Luranis – Healing to all levels, Opening up to the Fifth Dimension, Transformation of your Entire Body



Founder Solina Grill Mitterhofer 

A high-energy modern authorization system Solina

This authorization is, by ADAMA chief high priest of the City of Light TELOS, to you personally performed. He takes you, after you have been prepared by me, on a journey into the City of Light TELOS, there is then in a solemn ceremony, completed your authorization.

The symbol of salvation LURANIS carries the pure rainbow energy in itself, its origin is from the areas of El Shaddai. It brings healing to all of your levels, if you allow it. Your DNA is opening up to the fifth Dimension – the transformation of your entire body begins.

Also, do you wear to the authorization granted by LURANIS, a symbol of salvation in you. You can do it by thought command to send any sick animals and healing happens as it is appropriate.

 Use this in wisdom and unconditional love.

ADAMA is the supreme high priest, the spiritual leader of the sacred Lemurian city of Telos beneath Mount Light Mount Shasta in California. He is the leader of the Lemurian Council of Light in Telos. He also is an ambassador and diplomat for Galactic contacts with our star brothers and sisters, on behalf of humanity within and on the surface of the planet Earth. ADAMA, together with the Lemurian team besides dealing with questions of creation and maintenance of a highly important crystalline grid around the planet. He is working on this important project along with many galactic and interplanetary beings. ADAMA is “Ascended Masters of the blue beam” on a universal level, a master of love and compassion, and he assisted the humanity and the planet during the ascent project. TELOS has been on planet earth now a headquarters for the rise and Adama is one of the main leaders, along with the planetary Christ, Lord Maitreya, Lord Sananda, Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, and many others.

Adama embodies the “Heart of Lemuria” which means nothing less than the heart of love and compassion, the heart of the Divine Mother, the return of Christ consciousness on this planet in all its magnificent grandeur. ADAMAS time has now come to the surface that he is known inhabitants of this planet. His spiritual presence among us – as well as the spiritual presence of our former Lemurian family – is a great blessing for us all and for this planet. Let us open our hearts to Adama and the members of our Lemurian family who stand by us on our evolutionary path and wait for the coming period and to come back physically with us.

This authorization makes use of ADAMA, chief high priest of the City of Light TELOS, carried out personally to you. He takes you, after you have been prepared by me, on a journey into the City of Light TELOS, there is then in a solemn ceremony, completed your authorization.

The symbol of salvation LURANIS carries the pure rainbow energy in itself, it has its origin in the highest areas of light. It brings healing on all your levels, if you allow it. Your DNA is opening up to the fifth Dimension, the transformation of your entire body begins.  You are by this authority in a position other divine beings in the frequency of the 5th Dimension to anchor immediately. You are entitled to pass on this authority to others. Use of this unconditional love and in wisdom.


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