Chakra Tantra Reiki



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Chakra Tantra Reiki is the creating force of Shakti and Shiva. Chakra Tantra Reiki is a form of Spiritual healing that balances the yin and yang-male and female energies within the chakras. Chakra Tantra helps to fully awaken the Kundalini energy. In Hindu philosophy these two polar opposites represent Shiva and Shakti.

Chakra Tantra Reiki is a combination of chakra balancing thought integration of polar energies, and ourselves working on our creative energies to manifest our wishes. It is also helpful in re-invigorating our creative and sexual energies, dealing with the sacral chakra area. It can help to alleviate back pain due to energy blocks, improve fertility, and personal power.

Chakra Tantra Reiki combined with visualization exercises, aromatherapy and massage is great at removing energy blockages and releasing deeply held belief and behavior patterns.

The manual contains:
How to give and in person Chakra Tantra Reiki massage
What aroma oils to use
Grounding Massage
The Balancing Symbol
Energy Healing & Guided Meditation Massage on back spine
Energy Healing Work on Chakras
Drawing the Chakra Attunement Symbols
Corresponding Crystals
Awakening and Re-Invigorating Sexual energies
Sending Long Distance Symbols
Attunement Process


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