- Attunements, Packages
Egyptian Energies 1
- £129.00
- Includes 32 manuals and attunements sent by chi ball method, for you to call in when you are ready. Once you have received the attunements, you are able to pass them on to others and charge for them. You will receive one certificate on completion of the attunement package. Freebie: Isis Blue Moon - The founder of this system…
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- Attunements, Packages
Egyptian Energies Package 2
- £129.00
- Comprises 31 manuals and attunements sent by chi ball method, to call in when you are ready. Once you have received the attunements, you are able to pass them on to others and charge for them. You will receive a certificate on completion of the attunement package.
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Elemental Pentagram
- £60.00
- By Rev. Anna May. The Elemental Pentagram Empowerment course works to balance your energy field by invoking the five elements of nature (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit). These elements are represented by the ancient symbol of the pentagram; a five-pointed star. The Circle acts as a protective barrier and also ensures that the power of the five elements is…
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- Attunements
Elemental Pentagram
- £60.00
- Elemental Pentagram Program by Rev. Ana May The Elemental Pentagram Empowerment course works to balance your energy field by invoking the five elements of nature (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit). These elements are represented by the ancient symbol of the pentagram; a five-pointed star. The Circle acts as a protective barrier and also ensures that the power of the…
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- Attunements
Elemental Reiki
- £15.00
- Elemental Reiki was created by Rebecca Doolin and employs symbols derived from Goddess, Elemental, and Pagan symbology. The Reiki energy harmonizes with the frequency of The Goddess so as to work in accordance with Wiccan Tradition. This unique style of Reiki beautifully combines the healing energy of Reiki with the Goddess, Elemental, and Pagan symbology and can be used for…
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- Attunements
Elemental Spirit Whisperer Genetic Code Expansion & Awakening
- £10.00
- By Mariah Windsong. Pre-requisite: Usui or Seichim Master Awakens the genetics that allow your physical body to interface and make changes in the structural reality of matter here in this reality. Whisperer refers to speaking a secret in private between two self aware beings. Education about working with the sentient awareness within elements. The first level of this system is…
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- Attunements
Elen of the Ways Healing System
- £20.00
- The Goddess of Mother Nature Prerequisite: None Elen of the Ways - Initiation & Healing System was channeled by Raine and Philip Hilton in 2006 and is a very powerful initiation designed to help with your connection to the Goddess of Mother Nature. * Level 1 - The first attunement aligns your own energy with that of Elen and during which you…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Elenari Healing System
- £0.00
- Elenari translates to “Star Elf”. All healing on this dimension comes from the Higher Realms of the traditional Source—the Higher Source/Creator/God/Goddess of All. The Star Realms. This healing system utilizes our senses of visualization and intention to heal. The connection is Earth based and Star based. It implements only 3 symbols, by visualization only; and can be used to heal…
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- Attunements
Elven Shamanic Healing
- £29.00
- This is not part of any package Elven Shamanic Healing ~ Distant Attunement Description Elven Shamanic Healing comes from the Elven realms and is a natural form of healing. This attunement will connect you with the Elven, or Elf energy and help you learn how the elves can assist you with healing using herbs and other natural energies. The attunement…
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- Attunements
Elven Star Connection Empowerment
- £10.00
- Anyone can work with the Elven Star Symbol, also known as the Seven pointed star, Septagram, Heptagram, and Fairy Star. Many are aware of its multitude of symbolic meanings, but few are going deeper and seeing how it can be used as a powerful connection to Fey and also as a healing and guidance system. This system takes you on…
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- Attunements, Cezary Wieczorek
Embodied Symbology Fusion
- £25.00
- Founder: Cezary Wieczorek, 2024 Embodied Symbology Fusion is a profound spiritual attunement designed to aid you on a transformative journey, allowing for a deeper connection between your mind, body, and spirit. This attunement enables you to reinterpret the symbols of your past, such as scars, tattoos, or emotional imprints, transforming them into expressions of your personal growth and maturity. Benefits…
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- Attunements, Packages
Emotional Healing Systems Package
- £89.00
- Includes the following manuals and attunements: Emotional Heart Healing Reiki Emotional Nervous Healing Reiki Emotional Digestive Track Healing Reiki Emotional Eating Disorders Healing Reiki Emotional Respiratory Healing Reiki Emotional Auto Immune Disease Healing Reiki Emotional Five Senses Healing Reiki Emotional Osteoporosis Healing Reiki Emotional Cancer and Tumor Healing Reiki Emotional Urinary Track Healing Reiki You receive 10 PDF manuals and…
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