Find meaning and sacredness in everyday life using the 4 elements



Course content

29 PDF

12 Audio & Video

Attunements to the value of $952


Gratitude Journal

Shadow Work Journal

4 Elements synopsis

Do you know who you are and why you are here? Do you know what your mission in life is? Are you aware of the daily guidance from your Soul?  No matter how great your outward success is, if you don’t know the answer to these questions, you might feel that there is something missing in your life.

This course is a powerful program that anyone can do. It is a process that takes you to your Spiritual source and helps you find meaning and sacredness in your everyday life. It allows you to take an honest look at yourself and life, face fear, release old negative patterns, get motivated and step boldly and joyfully into your future.

Once you have committed yourself to the course, life seems to unfold in a remarkable, almost magical, way.  Declare that you are ready to discover your authentic Self and are willing to dedicate time in your life to doing it, and loving forces of the Universe will coalesce to propel you in the direction of your destiny. Synchronistic events and seeming “coincidences” begin to expand exponentially in your life.

The aim of this course is to align your inner Spiritual life with your outer life. It helps you to clear away mental and emotional clutter so you can hear the messages from within. It also helps you to discover your purpose so you can design a life that supports that purpose.

Regular life coaching usually focuses on the attainment of a goal or a dream. This differs from therapy, in which the intention is usually focused on emotional healing. The coaching used in this course is different from these modalities, as its primary aim is to clear away inner debris in order to connect you with the wisdom of your Soul.

The understanding of who you are can never be told by another. It is only when you reach into the wellspring of your being that the truth of the Soul springs forth.

The remarkable thing about this elemental approach to therapy is the way that it reveals the emotional impact that the elements have on us.

A proverb from India states that everyone is a house with four rooms – mental, emotional, physical, and Spiritual – but unless we go into every room every day we are not a complete person. The elements are powerful tools for entering these inner rooms.

Throughout history, the elements have been associated with natural balance and wholeness. Ancient native people knew that within each element were patterns of energy that permeated the universe. They used this understanding to develop cosmological models to create a sense of harmony in their lives.

From Native Americans to ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs, Persians, Celts, and Hindus, the mysterious panorama of nature has been divided into separate parts that are designated by the four elements. Egyptian sages fervently believed that reflection on the four elements provided a profound understanding of life.

In the mystery schools of Mesopotamia, initiates underwent rigorous rites of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. Each elemental rite was said to test a particular aspect of the initiate’s nature. Hippocrates, honored as the father of medicine, declared that a patient’s health depended upon a balance of the four elements. The great Sufi poet, Rumi, wrote that the four elements were the foundation of life and had a profound effect upon the human Spirit.

To those ancient people, the symbolism of the four elements welded all separate pieces of reality into a cohesive whole. Each one brought a gift that gave balance to the people. The Spirit of Air gave the wind with its cooling breezes in the summer; the Spirit of Water brought refreshing rains; the Spirit of Fire gave warmth from the sun; and the Spirit of Earth brought forth the hills, mountains, trees, and plants on earth. The underlying energy of all the elements was the Creator/God/Goddess, the source of all life.

Although the natural world around us is an interwoven, interconnected universe, our forerunners divided reality into separate components they called elements. They thought that the elements represented different aspects of life. These wise predecessors understood that within each element were patterns of energy that permeated the universe. They used this understanding to develop cosmological models to orient themselves on earth and create a sense of balance in their lives.

In truth, nature is a melding of the elements – a vast cauldron of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth, and none can exist without the other. When we divide nature into four elements, we must remember that this is a symbolic system that can never encompass reality. Wholeness resides in harmonic forces that exist outside the perception of our senses and are only symbolized by the elements. However, through separating the aspects of nature into individual parts, which not only represent the real air, water, fire, and earth, but also represent conditions of life, discernment and wisdom occurs.

Earth represents being committed to our values and principles. It involves groundedness, honesty and commitment to our personal values and ethics. It symbolizes nourishing ourselves and reminds us of our true compass.

Air represents our creativity and Spirit. It involves imagination, flexibility and fluidity. It reminds us that we need to dream, learn, adapt and improvise all the time. It also reminds us that we need to discover ourselves and find our own voice among all the chaos.

Fire represents our passions, desires and positive energy. It involves all the things that excite and attract us. It ignites our core strengths and lights up our sky.

Water represents flow and contribution. It involves our contribution and legacy we will leave behind us. All the things we have created for the benefit of others. All the assets that we have left for the enjoyment of others.

For a life of satisfaction and fulfillment, we need to pay attention to all these four domains in our lives.

The four elements reveal the mystery of life. The Earth element enables us to be practical, solid and down to earth. Yet also found within the Earth element is a quiet ecstasy and inner silence in which the things we care about most in life are always near to us.

The Air element, weightless and free, has within it a perfect state of relaxation. Here are balance and harmony, the feeling of freedom, of good cheer and a sense of wonder – that in each moment the unknown Universe is revealing itself in a new way.

In Water are innocence and receptive grace. The Water element is so open and focused on the present that our responses to others are not shaped by our past experiences. The Water element also produces graphic imagination – the ability to experience the past and the future as if they are completely real and happening right now. Within Water is found a nearly superhuman empathy in which we can feel other’s feelings as if they are our own.

The Fire element is expansive, energetic and commanding. It overcomes obstacles and makes things happen. Through its will power, we are able to seize new opportunities as they arise. Fire has the light of vision and the ecstasy that comes from accomplishing a mission.

Every breath of air relaxes us. Fire gives us strength and energy. We learn to flow and be more fluid like water. The earth reminds us to heal and nourish ourselves. When we align with the four elements, we become more present and tap into the wisdom of life itself.

We each tend to rely on one part of our Self and dismiss the others. For example, in modern society we focus on our physical bodies (Earth) and forget about our Spiritual essence (Fire). We rely on our minds (Air) but ignore our emotional bodies (Water).

Finding balance

We can bring ourselves back to balance by using the four elements as reflections of the different aspects of ourselves. Just as one of the elements is not more or less important than any other, no one part of ourselves is more or less important. By keeping the four elements in our awareness on a daily basis, we set into motion our internal healing which allows us to access the immense internal energy that is vital for change.

Module 1


What is the Soul?

Listening to your Soul

Module 2

History of the four elements

Module 3

The elements and correspondences





Notice the elements in the natural world

Notice how the four elements come up within your physical body

Working with each element energetically

Module 4

Daily affirmations

Module 5

Air – Mental clearing

Connecting with the Spirit of Air



Type of energy

Basic nature




Ritual forms



Musical instruments





Natural symbols

Air element and the heart chakra

Practices to tune into the Air element

Touch: Feel the wind in your hair

Taste: Bitter and astringent

Sight: Watch the world move

Smell: Fresh air

Sound: The vibration of sound


Module 6

Life assessment

Affirmation for the Day


Assessing your life

Steps and leaps : Bridging the gap


Life questions

Module 7

Making a commitment to change your life

Affirmation for the Day


Commit to take one empowering action daily

Examples of daily commitments

Alternatively commit to do nothing

What are your values in life?

Examples of personal values

What have you been putting off?

Module 8

Where are you in your life?

Affirmation for the day

Be the sacred observer

Your faults can be your virtues

Module 9

Your Soul mission

Affirmation for the day

Begin to create your Soul mission statement

Create a Soul mission collage

Module 10

Water – Emotions

Connecting to the Spirit of Water



Type of energy

Basic nature




Ritual forms



Musical instrument





Nature symbols

Water and the Svadhishthana chakra

Practices to tune into the Water element

Touch: Cold water therapy

Taste: Sweet and salty

Smell: Petrichor

Sound: Waves against the shore

Sight: Awe-inspiring ocean scenes

Pranayama: Ocean breath

Video:       How to do Pranayama breath

Audio:       Water element – Sacral chakra healing

                Guided meditation to connect to the element of Water

Module 11

Turning points in your life

Affirmation for the day

What were the turning points in your life?

What have you learned from your turning points?

Module 12

Recurring emotions

Examining the meaning you give your life

Affirmation for the day

Module 13

What zaps your energy

Affirmation for the day

Identify your zappers

Identify what uplifts your energy

Diminish an energy zapper

Module 14

Be still, do nothing

Affirmation for the day

Go slow

Watch the signs

Do nothing

Sacred stillness

Module 15


Affirmation for the day

What exactly is gratitude?

Gratitude as a state of being

Gratitude as an emotion

Extras:      Gratitude journal (50 pages)

Module 16

Fire – Spark of life

Connecting to the Spirit of Fire



Type of energy

Basic nature




Ritual forms



Musical instrument





Nature symbols

Sacred symbolism of Fire

Fire and the Manipura chakra

Practices to connect with the Fire element





Candle gazing


Pranayama – Kapalabhati breath

Video:       How to do Kapalabhati breath

Audio:       Fire element – Awaken power

                Guided meditation – Connect to the element of Fire

Module 17

Confronting fear

Affirmation for the day

Acknowledge your fears

Take a risk

Take massive action

Module 18

Facing your shadow

Affirmation for the day

Replacing “could” for “should”

Letting skeletons out of the closet

Extra:       Shadow work journal

Module 19

Say yes to life

Affirmation for the day

Being in the present moment

Tips for living in the moment

Benefits of living in the moment

Trust and faith

Saying yes to life

Module 20

You are a powerful Spiritual Being

Affirmation for the day

Open your wings

Soaring on your wings of light

Flying on wings of love

Module 21


Connecting to the Spirit of Earth

Connecting with your body

Affirmation for the day



Type of energy

Basic nature




Ritual forms



Musical instruments





Natural symbols

Connect to the Earth

Touch: Earthing

Taste: Sweet and sour

Sight: Nature and the color red

Sound: Schuman Resonance and the ‘LAM’ mantra

Audio:       LAM mantra

Smell: Using the sense of smell more often

Pranayama: Box breathing

Module 22

Connecting with your body

Affirmation for the day

Dry brush your skin

Risks of dry brushing

Module 23

Awakening the natural forces inside you

Affirmation for the day

Replenished by nature

Become the Earth

Awakening natural rhythms within you

Module 24

A home for the Soul

Affirmation for the day

Bring nature into your home

Create a place in your home for your Soul

Module 25

Creating a fabulous future

Affirmation for the day

Creating your future

Project yourself into your future

Taking action for a positive future

Module 26

Fire ceremony

Release ceremony

When should you do this ritual?

Intention setting and grounding


Burning and release

Module 27

Bring ritual and ceremony into your life

Why have a morning ritual?

The benefits I have seen first-hand from a morning ritual

What is a morning ritual?

What makes a morning ritual workable?

Play with your rituals and evolve them as you evolve

Creating a nightly ritual

Ritual in real life

Making use of the commute


Be a beacon of light

At the office


Errands and the grocery store


Module 28

Your inner sanctuary


Getting started

The meditation

Module 29

A circle of love

Affirmation for the day

Surrounded by a circle of love

Opening your heart of light

Go to the center of your Being


Gratitude Journal

Shadow Work Journal


Soul Care 1 – 5Value $70 / R1 286

Soul Care Levels 1-5 From Mariah Windsong

Soul Care© assists you to connect more strongly with your soul, and Eternal Sacred Source. The Shakti and Beings of Light who arrive with this energy system to guide and heal you are very happy that you will be asking for their help. They will be present every time you activate a function or level of Soul Care© & will be a comfort and reminder of your origins beyond this time and place. Soul Care© energy system seeks to bring you into wholeness within your soul and bring more of you here. There are 5 levels to this system..

Soul Care Level 1 contains the attunement to the Rainbow Bridge Shakti. Shakti are delicate and powerful Divine Intelligences who are sensitive to their surroundings. This means that your sincerity and attention to purity of heart is necessary otherwise they will hide and not activate when you call upon them. Rainbow Bridge Shakti is a Loving Divine Intelligence that you can ride with from here to where you connect into the Heart of Eternal Sacred Source. You ride with her on a Rainbow Bridge from here to your Higher Self, Soul, and onwards to the place where you connect into the Heart of Eternal Sacred Source.

Soul Care Level 2 attunes you to the natural spin-speed ratio of  Krystal Spiral and Sequence, the Eternal Merkavah. Eternal Ascension aligns with energy that is self-sustaining from the center point of creation and is self-regenerating instead of inorganic and finite. Soul Care© Level 2 provides you access to a spiritual concept called Aspect Management©. This gives you an easy energetic way to manage the focus and activities various aspects of you are engaged with at any one time. We all split off aspects of ourselves whether we are aware of it or not.  Being aware of when and why this is happening is important.  Purposefully managing how many aspects are busy doing what will give you the ability to pull more concentration of you present in the NOW when you need strength.

Soul Care Level 3 does the initial cleansing of any karma, codes, imprints, limiting harnesses, implants, nanotech or limiting belief programs which are not in alignment with the Heart of Eternal Sacred Source.    Level 3 does the first soul cleanse for you and lights you soul lights.  It is your responsibility to reactivate frequently.  Doing this daily will ensure optimal healing, growth and freedom.  Cleansing and regeneration is a gradual process.

Soul Care level 4 is designed to facilitate soul parts to return to your soul. These soul parts are then worked with intensively by the Strength Movers of the Light and your own Angels and other Helping Healing Ones in the Light of Eternal Sacred Source. This differs from ‘traditional’ soul retrieval work in that your soul parts are called to return directly to your soul first, rather than to the incarnated you here in body. There is an increased efficacy in this work by encouraging your soul parts to re-unite within your soul, prior to their invitation to join you here on Earth in body.

Soul Care Level Five.  For our final level of Soul Care there is assistance and transportation provided to bring parts of your soul here to integrate with you in physicality. We call this Descension and Integration. It is very difficult to ascend until you have enough concentration of yourself here in physicality. It is necessary to more fully descend before you can easily ascend.

Soul Care level 5 will assist the bringing of more of you here, today, for your life. A strong concentration of your soul here in body gives you ease of eventual ascension because more of your natural Divine Attributes are present here. Start thinking about your soul, what parts of yourself do you yearn for? There are not likely names here, simply a tug, a feeling of missing a part of yourself that you feel or think might be out there at the higher levels. Pray and declare that you are ready to receive the parts of you that are ready to descend to you, here in body and integrate with you, here.

Life Force InfusionValue $35 / R636

Attracts more life force, promotes balance in entire being and whole life, protects you from negative energies

Life Force Infusion System fosters balance in all aspects of your life. When you are more balanced, more life force can flow through you to touch every aspect of your being. This increased flow fosters even greater balance, which in turn attracts even more life force. Because this energy system is to promote balance, it brings your entire being into balance in a balanced way – slowly and steadily.

Life Force Infusion System balances your whole being; when you work with this energy in a specific area of the body, it balances those areas. For example, if you work this energy on a disharmonious stomach, this will attract life force to the stomach, promoting greater balance there and helping the stomach become healthier.

Life Force Infusion System brings balance to your body’s physical processes, including those involved in the functioning of your endocrine, organ, nervous, circulatory, digestive, and other systems. Life Force Infusion System balances these processes one at a time, beginning its work with whatever requires its attention most. As this system draws more life force to your physical body, a healing may start to occur. Such healing is not the direct effect of this system but of the increased life force that this system brings to your body. As you continue to work with this, your health will naturally improve.

Life Force Infusion System fosters a greater awareness of your emotional being. It helps balance emotional energies and incorporate the effects of new experiences into your consciousness. With more emotional balance, you can handle all situations in a more dignified and balanced way. Because of this, Life Force Infusion may seem to protect you from the negative emotions of others. However, you will simply become more able to place negative emotions in perspective and to maintain your own balance. Positive emotions will appear enhanced, but only because you will appreciate and enjoy them more.

Those who are familiar with the concept of karma – the law of cause and effect, or the law of action and reaction – know that an individual is ultimately accountable for his actions. Life Force Infusion System can help you become aware of incidents from the past; it can also help you see that your actions cause reactions. With this awareness, the effects of your actions can become learning experiences rather than simply slaps out of the blue. This awareness will also help you better handle your current life situations that are associated with past experiences.

Life Force Infusion System not only helps balance your physical and subtle bodies, it also helps bring into balance everything that comes into your life. If Life Force Infusion System is worn continually, it will even work to deflect those forces that upset your balance, and it will attract what is needed to maintain your balance.

Life Force Infusion System can take the energy that is in your aura, metabolize it, and return it to you in a more usable form. Life Force Infusion System calls to itself the life force that exists all around you and in your subtle bodies. It can bring this energy into your physical body in a form that the body can “digest” and use for its development. Ultimately, the mission of Life Force Infusion System is spiritual: when the bodies’ energies are balanced, a more stable foundation will be laid from which spiritual growth can flourish.

The Life Force Infusion System has 3 degrees / levels:

1st Degree: At this degree, you will use 2 symbols

2nd Degree: At this second degree, you will use a symbol

3rd Degree: The third degree is the Master Level.

Healing Elements Lightwork – Value $21 / R295

Each of the four Elements of Nature have tremendous healing power that is available for you to use to help heal yourself and others. This attunement connects you to the Elements Earth, Air, Fire, and Water to help you bring universal healing into your life. Using these energies can improve any other healing techniques you may already be using and provides powerful healing with the Elements of Nature.

You will learn about each of the elements and a healing technique for connecting to and healing with each element. There are four attunements to this system:

  • Earth
    • Air
    • Fire
    • Water

Each has its own energy and power and can be used alone or together with any or all of the other Elements in healing.