Change your life by believing in yourself




29 PDF modules

18 Audio

2 Attunements valued at $130

Believe in yourself you can achieve anything. Many people go their whole lives and they never awaken to what they are truly capable of accomplishing and they live their whole life unaware. Awareness precedes change. If you are living a mediocre life it is because you do not believe in yourself, you do not believe that you are a co-creator of your own life, you do not believe in your self-worth.

We could all do with a little more of self-belief. Well, that is because:

Nothing can be done without believing in yourself first.

True, they are a lot of factors that will contribute to your success but the biggest factor that will be determine whether you achieve something significant or not is self-belief.

How much of what you will achieve will mostly depend on how much you believe in your abilities. And yet most of us, me included, often lack self-belief during the times when we need it the most.

Rather than having unshakable confidence, we often allow doubt and insecurities to easily shake our resolve and make us believe that we are not capable of achieving whatever it is we have set out to do.

This course will teach you how to believe in yourself so that you can live life to the fullest potential.

Module 1


Module 2

Who are you?

What is high self-confidence and what is low self-confidence

You are in a rut and you don’t know how to get out

Module 3


The four elements of change

Module 4

Attitudes that make it difficult to change

Attitudes that support change

Module 5

How confident are you?

How strong self-confidence will improve your life

Module 6

Costs of not believing in yourself

Myths about self-confidence

Audio:       Developing the picture of your ideal life

Module 7

Changing your core beliefs

The core beliefs we create

Automatic thoughts that come from our core beliefs

Module 8

I am fulfilled

Audio:       I am fulfilled

Module 9

The gift of self-acknowledgement

Soul food


Audio:       The gift of self-acknowledgement

Module 10

Taking care of yourself

Module 11

You always have a choice

Free will creator beings

Module 12

Forgive yourself

Things you should forgive yourself for

Forgive yourself for past mistakes

Module 13

Transforming your internal conversation

Types of negative self-talk messages

Mind reading

Predicting a negative outcome



Focusing on the negative and discounting the positive

Comparing yourself with others

Changing your negative self-talk

Module 14

How to nurture yourself with self -talk

Audio:       Positive affirmations to help you become more self-confident

Module 15

Mastering communication skills

Starting, having and ending a conversation

How to create a quality conversation

Finding interesting things to talk about

Having difficult conversations


Responding to others’ requests

Asking for co-operation or support

Confronting another person

Module 16

Non-verbal communication skills

Audio:       Speaking confidently with your co-workers and family

Module 17

Stepping into personal power

The paradox of power

Role models for power

Power to change your external environment

Life just is

Issues with power

Using power to stay small

Changing disempowered to empowered

Deeper level of inquiry

Deeper level still

Module 18

Building meaningful relationships

How self-confidence is important in relationships


Meeting with your friends

How to get closer to a friend

Family relationships

Module 19

Intimate relationships

What qualities do you want?

Flirting and effective body language

Making a date

Caring for your partner

Positive communication

Module 20

Let joy be your guide

Audio:       Let joy be your guide

Module 21

Self-care in the workplace

Ignore critics and naysayers

Work-life balance

Be realistic

Schedule your workday

Take breaks dedicated to self-care

Take care of your physical health

Create a healthy workspace

Self-care activities you can do at work

Audio:       Being confident in meetings

Module 22

Setting goals

Creating your goals

Be specific but also open-minded

Review your goals often

Act as if you have already reached your goals

A word about taking risks

Celebrate accomplishing your goals

Audio:       Seeing your life’s goals

Module 23

Changing bad habits

Understanding positive and negative feedback from a habit

Six stages of overcoming bad habits

Tips on changing a bad habit

Module 24

Helping others with self-confidence

Helping adult family and friends

Encouraging self-confidence in children

Module 25

Letting go of what no longer serves you

Letting go – reflection

A ritual to let go of what is no longer serving you

Module 26

Steps to wholeness

Module 27

Guidance on success

Module 28

Setting boundaries

Signs you lack personal boundaries

What are personal boundaries?

Why are personal boundaries so important?

Signs of poor personal boundaries

Why do we suffer from poor personal boundaries?

Myths about personal boundaries

Benefits of creating personal boundaries

How to create personal boundaries that people don’t ignore

Module 29

Live life to the fullest

Living life to the emptiest

Who are you?

An honest approach to living

Emptying your cup

Living from the perspective that you only have one life

Breaking through limiting fears

The who, what, why, when & how

The simple concept of enjoying life



Divine Harmony 1 – 3 (Value $100)

Divine Harmony Attunements are a higher energy vibration of the universal force from the divine. The Divine Harmony Attunements help us to restore the balance between body, mind, emotions & spirit that will allow us to manifest our own highest potential.

Divine Harmony Attunement 1

Divine Harmony Attunement 1 consists of the following attunements to balance mind, body and spirit:

  1. Auric Protection Attunement
  2. Being Present Attunement
  3. Clarity Attunement
  4. Concentration Attunement
  5. Self Confidence Healing Attunement
  6. Creativity Attunement
  7. Decisiveness Attunement
  8. Emotional Balance Attunement.

Divine Harmony Attunement 2

Pre-requisite: Divine Harmony Attunement 1.

Each attunement in Divine Harmony level 2 will further facilitate inner change and transformation that is gentle, effective and life enhancing. Level two builds on the energies of level one and consists of the following 8 attunements:

  1. Inner Feminine Attunement
  2. Forgiveness Light Attunement
  3. Abuse Removal Attunement
  4. Family Healing Attunement
  5. Relationships Healing Attunement
  6. Inner Calm Attunement
  7. Doubt Transformation Attunement
  8. Enhancing Meditation Attunement.

Divine Harmony Attunement 3

Pre-requisite: Divine Harmony Attunement 2.

Each attunement in Divine Harmony level 3 will further facilitate inner change and transformation that is gentle, effective and life enhancing. Level three builds on the energies of level one and two and consists of the following 8 attunements:

  1. Inner Freedom Attunement
  2. Inner Harmony Attunement
  3. Inner Joy Attunement
  4. Inner Peace Attunement
  5. Male – Female Integration Attunement
  6. Inner Wisdom Attunement
  7. Attachment Removal Attunement
  8. New Horizons Attunement.

Journey to the Divine Self (Value $30)

“The Journey to the Divine Self Activations and Clearings Program includes ten powerful activations and clearings designed to help you not only remember the Divine Self but to actually embody your Divine Self. It will help you to remember who you are and to bring your Divine Self into your body so that your physical body is transformed into the body of radiant light you are intended to be.

The awesomeness and radiance of your Light will be activated! These clearings and activations will accelerate your spiritual evolution as a soul aiding you in your spiritual enlightenment in such a way that your awareness and consciousness is expanded beyond the limitations of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.”  from the manual. The Activations and Clearings are:

– Heart Clearing

– Heart Activation

– Mind/Mental/Subconscious Body Clearing

– Mind/Mental/Subconscious Body Activation

– Emotional Body Clearing

– Emotional Body Activation

– Spiritual Body Clearing

– Spiritual Body Activation

– Physical Body Clearing

– Physical Body Activation

There are no prerequisites to receive these attunements.




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