Releasing the Past Healing & Clearing Package


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The Releasing the Past Healing and Clearing Package has to do with healing your past and moving forward. In this way, you can realize your full potential. You will no longer be trapped in the past and afraid to let go. The energy will support you in finding peace with your past. If you happen to be one of these people who lives in the past, this session was crafted especially for you–to help you move forward into the now.

The Releasing the Past Healing and Clearing Package is helpful if you have repetitive thoughts that play over and over in your head and are subject to being triggered into emotional turmoil based on situations and memories from the past.

Unfortunately, it’s quite difficult to live in the present when your mind is constantly traveling backwards. As a result of the session you will experience less fear, doubt, worry, dropping away of old habits, greater clarity of thought, heightened sense of connectedness, and more.  “The World” will begin to change around you as blocks to your progress evaporate.

Inner Mind beliefs and automatic thoughts will be cleared which will allow you to feel different about yourself in familiar situations and generally change your mind about yourself. Fear drops away and is replaced by confidence. Low self-esteem gives way to a more positive self-image. Persistent and hardened ways of thinking and believing are cleared so that you experience changes in your perception to that of a new reference frame of tolerance, optimism, and flexibility.

Whatever we are silently thinking and believing in our Inner Mind magnetizes the Universe to send us more of it. This clearing and healing session supports you in changing and controlling the unaware signals and intentions you send out to The Universe which changes the way reality operates for you to bring you better life outcomes through the process of positive manifestation.

Getting better outcomes then reinforces your positive beliefs and thoughts, and things just keep getting better and better. The result of releasing hardened negative thinking and believing is the softening of your mind and heart. Thus, you are more likely to respond than simply react.

No one’s life is kept free from emotional pain and trauma. Poor feelings of hopelessness and sadness hang like a dark cloud over our lives preventing the sun from shining through. Healing emotions heals feelings of despair. More illumination begins to takes place when clouds of sorrow are removed.

Past traumas and feelings that prevent you from finding happiness will be released so that you are able to look at life in a more positive light. You will be assisted in forgiving yourself and others so that you can experience true freedom. The energy will support you in not slipping back into old habits and memories that you would like to avoid.

Energy that creates stagnation in your energy field be released and more Light will be brought into your energy field.  You will leave the session feeling lighter and able to focus on the moment of NOW knowing that the rising of the sun will happen soon and a colorful rainbow will appear bringing you brighter days ahead.

Manuals and attunements included in this package are as follows:

1.    Tsai Shen Yeh Taoist God of Wealth

2.    Clear Matrix Energetic

3.    Life Protection Orb

4.    Soul Palm Reiki

5.    Light Vortex Super Wave

6.    Dragon White Wing

7.    Protection Ki Vibration

8.    Energy Implants Neutralizer

9.    Bam Reiki

10.  Magic Protection Reiki

11.  Magic Protection Reiki Advanced

12.  Kundalini Awakening Reiki

13.  White Star Radiance

14.  Essential Unicorn

15.  Etheric Dragon Athame

16.  Earth Energetic Circuit

17.  Energy Implants

18.  Denergies

19.  Lightening Orb

20.  Protection Ki

21.  Location Protection

22.  Sacred Space Grid

23.  Radium Chakra Protection

24.  Life Force for A Super Immunity

25.  Empath Protection Activation and Clearing

26.  Life Force Infusions 1

27.  Life Force Infusions 2

28.  Life Force Infusions 3

29.  Protection Reiki

30.  Orb of Life


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