- Attunements
Divine Blessings of Grace Empowerment – connect to the Universal Creative Source, to cleanse your Soul of guilt, worry, regrets, and other
- £16.00
- Founder Linda Colibert Divine Blessings of Grace Empowerment connects you to the Universal Creative Source, to cleanse your soul of guilt, worry, regrets, and other negative thoughts. The release of these negative thoughts begins immediately, and continues in a gentle, easy way that does not cause the ill side effects of some energies. Initially, there is a feeling of relief, and peace,…
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- Attunements
Divine Inheritance Flush Empowerment
- £18.00
- The Divine Inheritance flush is given to us by Spirit to help raise our vibrational levels so that we can attract what we truly desire in life and what is ours by divine right. It will reawaken our Divine Inheritance and Empowerment. The energy will give us the keys to healing, the realization of purpose and the manifestation of our…
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- Attunements
Divine Light Reiki
- £49.00
- This is not part of any package I. What Is Divine Light Reiki? II. The Principles of the System III. The Process of Giving Divine Light Reiki IV. General Hand Positions V. Prayers for General Use Amatsu Norito (The Prayer of Heaven) Zengen Sanji (Auspicious Prayer of Praise) Kōhaijuka (Poems on Receiving t
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Divine Light Self-Attunement
- £0.00
- DIVINE-LIGHT is the blissful delight presence of the Divine light Ascended Masters from the upper world manifested as Love and Compassion in the lower world. DIVINE-LIGHT removes all negative energies replacing it with love, joy, and peace raising the recipient’s frequency to directly connect to the Source. DIVINE-LIGHT attunes your body activating a blissful balanced state of male and female…
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- Attunements
Divine Provision Reiki Levels 1 – 3
- £39.00
- Divine Provision Reiki is a form of Reiki that attends to many of the factors involved with how your provisions arrive to you. Provisions, otherwise known as supplies or the money to buy them need strong energy pathways to ensure a sustained flow in physicality will arrive to you.
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- Attunements, Packages
DNA Healing Attunement Package
- £189.00
- Upgrade your DNA and your body. The value of this package is £2 476. Includes 30 PDF manuals and attunements. You receive PDF manuals and 1 certificate emailed to you, and attunements sent by chi ball method for you to call in at your convenience. Once you have received the attunements you are able to pass them on to others.
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- Attunements
DNA Healing Reiki
- £0.00
- DNA Healing Reiki is a very simple system, consisting of one symbol, a DNA Helix. It is meant to improve physical health by fixing any errors in a person's DNA or spiritual (energetic) DNA. This energy is intended to work especially well for those with chronic or degenerative illnesses such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, MS, and others. You can…
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- Attunements
DNA Karma Removing
- £8.00
- Founder: Manuela Fasoli, 2020 You know we have inside our cells all our family and ancestors dna and more often than what we think we are drawn to be or do something that is not really ours! This system helps you to remove from your cells’ memory your family karma so you can be free to be who you truly…
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- Attunements
DNA Light Integrative
- £49.00
- DNA Light Integrative Attunements activates our dormant DNA and restores our original psychic abilities and our abilities to manifest our desires very quickly. Using this system results in rapid spiritual evolution as all of our spiritual gifts and psychic abilities awaken. Once your DNA is activated through this attunement, it will activate for three to six months. From there your…
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- Attunements
DNA Rainbow Hologram Activation
- £39.00
- The DNA Rainbow Hologram Activations were channelled by Reiki Master Elaine DeCarlo and contain 7 levels to simply yet effectively attune you to the activations that will help you to clear away all forms of stagnant energy which over time will help you to change the blueprint of your DNA structure. The creation of this method came into being after…
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- Attunements
DNA Shakti
- £6.00
- Originated by Angela Gilbert, DNA Shakti repairs DNA, including the chromosomes and genes and removes any harmful programs such as those for disease or negative habits. The attunement acts as an invitation for DNA Shakti to work on you and then it continues to run quietly in the background whenever it is needed. As soon as you are attuned, the DNA Shakti process…
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- Attunements
Dolphin Clear Waters Activation
- £0.00
- This is great first thing in the morning. Or any time you feel as though you are overloaded, and waves are hitting you from every which way. This technique takes five minutes and is powerful clearing technique.
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