Lakshmi Package


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Lakshmi Power and Success Attunement Package – Wealth, happiness, love, finances, job, abundance, success, power, wisdom

Lakshmi is such a special Goddess. She’s magical, and practical.  In these times of challenge as in all times of challenge, she can be a comfort and a healer; she brings a sense of greater fortune even in the darkest moments.  She is a powerful cosmic connection; a divine female who offers a sense of courage, of hope, of power. As the Hindu Goddess of Good Fortune and Beauty, she represents and is seen as the personification of abundance, prosperity, wealth, well-being and harmony.   Lakshmi is a goddess who brings all good things to light and to life!  She has one of the most colorful creation myths of all the deities in the Hindu pantheon. Where Lakshmi is you will also find riches and fulfillment. Need help with finances, a job, success, happiness and love? Lakshmi is a Goddess you can turn to.   Lakshmi and Ganesha are cohorts, who often work side by side. This is indicated by the frequency with which you see their icons and pictures together. Lakshmi’s mate, however, is the God Vishnu — known as the Great Preserver, who comes to earth in the form of important avatars, such as Krishna. Lakshmi reincarnates with him in all human lifetimes and because of this is also seen as a role model for undying love. It is believed that those who pay attention to the Goddess of Fortune every day develop a clear channel of communication with Her. You may also want to view this as simply focusing energy on that which you are choosing to create in your life. Lakshmi exists in a dimension far beyond our human struggles and sadness. From where she sits on her Sacred Lotus, she can guide us to greater fortune, deeper love relationships and more joy. Because she is also considered a Great Mother Devi (Goddess) she can guide us from darkness, into the light. In fact, if you allow Lakshmi to be present in your life, you just might find she elevates you to a higher state of being and living. And in that state you will begin to see that you can create anything! This package is designed to help you to connect to the energies of Goddess Lakshmi and more!

This offer may not be combined with any other offer. With your purchase you will receive the PDF manuals and distant attunements. One Certificate for the package will also be provided on request. There are no substitutions allowed. Even if you received some of the manuals in this package this is quite a bargain as the systems included are valued at over £1200.00.

The attunements included in the Lakshmi Power Package are as follows:

  1. Lakshmi Empowerment for Wealth and Success
  2. Lakshmi Initiation
  3. Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu Empowerment
  4. Laxmi Reiki
  5. Lakshmi Seichim £89
  6. Aura Ganesha Radiance
  7. Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  8. Vasundhara Goddess of Abundance
  9. Kamadeva and Rati
  10. Ganesha’s Anointing
  11. Milk of Ganesha
  12. Ganesha Spiritual Flush Empowerment
  13. Money River Reiki
  14. Lord Kartikeya Protection Shield
  15. Hindu Triumvarti
  16. Power of 10 Avatars of Vishnu
  17. Radna Krishna
  18. Goddess Parvati
  19. Val Shakti Val Shiva
  20. The Om Namah Shiraya Empowerment
  21. Saravati Empowerment
  22. Saraswati Empowerment
  23. Shiva Shakti
  24. Shiva Initiation
  25. Shiva Lingham Essence
  26. Radharani Empowerment £244




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