, distant attunement and a certificate.
Beltane is the third of the four Celtic Fire Festivals-first being Samhain, Imbolg, Beltane finishing with Lughnasadh.
Beltane falls on May 1st with the evening of the 30th of April known as Beltane eve. It is an ancient fertility festival associated with the Celtic God Bel (Belenus, or Balor) who is a God of light, fire and the Sun.
Flowers, flower wreaths and garlands are typical decorations for this holiday, as well as ribbons and streamers. Flowers are a crucial symbol of Beltane; they signal the victory of Summer over Winter and the blossoming of sensuality in all of nature and the bounty it will bring.
Activities and Rituals: fertilize, nurture and boost existing goals, games, activities of pleasure, leaping bonfires, making garlands, May Pole dance, planting seeds, weaving, walking one’s property, feasting
Colors: Red, White, Brown, Pink, Green
Tools: Broom, May Pole, cauldron
Stones/Gems: Emerald, malachite, amber, orange carnelian, sapphire, rose quartz, sapphires, bloodstone
Symbols & Decorations: May Pole, fires, fertility, flowers, growing things, ploughs, cauldrons of flowers
Foods: Dairy, bread, cereals
Flowers and Herbs: Lily of the valley, Foxglove, Rose, Broom, Hawthorne, Dittany of Crete, Elder, Mint, Mugwort, Thyme, Yarrow, Almond tree/shrub, Clover, Ivy, Marigold, Meadowsweet, Rowan, Sorrel, Woodruff, Primrose, Birch, Rosemary, Lilac, Ivy, Bluebells, Daisies and Woodruff
Animals: Swallow, dove, swan, cats, lynx, leopard, goats, cattle, rabbits, bees
Gods / Goddesses: Aphrodite, Artemis, Diana, Venus, Rhiannon, Bes, Flora, Hera, Sheela-na Gig, Xochiquetzal
Apollo, Bacchus, Belanos, Pan, Herne, Eros, Greenman, Horned One, Kokopelli, Priapus
Faery Tree Spirit Energies (Value $21 / R294)
With this lovely system, you will go to a beautiful Faery Tree Grove, to the Faery Tree Guardian to receive the tree elixirs of sixteen different Faery trees. Once you receive these elixirs, you will then be able to call on each of the tree’s attributes and work with them in your life, in your meditations, and when working with the Faeries. The manual contains information on each of the sixteen sacred Faery Trees, some Faery Folklore, the tree attributes, the attunement process and the Tree Spirit Affirmation Rhyme that seals the energies within you.
The trees you will be attuned to are:
The Wood of the Rowan
The Wood of the Beech
The Wood of the Willow
The Wood of the Birch
The Wood of the Elm
The Wood of the Apple
The Wood of the Alder
The Wood of the Hazel
The Wood of the Yew
The Wood of the Oak
The Wood of the Ash
The Wood of the Hawthorn
The Wood of the Elder
The Wood of the Blackthorn
The Wood of the Cedar
The Wood of the Spruce
Once you have been attuned to this system, you will be able to use this energy for yourself and others. You will also be able to pass this attunement on to others.
LW Sacred Locations
LW Dynamic Sacred Space (Value $25 / R352)
LW Cerridwen Empowerment (Value $17 / R235)
Stonehenge Energies attunement (Value $21/R294)
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