Lightarian Angel Track™



All attunements are done via the remote meditation method provided for in the manual due to the load shedding (blackouts) we have in our country. Should you prefer a telephone attunement please contact the Lightarian Institute directly.

Prerequisite: None

The Lightarian Angel Track consists of the Lightarian Angellinks and Lightarian Purification Rings

Lightarian Angellinks ™

The five Lightarian™ AngelLinks are designed to create extraordinary connections for you with a high vibrational team of angelic beings that we call the “A-Team.” This “team” consists of a Seraph (named Rose Aura) and four Archangels (Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel). The AngelLinks have been inspired by Seraph Rose Aura and these Archangels in order to directly and more strongly work with humans to advance their spiritual development. Their intentions are to infuse into the energy fields of humans many of the qualities and energetic patterns which they embody.

Typically, the connections created via the AngelLinks™ are much deeper than the angelic contacts that humans have long been experiencing. These linkages with Seraph Rose Aura and the four Archangels are especially fine-tuned, extremely high-vibrational and truly permanent in nature. They are very different from the more traditional “telepathic and etheric interactions” that many individuals already have with the Angels. Each of these AngelLinks sets up a new, very special kind of linkage within your energy fields to allow you and these angelic beings to work together more effectively.

How will these angelic energies work with me?
In general, these five angelic beings have committed to working intimately and powerfully with us… Their focus is to help you embody and expand the pure angelic qualities of unconditional love, non-judgment, courage, beauty and joy in your day-to-day life. In addition to these five major angelic qualities, each angelic being will be a guide for you in these other specialized ways:

  • Assisting you in navigating within the etheric realms,
  • Supporting you with divine healing,
  • “Lighting your way” into the future time,
  • Stimulating your creative expression and
  • Making your communications more effective.

More specifically, Seraph Rose Aura’s AngelLink™ for unconditional love… From the highest level of the Angelic Realms called the Seraphim, a Seraph by the name of Rose Aura has stepped forward to spread the angelic quality of purest unconditional love to humanity. Via her AngelLink™ connection with you, an “angelic flame of unconditional love” will be placed into your heart space, fully radiate through your energy fields and then ripple out into all areas of your experience. Afterwards, Rose Aura will be working in your “etheric background” as an Angelic Guide to assist you in all matters of the heart…especially the expansion of unconditional love of self and others.

Please note that the Seraph Rose Aura  AngelLink™ represents our “Lightarian Doorway” into the energetic level of the Archangels and is a prerequisite for receiving the four Archangel AngelLinks™.

About the Four Archangel AngelLinks™ … After receiving your Rose Aura connection, additional AngelLinks are available for creating more specialized etheric links with Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel. At the bottom of this page you’ll find a click-on for additional information about the Archangel AngelLinks.

Your initial AngelLink™ with Seraph Rose Aura is received in a few simple steps…
Your Rose Aura AngelLink connection is passed on to you by the Institute’s Master Facilitator via a simple, guided meditation technique called an attunement. AngelLinks can be received, by telephone or remotely (from a distance).

We will send you an AngelLink™ Information Booklet in advance for self-study. As you review the Booklet, you will learn all about the AngelLink process, especially how simple and easy it is to share the AngelLinks with others once you are attuned. When you have completed your reading of the Booklet, just contact the Institute to arrange for your appointment to receive the Rose Aura AngelLink™.

The angelic connection takes place through a guided meditation. During the meditation, your Facilitator establishes a simple, permanent, etheric energy connection directly between you and the angelic being. This guided meditation can take place by phone or in a remote (telepathic) mode.

There is no formal training involved with the AngelLink™ process. However, if you have any questions about the information in the Booklet, you can discuss them with your Facilitator during your in-person or phone session. If you receive the AngelLink remotely, then any questions can be addressed via phone or E-mail.

After receiving your Rose Aura AngelLink, you become a “Facilitator” and once registered can then begin sharing your Rose Aura connection with others. In this way, you become an “angelic conduit” and participate in the expansion of these divine qualities and patterns throughout humanity.

The Four Archangel AngelLinks

Archangel Michael’s AngelLink

Through this AngelLink connection, Archangel Michael will work “in your etheric background” to provide ongoing support for you in creating non-judgment in all areas of your life. He will also focus on assisting you in successfully navigating within the etheric realms via telepathy, channeling, conscious etheric travel, etc. Michael was the first Archangel to step forward to offer his AngelLink.

Archangel Uriel’s AngelLink

Archangel Uriel has stepped forward to provide us with an infusion of angelic beauty that will allow you to experience the “feminine side of beauty” through a heightened sense of appreciation and the masculine side of beauty through the stimulation of your talents for creative expression. Through this AngelLink connection, Uriel can help stimulate your creativity and inspiration for artistic expression in its many forms.

Archangel Raphael’s AngelLink

Archangel Raphael has stepped forward to support us with an infusion of angelic courage and divine healing. He will assist you in moving more courageously through life and will help to light your way into the future. Also, with Raphael’s assistance via this AngelLink, you will be able to more effectively avoid the challenges and hurdles of life…and also more clearly see the opportunities and spiritual rewards that lay ahead. Archangel Raphael’s AngelLink will also provide support for you in your healing process. He is known as the “divine healer” and will help you discover the “divine healer” within yourself.

Archangel Gabriel’s AngelLink

Archangel Gabriel’s focus is on joy and communications! Through this AngelLink, he teaches us to take time to recognize and experience the existing joys that abound for us and to manifest new and exciting levels of joy in our day-to-day lives. Gabriel is also traditionally known as the great communicator for the Divine. So, he is especially able to help you with inner communications for accessing your “personal knowing and intuition”, as well as to provide practical support for effective communications in your outer, day-to-day life.

These four attunement-based connections with the Archangels can be received in any order and at a pace that feels appropriate for you. They can be shared with others in the same way as the Seraph Rose Aura AngelLink. As you progressively receive your AngelLink attunements and begin to experience the benefits of each of these connections…first with Seraph Rose Aura and then the four Archangels…you’ll be building a very effective angelic support group to powerfully assist you along your spiritual path.

Please keep in mind that the Rose Aura AngelLink™ is a prerequisite for receiving the Archangel AngelLinks.

Your distant attunements to the energies of the Lightarian™ Angellinks will be sent to you at an appointed time and day that is convenient for the etheric connections to take place. As stated within the manuals, these attunements can be sent with no gap between each one but I would recommend that 24-48 hours are left between them as this will ensure that the fullness of the energies are assimilated into your consciousness.

Lightarian Purification Rings ™

Through receiving the Purification Rings, you connect with the relevant seraphic group to assist with guidance, healing, protection and intervention when necessary.  The Purification Rings stimulate the removal of impurities stored within the physical body quickly, without the challenges often experienced while adjusting to higher vibrational frequencies as in the clearing rays and Lightarian clearings. The Purification Rings can be received for personal growth or to add to your Lightarian portfolio to act as a conduit and share the rings with others by registering with the Lightarian Institute via your Lightarian Reiki Master.

How do Purification Rings work?

Purification Rings can be received by anyone with no prerequisites, however it is strongly suggested that you receive the AngelLink attunements before becoming attuned to these rings so that you are energetically prepared for the seraphic energies.

Purification – Level 1

An etheric shepherds crook (hook) is instilled into your heart chakra space via an etheric blue flame, resulting in a feeling that urges you to express yourself more truly and your experiences of living will become more joyous and loving. The divine energies of Seraphim Y group (type of angels) participate during this attunement.

Purification Ring – Level 2

The Purification Ring – Level 2 attunement focuses on pure, clear communications and the interpretation of information you received through your five senses by placing a crystal skull into the crown chakra. Profound impacts may be found in your mental and emotional parts and ultimately your physical body as well by removing those negative parts that no longer serve us. The divine energies of Seraphim C group assist us in this attunement. A star energy assists in this attunement called Arinae, and is from a neighbouring galaxy allowing us to receive information in its purest form.

Purification Ring – Level 3

The Purification Ring – Level 3 attunement focuses on releasing the “hidden agendas ”and “stuff to work out” by removing the cloak present in your energy field, created through fear when entering humanity. By removing this cloak you will stand in love ,fully revealed and living in your truth. During the attunement process the Seraphim V group will instil a silver line through your crown chakra and downward where it will shadow your spine. This gift will enable you to strengthen your sense of self worth by moving away from others who choose to act for their own self-serving motivations.

Purification Ring – Level 4

In the Purification Ring – Level 4, the Seraphim Z Group step forward to assist you with removing grief stored in your physical being. Unresolved grief causes tiny holes within the soul which need to be healed before the soul can become whole again. During the attunement process the Seraphim Z group will instill a rainbow circle into your heart chakra. This rainbow circle represents wholeness and completeness.

Purification Ring – Level 5

Purification Ring – Level 5, focuses on the total understanding and practise the principals of intension as anchored in a state of pure bliss. When immersed in the blue flame, a person feels at ease, united with the flow of life, connected with Gaia (mother earth) and linked to surrounding energy. in this space a person is able to invoke their intensions. No codes or symbols are necessary.  During the Purification Ring – Level 5 attunement process the seraphim representatives will invoke the blue flame for you to stand in completely. The flame will start at your feet and rise over your entire energy field, including the crown chakra and upward to your oversoul, higher self and your higher aspects of self back to source.

Purification Ring – Level 6

In the Purification Ring – Level 6, the Seraphim K group assists you with learning how to accept and create the unexpected. It is natural to fear the unknown yet by rejecting the events that cannot be explained, you limit your ability to create the reality you wish. The purification ring level 6 focuses on manipulating natural forces and creating “magic” within your reality by connecting with the surrounding energy.  Seraphim K group install gold musical notes to your throat chakra.

Your distant attunements to the energies of the Lightarian Purification Rings will be sent to you at an appointed time and day that is convenient for the etheric connections to take place. As stated within the manuals, these attunements must be sent with a gap of 7 days between each one. This is a prerequisite that has been made by the Lightarian Institute.

All manuals are now sent via e-mail. The price of this module includes the cost of manuals. Manuals now have a watermark on them with the Teacher registration number (using today’s exchange rate – this might differ a little at the time that you purchase). 


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