Spiritual Course Composition Initiation™



To be able to pass on this system you need to be a Reiki or Seichim Master, otherwise receive for your own use.

Spiritual Course Composition Initiation™ is for people who are already a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher. That level of expertise as foundation is required to make the most of this initiation and the teaching within it.

Level 1 Learn how to teach techniques on a series of educational topics while simultaneously attending to the individual needs of each participant.
There’s instruction in the practices that will ease the anchoring of energies to here, while composing pure and effective courses.

Level 2 contains guidance about teaching the spiritual courses you’ve channeled in person to students. Group and 1 on 1 class advice.

Level 3 teaches you how to compose a “call in at your convenience” session for a client or student that addresses their individual needs or concerns.

Level 4 confers upon you the ability to pass this energy system on to others.


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