
Spirit Animal Protection Reiki



Founder: Rishi Rohit Sharma, 2024

Forward by Emma: From a shamanic perspective, spirit animals offer profound guidance, protection, and healing. In shamanic traditions, animals are seen as spiritual allies with distinct energies and wisdom that can help individuals navigate the complexities of life. Here’s what spirit animals can do for you:

Guidance and Insight: Spirit animals act as messengers from the spiritual realm, offering clarity and direction when you need it most. They help you tap into your intuition and see beyond the surface of situations. For example, a hawk might guide you to see the bigger picture, while an owl helps you trust your inner wisdom.

Protection and Strength: Spirit animals provide spiritual protection, shielding you from negative energies, both physical and metaphysical. They also lend their strength and courage in times of need. Calling upon a bear or lion, for instance, can empower you to stand strong through challenges.

Emotional and Spiritual Healing: Spirit animals carry energies that help with emotional healing and personal transformation. Whether you’re overcoming grief, anxiety, or other emotional blockages, the gentle guidance of a deer or the protective energy of a wolf can support your healing process.

Connection to the Natural World: Through working with spirit animals, you deepen your bond with the natural world, recognizing the interconnectedness of all life. This can foster a greater sense of balance, harmony, and spiritual growth in your life.

The Spirit Animal Protection Reiki system is a way to tap into the spiritual energy of animals and plants to help with protection, healing and personal growth. It blends ancient shamanic and animistic traditions with modern energy practices, giving you a way to connect with spirit allies for guidance and support.

What is Spirit Animal Protection Reiki?

Connecting with Spirit Allies: This system helps you form a deep connection with the spirits of animals and plants. These spirit guides act as powerful helpers that can assist with protection, healing, or providing wisdom when you need it.

A Step-by-Step Process: There is a clear, seven-step method that teaches you how to activate and work with these spirits. The process ensures you’re properly using their energy, from calling on them to empowering them to complete their tasks.

Practical Tools: The system includes guided meditations and visualization techniques that make it easy to summon and connect with your spirit allies, using breathwork and energy transfer methods to boost their power.

What Can You Achieve?

Healing and Empowerment: Whether you’re looking for strength, courage, or emotional healing, spirit animals can help. For example, you might call on a lion for bravery or an owl for clarity. Plant spirits like lavender can bring calm, while an oak tree offers stability and strength.

Protection from Negative Energy: Spirit animals can act as shields, protecting you from negative influences or energy attacks. You might call on a bear for strength or a hawk for focus to keep you grounded and safe.

Guidance in Life: Spirit animals and plants offer guidance and insight when you’re facing tough decisions or need a little extra clarity. They’re like wise companions helping you navigate challenges with a deeper sense of purpose and focus.

Benefits of the System

Inner Strength: By working with powerful animals like bears or lions, you’ll build inner strength and resilience to handle life’s obstacles with more confidence.

Emotional Healing: Plant spirits like the willow tree or lavender can help you find peace, release emotions, and recover from stress or grief, supporting your emotional well-being.

Deeper Spiritual Connection: This system helps you reconnect with nature and the spiritual world around you. It offers a way to feel more grounded, connected, and balanced in your life.

In a nutshell, Spirit Animal Protection Reiki is a practical yet deeply spiritual way to access the wisdom and power of animals and plants for healing, protection, and personal growth. It’s all about blending ancient wisdom with modern-day needs.