Rainbow Transformation with Sanat Kumara




By Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhoffer and Ellen Dana Stamer. The energy of SANAT KUMARA will free you from “earthly existence”.

One who can recognize the divine in earthly existence will admit that the meaning of life is spiritually and not material. He will understand himself as a divine being in this earthly life.

He will be happy and pleased and live gladly on the planet earth.

Life becomes a dance, full joy of for our existence.

Sanat Kumara energy heals the battle with the duality and connects the opposite poles/energies of your body.

The energies are strengthened and the connection between higher self and earthly consciousness, between cosmic and earthly energy, between our feminine and masculine side and between higher consciousness and the physical body balanced and made whole.

It helps to bring you peace in the material.

The energy of SANAT KUMARA opens the access to higher consciousness and the planes that will give you great insight to life!

The ascended master SANAT KUMARA helps you:

1. Enhance your psychic abilities to go higher,

2. To be more divinely conscious.

3. To live with joy on the planet earth.

4. To realize your abilities and your potential in the earthly world.


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