Golden Ray and LightBody Activation Practitioner
Course creator: Dr Emma Bisschoff RM WMA MCMA
Course Content
19 PDF
Attunements to the value of $1 300 / R22 800 are included at no extra cost (attunements can be passed on and charged for once you have received them yourself)
Ascension Gateway: Crystalline DNA Activation Value $50 / R879 – Founder: Emma Bisschoff
This attunement works with the elevated energies of the 14th dimension, specifically designed to activate and awaken the Crystalline DNA embedded within your spiritual and physical Being. The Crystalline DNA holds the codes for higher consciousness, multidimensional awareness and latent spiritual abilities. By engaging with the frequencies of this dimension, the attunement initiates a process of profound spiritual expansion, elevating your vibrational frequency and unlocking dormant aspects of your soul’s infinite potential.
Crystal Grid outlines
Crystal Basics, Storage and Care
Crystal Journal
Welcome to the Golden Ray and Lightbody Activation Practitioner Course, a profound journey into higher-dimensional healing that will elevate your spiritual practice to new heights. This comprehensive course is designed for those who are ready to step into their full potential as healers, channeling powerful energies from the 11th to 14th dimensions to facilitate deep healing and transformation for themselves and their clients.
Throughout this course, you will learn how to access and integrate the Golden Ray, a divine stream of energy that carries the frequencies of healing, enlightenment and spiritual ascension. You will also explore Lightbody activation, which unlocks the full potential of the energetic matrix that surrounds and sustains the physical body, allowing for the alignment of your energy field with higher realms of consciousness.
By working with these elevated energies, you will be equipped to heal on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level, bringing balance, clarity and profound shifts to your clients. The combination of the Golden Ray, Sacred Geometry and higher-dimensional energies will enable you to anchor these frequencies into your healing practice, creating lasting transformation that reaches far beyond traditional methods.
As a Practitioner of this course, you will develop a deeper understanding of:
Accessing and channeling the 11th to 14th dimensions, each offering unique frequencies that will enhance your healing work.
The Golden Ray as a conduit for healing and spiritual expansion, clearing energetic blockages and raising vibrational frequencies.
Lightbody activation, allowing for the integration of higher energies and supporting the ascension process.
Sacred Geometry, using its power to amplify healing and align energy fields with cosmic order.
In this practitioner course, students will not only learn to work with the Golden Ray and Sacred Geometry in-person but also develop the ability to conduct powerful distance healing sessions. You will master the art of sending healing beyond the limitations of time and space, allowing the energies to reach clients no matter where they are in the world. By using the Golden Ray and Sacred Geometry, you will be able to guide these potent healing energies to flow along the client’s timeline, healing past traumas and preparing their energy for future growth. This advanced technique ensures that the healing you offer extends far beyond the present moment, creating a holistic and transformative experience that supports the client’s entire spiritual journey. Through both in-person and distance healing practices, you will be fully equipped to provide healing that transcends physical boundaries, working with the powerful forces of the higher dimensions.
This course is a unique opportunity to master advanced healing techniques and work with energies that few have yet accessed, making you a leader in your field. As you progress, you will receive attunements to these powerful frequencies, empowering you to bring profound healing to your clients and open new realms of possibility in your spiritual practice.
This is not just a course – it is a transformational experience that will guide you on your path to becoming a highly skilled Practitioner in higher-dimensional healing.
Module 1
Introduction to Practitioner-Level Healing
The Role of a Practitioner
Understanding Higher-Dimensional Healing
The Golden Ray and Lightbody Activation
Meditation: Setting the Stage for the Course
Grounding and Connecting with the Golden Ray
Activating Your Lightbody
Introducing Sacred Geometry
Setting Your Intention
Completing the Meditation
Module 2
The Lightbody
Understanding the Lightbody
The Role of the Lightbody in Spiritual Growth and Healing
The Lightbody as an Energetic Matrix
The Lightbody and Higher States of Consciousness
The Role of the Lightbody in Healing Practices
The Lightbody and Ascension
The Lightbody as a Blueprint for Well-Being
The Role of the Lightbody in Connecting to Higher Dimensions
Accessing Higher Realms Through the Lightbody
The Lightbody as a Multi-Dimensional Vehicle
Lightbody Activation for Practitioners and Clients
The Lightbody as a Gateway to Higher Planes
How the Lightbody Functions for Ascension and Transformation
The Lightbody and Higher-Dimensional Energies
Lightbody Activation and the Release of Blockages
Integrating Higher Frequencies Through the Lightbody
The Lightbody’s Role in Spiritual Development and Healing
Module 3
Introduction to the Golden Ray, Sacred Geometry and Lightbody Activation
The Golden Ray: A Divine Stream of Healing Energy
The Golden Ray and the 12th Dimension: A Gateway to Unity Consciousness
The Role of the Golden Ray
How the Golden Ray Supports Healing
Sacred Geometry: The Blueprint of Universal Harmony
The Role of Sacred Geometry in Healing
Using Sacred Geometry to Enhance the Golden Ray
Lightbody Activation: The Gateway to Higher Dimensions
The Role of the Lightbody in Healing
The Connection Between the Golden Ray and the Lightbody
The Interplay Between the Golden Ray, Sacred Geometry and the Lightbody
How They Work Together in Healing Sessions
Practical Application in Your Practice
Meditation: Setting Intentions for the Journey and Aligning with the Golden Ray
Journaling Your Intentions
Aftercare Following the Meditation
Module 4
Advanced Golden Ray and Lightbody Activation
The Golden Ray: A Tool for Advanced Lightbody Refinement
Using the Golden Ray to Stabilize the Lightbody with Higher-Dimensional Frequencies
Grounding Before Activation
Introducing the Golden Ray for Stabilization
Balancing Energy Flow
Integrating Higher-Dimensional Energies
Sealing and Strengthening the Lightbody
Targeting Blockages in the Lightbody: Techniques for Restoring Balance and Fluidity
Identifying Blockages in the Lightbody
Channeling the Golden Ray into Blocked Energy Centers
Clearing and Releasing Blockages
Balancing Energy Flow and Sealing the Cleared Area
Guiding Clients Through Lightbody Expansion: Ensuring Stability and Protection
Preparing the Client
Guiding the Lightbody Expansion
Maintaining Stability and Protection
Aftercare and Integration
Integration Questions
Module 5
Multidimensional Healing Foundations
The Dimensions in Multidimensional Healing
Third Dimension: The Physical Realm
Fourth Dimension: The Emotional and Mental Realm
Fifth Dimension: The Spiritual Realm of Love and Unity
11th to 14th Dimensions: Ascension and Cosmic Wisdom
The Role of the Practitioner in Multidimensional Healing
Accessing Multidimensional Energy in Healing Work
Overview of the 11th to 14th Dimensions
Using Higher-Dimensional Energies in Client Sessions
Module 6
The Council of Light and Divine Guidance
Introduction to the Council of Light
Who Are the Council of Light?
What Does the Council of Light Offer?
Connecting with the Council of Light
Introduction to Divine Guides
Who Are Divine Guides?
The Role of Divine Guides in Healing Work
How to Work with Divine Guides
The Importance of Divine Guidance in Healing Work
How to Connect with the Council of Light and Divine Guides in Healing
Preparing Yourself for Connection
Creating a Sacred Space
Grounding and Centering
Invoking the Council of Light and Divine Guides
Setting Your Intention
Calling in the Council of Light
Connecting with Divine Guides
Receiving Guidance and Healing Energy
Opening to Receive Divine Guidance
Channeling Higher-Dimensional Healing Energy
Closing the Connection
Expressing Gratitude
Sealing and Grounding the Energy
Closing the Space
Meditation: Receiving Guidance from the Council of Light for Practitioner Work
Invocation Ritual: Calling Upon Specific Divine Guides for Client Healing
Module 7
Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ray
Understanding Sacred Geometry
Flower of Life
Metatron’s Cube
The Golden Ratio (Phi)
Merkaba (Star Tetrahedron)
Sri Yantra
Vesica Piscis
Seed of Life
Icosahedron (Platonic Solid)
Synergy Between Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ray
Sacred Geometry and Lightbody Activation
Using Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ray in Healing Sessions
Visualizing Sacred Geometry During Healing
Placing Sacred Geometry Symbols in Your Healing Space
Guiding Clients Through Sacred Geometry Healing and Golden Ray Integration
Deep Emotional Healing with Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ray
Physical Healing with Sacred Geometry and Golden Ray Anchoring
Spiritual Expansion with the Merkaba and the Golden Ray
Harmonizing Energy with the Seed of Life and the Golden Ray
Manifesting Clarity and Focus with the Sri Yantra and the Golden Ray
Next Steps for Clients: Personalized Daily Maintenance
Flower of Life: Emotional Balance and Harmony
Metatron’s Cube: Energetic Alignment and Clearing
Seed of Life: Grounding and Harmonization
Merkaba: Spiritual Growth and Protection
Sri Yantra: Manifestation and Mental Clarity
Aligning the Lightbody with Sacred Geometry
Restoring Balance and Coherence to the Lightbody
Expanding and Activating the Lightbody
Harmonizing the Chakras and Energy Centers
Advanced Sacred Geometry: Working with Higher-Dimensional Symbols
The Cosmic Egg: A Symbol of Universal Creation
Creating an Energetic Grid with the Cosmic Egg
The Stellar Gateway: A Portal to Higher Dimensions
Creating an Energetic Grid with the Stellar Gateway
Integrating Higher-Dimensional Energies into Practitioner Work
Visualization: Connecting with Higher-Dimensional Sacred Geometry for Transformation and Wisdom
Module 8
The Role of Angels in Healing: How Angels Support Healing Work Through the Golden Ray
Archangels and Their Healing Roles
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Michael
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Uriel
Archangel Metatron
Guardian Angels: Personal Guides in Healing
Healing Angels: Amplifiers of Healing Energy
How Angels Support Healing Work
Invoking Angelic Presence in Client Sessions for Healing and Protection
The Importance of Invoking Angels During Healing Sessions
How Angels Amplify Healing Energy
Offering Intuitive Guidance
Protection and Sacred Space
Steps for Invoking Angelic Presence
Prepare the Space
Ground and Center the Client
Set a Clear Intention
Visualizing and Channeling Angelic Energy
Closing the Angelic Connection and Expressing Gratitude
Ritual: Angelic Protection and Healing with the Golden Ray
Meditation: Angelic Presence for Inner Strength and Divine Support
Module 9
The 11th Dimension: Healing with Divine Frequencies
Understanding the 11th Dimension
Healing Properties of the 11th Dimension
Grounding and Centering Before Accessing the 11th Dimension
Channeling the Golden Ray for 11th-Dimensional Healing
Using Sacred Geometry to Stabilize 11th-Dimensional Energies
Harmonizing the Lightbody
Receiving Spiritual Guidance from the 11th Dimension
Meditation: Connecting with the 11th Dimension for Divine Frequencies
Ritual: Infusing 11th-Dimensional Frequencies into a Healing Session
Advanced Techniques for 11th-Dimensional Healing
Advanced 11th-Dimensional Energy Grids
11th-Dimensional Healing Templates
Quantum Healing Techniques Using the 11th Dimension
Ritual: Activating the Lightbody and Quantum Healing with 11th-Dimensional Energies
Module 10
The 12th Dimension: Unity Consciousness and Healing with Divine Light
Understanding Unity Consciousness in the 12th Dimension
Healing Properties of the 12th Dimension
Restoring Wholeness and Unity
Clearing Duality and Releasing Polarity
Infusing the Energy Field with Pure Light
Soul Realignment
Techniques for Accessing 12th-Dimensional Energy in Practitioner Work
Preparing the Healing Space for 12th-Dimensional Work
Grounding the Client and Anchoring Unity Consciousness
Using the Golden Ray to Access the 12th Dimension
Sacred Geometry for Stabilizing 12th-Dimensional Energies
Lightbody Activation with 12th-Dimensional Energies
Integrating Unity Consciousness into Practitioner Work
Realigning the Client’s Energy Field
Facilitating Soul-Level Healing
Incorporating Unity Consciousness in Daily Practice
Advanced Techniques for 12th-Dimensional Healing Work
Collective Healing Grids with 12th-Dimensional Energy
Using Sacred Geometry to Anchor Unity Consciousness
Collective Consciousness Ritual for Group Healing
Ritual: Anchoring Unity Consciousness in Daily Life
Meditation: Unity Consciousness for Deep Healing
Guiding Clients Through Oneness-Based Healing
Creating the Space for Oneness-Based Healing
Setting the Intention for Unity
Preparing the Client for the Session
Channeling Unity Consciousness into the Healing Space
Facilitating the Release of Separation and Fragmentation
Aligning the Client’s Energy with Unity Consciousness
Encouraging Deep Emotional and Energetic Release
Guiding the Client to Embrace Wholeness and Integration
Closing the Session and Aftercare
Sealing the Energy Field with Oneness
Grounding the Client
Aftercare Suggestions
Module 11
The 13th Dimension: Ascension and Lightbody Enhancement
Ascension Energies of the 13th Dimension
Healing Properties of the 13th Dimension
Techniques for Accessing 13th-Dimensional Energy in Practitioner Work
Using the Golden Ray to Access the 13th Dimension
Sacred Geometry for Lightbody Activation in the 13th Dimension
Activating the Lightbody with 13th-Dimensional Energies
Integrating Ascension Energies into Practitioner Work
Realigning the Client’s Energy Field with Ascension Energies
Clearing Karmic Imprints and Limiting Patterns
Lightbody Expansion for Ascension and Healing
Ritual: Anchoring Ascension Energies into Daily Life
Techniques for Supporting Clients in the Ascension Process
Chakra Alignment and Ascension Activation
Sacred Geometry for Ascension
Ascension Breathing Techniques
Grounding the Ascension Process
Lightbody Expansion and Activation
Journaling for Spiritual Reflection and Growth
Crystal Support for Ascension
Daily Ritual for Ascension Integration
Etheric Imprinting with 13th-Dimensional Light
Steps for Etheric Imprinting with 13th-Dimensional Energy
Purpose of Etheric Imprinting
Meditation: Lightbody Enhancement and Ascension with 13th-Dimensional Energy
Activating Sacred Geometry for Lightbody Enhancement
Connecting with 13th-Dimensional Energy
Integrating Ascension Frequencies into Your Lightbody
Module 12
The 14th Dimension: Cosmic Wisdom and Healing
Cosmic Wisdom and Higher Truths
Healing in the 14th Dimension
Accessing the 14th Dimension
Living from the 14th Dimension
How to Use 14th-Dimensional Energies to Facilitate Client Healing
Preparation for 14th-Dimensional Healing Work
Grounding and Centering
Lightbody Activation
Calling in the Golden Ray
Integrating Sacred Geometry
Guiding the Healing Process with the 14th Dimension, Golden Ray and Sacred Geometry
Clearing Blockages Using the Golden Ray and Sacred Geometry
Healing Emotional and Mental Patterns
Activating and Expanding the Lightbody
Aligning the Client’s Energy with the 14th-Dimensional Blueprint
Restoring Harmony and Balance
Lightbody Expansion for Spiritual Growth
Anchoring and Integrating the Healing Energies
Grounding the Energy with the Golden Ray
Sealing the Energy Field with Sacred Geometry
Aftercare and Continuing the Healing Process
Daily Lightbody Maintenance
Sacred Geometry Practices
Meditation: Accessing Cosmic Wisdom from the 14th Dimension
Ritual: Anchoring the 14th Dimension’s Cosmic Wisdom
Integrating Cosmic Insights into Practitioner Work
Grounding 14th-Dimensional Energy into Your Healing Sessions
Offering Clarity and Guidance from the 14th Dimension
Using 14th-Dimensional Wisdom to Facilitate Spiritual Growth
Enhancing the Practitioner’s Own Healing Abilities
Tailoring Healing Sessions to Client Needs
The Power of Cosmic Integration
Module 13
Physical Healing and Cellular Regeneration
The Healing Power of the Golden Ray
Penetrating the Physical Body
Clearing Physical Blockages and Restoring Flow
Cellular Regeneration with the Golden Ray
Rejuvenating and Repairing Cells
Detoxifying the Cells and Clearing Cellular Memory
Enhancing Cellular Communication and Healing
The Role of the Golden Ray in Supporting Physical Healing
Healing Physical Ailments and Injuries
Boosting the Immune System and Supporting Overall Health
Rejuvenating the Body at All Levels
The Synergy of Healing and Cellular Regeneration
Techniques for Using Sacred Geometry to Regenerate Cells and Heal the Physical Body
Visualization of Sacred Geometry Within the Body for Cellular Healing
Sacred Geometry Grids for Cellular Regeneration
Reprogramming Cellular Memory with Sacred Geometry
Using the Merkaba for Cellular Balance and Integration
Balancing the Body’s Energy Field with Sacred Geometry
Meditation: Cellular Regeneration with the Golden Ray and Sacred Geometry
Directing Healing to Specific Areas
Experiencing Cellular Renewal
Integrating the Healing Energy
Adapting the Meditation for Client Healing
Guiding the Client through the Meditation
Module 14
Full Practitioner-Level Healing Session
Setting the Foundation for the Healing Session
Creating the Sacred Space
Establishing the Intention
Grounding and Centering
Energy Clearing with Sacred Geometry
Lightbody Activation for Healing
Golden Ray Integration and Anchoring
Meditation: Grounding and Closing the Healing Session with Divine Guides and Angels
Ritual: Full Healing Session Ceremony Using Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ray
Aftercare: Supporting Clients After Healing Sessions
Module 15
Distance Healing with the Golden Ray and Sacred Geometry
Establishing the Connection
Visualizing the Client’s Energy Field
Using Sacred Geometry to Amplify Distance Healing
Channeling the Golden Ray Across Time and Space
Sealing the Energy Field with Sacred Geometry
Grounding and Closing the Session
Meditation: Sending Sacred Geometry and Golden Ray Healing Remotely
Conducting Effective Distance Healing Sessions
Create a Sacred Healing Space
Module 16
Certification and Practitioner Reflection
Reflecting on Your Journey as a Golden Ray Practitioner
Embracing the Role of the Golden Ray Practitioner
Advanced Practitioner Integration: Elevating Your Healing Practice
Etheric Imprinting with 13th-Dimensional Light
Using Higher-Dimensional Sacred Geometry for Personalized Healing
Anchoring 14th-Dimensional Energies for Deep Spiritual Awakening
Integration: Reflecting on Your Transformation
Integrating Sacred Geometry into Your Practitioner Work
Reflection on Higher-Dimensional Energies
Practitioner Reflection and Future Vision
Celebrating Your Certification
Ritual: Certification Ceremony with Blessings from the Council of Light, Divine Guides and Angels
Module 17
Ethical Responsibilities as a Practitioner
Maintaining Energetic Integrity
Key Principles for Maintaining Energetic Integrity
Becoming a Clear Channel
Avoiding Personal Interference
Energetic Hygiene
Respecting and Honoring Your Client’s Journey
Holding Space Without Judgment
Empowering, Not Controlling
Confidentiality and Professionalism
Grounding and Protection in Every Session
Grounding Before and After Sessions
Energetic Protection for You and Your Client
Sealing the Energy Field
Embodying Ethical Principles as a Practitioner
Advanced Techniques for Ethical Alignment in Higher Dimensions
Energetic Integrity in Higher Dimensions
Sacred Geometry for Ethical Grounding
Invoking the Council of Light for Ethical Guidance
Module 18
Client Intake Form In-Person
Module 19
Client Intake Form Distance