Arcturian Keys Synergy Healing Re-Alignment – Universal Healing for Mind & Body
Prerequisite: None
The Arcturian Keys Synergy Re-Alignment was channeled in 2022 by Jay Burrell.
Welcome to the Arcturian Keys Synergy Healing Re-Alignment. The guided energies of the Arcturian Keys were given to me after I channelled the Galactic Lightworker and Lyran Starseed Empowerment in May 2022. At the time of channelling, I experienced a deep spiritual cleanse where I clairvoyantly received a set of etheric keys that were encoded into my energy background. As I connected with each of the Keys, I was given insights into how they work and how they can be used to heal and re-align the mind, body & spirit both on a personal level and also professionally.
Some of the Keys that will be encoded into your etheric background include:
* The Intention Antenna
* Extreme Situation Healing
* The Fear Removal Matrix
* Genetic & Cellular Clearing and much more
* The Liquid Crystal Re-Alignment
* The Arcturian Joy Machine
* The Light Temple Colour Baths
The Arcturian Keys will also help with the following and much more:
* Raising personal energies to higher levels of conscious awareness.
* Cleansing virtues from the physical and spiritual bodies.
* Boosting the Immune system.
* Upgrading overall health and well-being.
* Relieving bodily pains.
* Easing prolonged illness.
* Removing energetic parasites, implants, cords, daggers, darts, attachments and much more.