Etheric Cord Cutting



Cutting Cords of attachment consists of releasing or cutting away energetic cords that connect you with someone else. You are energetically corded to anyone who you have a relationship with including family members, friends, co workers and acquaintances in some way whether it is harmful or healthy. Energy flows back and forth between you and another.  However, a cord of attachment is not the flow of unconditional love.  A cord of attachment by definition is negative and contributes a unique set of difficulties to your energy system.  When you are corded in an unhealthy way to someone, these bonds can negatively impact all aspects of your life. For example, your behavior may be influenced or controlled by the person you are negatively bonded to. You may be easily manipulated, feel stuck, depressed, have low energy levels or simply feel bad in the other person’s presence. In this case it is important to remove the cords to improve your emotional, spiritual and physical well-being.



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