
All Lives Karma Remover



Founder Senay Yildrim, 2024

The “All Lives Karma Removal” manual, authored by Şenay Yıldırım, offers a profound system for spiritual healing and self-transformation. It presents a unique energy healing system provided by the Karma Angels, designed to help individuals release negative karma accumulated over lifetimes. This transformative process not only aims to cleanse karmic burdens but also to elevate one’s spiritual journey.

Central to the manual is the concept that our actions across all lifetimes shape our present and future, necessitating a conscious effort to harmonize and balance these karmic accounts. The manual provides detailed guidance on various practices such as guided meditations, attunements, and methods to engage with and harness this sacred energy.

Through these practices, readers are encouraged to unlock their Divine potential, foster a deeper connection with the spiritual realm, and pursue a path toward enlightenment and inner peace. The process is depicted not merely as an act of healing, but as a journey of rediscovery where one can align with the higher frequencies of universal energy, guided by the benevolent Karma Angels. The manual is an invitation to transform one’s life by removing barriers of past karmas and embracing a future filled with Divine Light, abundance, and spiritual growth.


  • Cleansing of Negative Karma: Releases karmic debts and negative influences from past and present lives, fostering spiritual cleanliness and renewal.
  • Spiritual Enlightenment: Encourages deeper spiritual understanding and connection, enhancing one’s journey toward enlightenment.
  • Emotional Release: Facilitates the release of repressed emotions and past traumas, promoting emotional healing and stability.
  • Enhanced Physical Well-being: Supports physical health by removing energetic blockages that can manifest as physical symptoms.
  • Improved Relationships: Clears past karmic influences that affect current relationships, helping to heal and strengthen interpersonal connections.
  • Increased Inner Peace: Promotes a profound sense of peace and calm by aligning one’s energy with Divine frequencies.
  • Personal Empowerment: Empowers individuals to take control of their spiritual and karmic destiny, enhancing personal agency and self-awareness.
  • Connection with Divine Energies: Fosters a closer connection to Divine forces and the Karma Angels, facilitating divine guidance and support.
  • Transformation of Life Circumstances: Transforms one’s life situation by improving karmic conditions, leading to better outcomes in various life areas such as career, health, and relationships.
  • Promotion of Positive Karma: Encourages the creation of positive karma through good deeds and intentions, influencing future experiences positively.

These benefits aim to not only heal but also to uplift individuals, guiding them through a transformative journey that aligns their soul with the divine orchestration of the Universe.