Basic International Diploma in Energy Healing & Natural Therapies



Info Guide 2024

This exciting diploma course is a home study course – you learn at your own pace, with no pressure on deadlines!  One of the unique features of this course is that it includes self-healing and self-development tools, as well as various practitioner courses, enabling you to grow your healing practice and have more to offer your clients.

The Basic Diploma option comprises 12 subjects, 9 of which are compulsory and 3 of your choice.


  • Wide variety of practitioner courses AND self-development courses
  • 9 compulsory courses and choose your own remaining courses from color-coded sections
  • Affordable payment plans available
  • Comprehensive easy to read format
  • All supplementary materials provided (meditations, e-books, videos, etc.)
  • Student support via e-mail by the principal and vice-principal – no random virtual assistants


  • Study at your own pace, with no pressure of deadlines or penalties
  • Gives you a competitive edge by expanding your knowledge and range of offerings to clients
  • Begin at any time of the year – no need to wait for “registration to open”
  • Provides you with valuable self-development tools, for both your personal and spiritual growth


About Journey Within: The manual was very informative and helpful; it gave a good clear description and some sample guidelines which was very useful. I liked the manual very much and thought it was well written with good diagrams.

About Meditation & Visualization: The manual was excellent and it gave me a clear understanding of meditation, visualization and all the other aspects associated with the practice. Brilliant thoroughly enjoyed it.

About Basic Anatomy & Physiology: I really found the manual informative and helpful; it was well written and gave a good blend of the physical and the esoteric. There was plenty of information to give a comprehensive understanding of the body, its systems and how they work.

About the Diploma Course: Great course and the manuals are so well done; it truly is an excellent course.

D Carmichael, United Kingdom

About Native American Studies and Diploma Course: I learned a lot about the Native Americans and I found your manual fascinating. I have worked my way through all the materials you sent and can honestly say that I have enjoyed each one immensely. I’ve now started to write a new training programme for my business based on Hawaiian Reiki.

About Subtle Energy Systems: Another excellent manual with plenty to keep you engaged. I found your course very informative and enjoyed it tremendously. I had a lot of fun while we were learning about the different techniques and models to heal people and also to protect yourself. The tips you gave us in between is also very valuable and can be put into good practice. I will remember this course as one of my top courses that I did. Your way of you Emma giving the class in a relaxed manner and not forcing your way down on us but rather let us experience for ourselves the way we could do it best would be treasured in my heart and I will try to use the same manner if I am dealing with people. Your way sets everyone at ease and let all just feel relaxed and welcome. The content of the manual is also setup in an easy way so that we can understand it with the little knowledge we have and also use it systematically as they way you set it up. There is no need to get dawned about how we are going to accomplish the tasks, but it is so easy flowing that you can do it step by step and see the results before you get stressed.

Theo, Pretoria, South Africa

About Spirit Guides & Angels: The manual was super, I really learnt a lot and got so much clarity on the Angels and their roles in our lives. An amazing subject, will use the meditations as often as I can. A Shinol

About Creating your Reality: Wow, very practical. Amazing meditations the first one took me on amazing journey and the second I have been doing every day at a point during the day. Awesome!! I could not imagine there was so much to learn on the subject, it has given me so much personal clarity. C Pereira

About Anatomy & Physiology: I majored in Anatomy and Physiology at varsity and really thought this chapter would be quite simple, but wow once again I was blown away at all the additional info that I never knew before and the layout of the manual was so easy to understand. Thank You. C Pereira

About Journey Within: As per usual very informative and easy to understand. Defining the differences between the terms as well as discovering your Life Purpose, that has guided me into knowing exactly what it is I should be doing. This was a life transforming, absolutely amazing section. C Pereira

About Journey Within: I really enjoyed reading all this material because this is what i am truly interested in doing – helping people to improve their self esteem. I am really enjoying this metaphysics course. Thank you for putting this all together in such a simple and logical way. C Antonizzi, Hillcrest

About Meditation & Visualisation: The manual was extremely informative and helpful. It is written in a style that is easy to understand. Metaphysics as a scholarly discipline can be very abstract and difficult to grasp. The author(s) have succeeded in making this complex concept very easy to understand. G Overmeyer


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