Vajra Tummo Reiki 1 to Masters




Vajra Tummo Reiki (VTR) is a variant of Reiki tradition which is originated from the ancient mystical tradition of Tibet, called “Vajra Gtummo”.

Vajra means “thunderbolt”, where this thing represents energy of the “ knowledge which has attained enlightenment”.

Gtummo or Tummo means “sacred fire” or commonly called Kundalini, the very powerful energy in the human body which commonly still “sleeps” in the form of circular shape nearby tail bone (perineum). In the mythology of ancient Indian, Kundalini is also called “Goddess of Snake”.

Vajra Tummo Reiki (VTR) is Reiki tradition which is very effective to arise Kundalini safely because in addition to open up the coil of Kundalini, this tradition also open all etheric lines required by Kundalini to achieve the unity with the universe.

VTR is founded by Yan Nurindra, a grandmaster of many mystical traditions originated from Asia. He found VTR after receving “Angkur” of mystical tradition of “Vajra Gtummo” from several Tibetan Ascended Masters at the time he was in the “Samadhi” dimension (the unity with universe).

Notes : “Angkur” is a term used in the mystical tradition of ancient Tibet which means a kind of attunement or initiation.

Level 1

Practitioners will obtain Vajra Attunement.

Level 2

Practitioners will obtain Vajra attunement, attunement of VTR symbols, Initiation of Kundalini which will open up the coil of Kundalini and arise the fire up to the navel chakra.

Level 3

The practitioners will obtain Vajra attunement, attunement of VTR symbols, Initiation of Kundalini which will arise the fire of Kundalini of practitioners up to Heart Chakra.

Level 4 (Master)

The practitioners will obtain Vajra Attunement, attunement of VTR symbols, Initiation of Kundalini which will arise the fire of Kundalini burst out from the Crown Chakra, and the entitlement of the spiritual right as VTR Master.

Important Notice !

Since VTR involved the technique of awaking the Kundalini, so VTR is allowed to be learned only by those who have grown up (above 18 years of age).