Energy Healing Practitioner Diploma
This comprehensive course is recommended for anyone interested in holistic healing, holistic therapists or Reiki practitioners, whether you just want to heal yourself or start your own energy healing practice or have new energy modalities to share with your clients. You can also do this Diploma for yourself, family and friends and not as a Practitioner if you so wish. If Reiki is not your thing you can leave out that module, it will not impact your Energy Healing Practitioner certificate.
There are eight comprehensive modalities in this course, six of them brand new.
Course Content
28 PDF modules
10 Audio
14 Video
10 Extra books
The gift of healing lies within everyone. It is not a gift that only a few people possess. It is everyone’s birthright. Everyone can learn to heal and receive healing. We are all able to connect to universal life force energy and channel it in order to heal other people.
Nobody wants to be ill. The body’s natural need is to be healthy. As healers, we learn how to aid the body’s natural desire to move towards health.
This comprehensive course is recommended for anyone interested in holistic healing, holistic therapists or Reiki practitioners, whether you just want to heal yourself or start your own energy healing practice or have new energy modalities to share with your clients.
There are eight comprehensive modalities in this course, six of them brand new.
Module 1
Module 2
Meditation & Visualization
General Guidelines for Meditation
Brainwaves in Meditation
Establishing a ritual for Meditation
Meditation & Visualizations
A Morning Meditation
Visualization for Mental Relaxation
Positively Energizing your Workplace
Full Body Relaxation
Audio: 15 min Cosmic Awareness in You
Module 3
Spirit Guides
Meeting your Spirit Guides
Questions to ask your Spirit Guide
Connecting with Spirit while on the go
How to work with your Guides
What Spirit Guides can help you with
Get to know your Guides
Meditation to Meet Your Guides
Audio: Meet your Guide
Module 4
Totem and Spirit Animals
Spirit Animal Messengers
The Shadow Animal
The Journey Animal
The Medicine Animal
Meditation to Meet your Animal Guides
Audio: Animal Spirit Guide Meditation
Meet your Power Animal
Module 5
The Angelic Realm
The Power of the Angels
The 9 Angelic Choirs
Guardian Angels
How you can connect with your Angels
How do Angels Communicate with us?
Beginning to Contact your Angels
What if I don’t feel a connection?
The power of asking
Working with Others’ Guardian Angels
Angel Names
Meditation to Meet your Guardian Angels
Archangels and the 7 Rays
Audio: Meet your Guardian Angel
Module 6
Functions of the Aura
The different layers of the Aura
Strengthening and protecting the Aura
Removing Negative Energies
Clearing the Energy Field
How to See the Aura
Interpreting the colors of the Aura
Life colors and their analysis
Aura cleansing techniques
Module 7
Summary of each Chakra
12 Chakra System
Meditation and Initiation into the 12 Fifth Dimensional Chakras
Chakra Meditation
Exercises for aligning and balancing the Chakras
Closing Down the Chakras
Protecting yourself from negative energies
Audio: Chakra and auric layers
Module 8
Hara Line, Tan Tien and Soul Seat
What is the Hara line?
The Tan Tien
Benefits of developing a strong Hara Line
How to strengthen the Hara line
Straightening your Hara line
Inner Smile Practice
Module 9
What are Body Meridians?
The Body Meridian system
The Meridian Elements
Five Elements Healing
Module 10
Anatomy & Physiology
Human Body Structure
Body functions and Life Processes
The Circulatory System
The Respiratory System
The Digestive System
The Endocrine System
The Urinary System
The Lymphatic System
The Nervous System
Module 11
Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT walk-through
Getting Started
Physical Ailments and pain
The Set Up
The Opening Statement
Why do we do the Set Up?
The Tapping Round
Measuring the Intensity and Testing your Changes
Gamut procedure
Subsequent Tapping Rounds
Why do we repeat the Sequence?
EFT – Frequently Asked Questions
EFT Summary
What is the Felt Sense?
Sensing the Problem
The positive felt sense
EFT PowerPoint
Module 12
Acupressure Points – an Ancient Healing Art
Ways to use Acupressure
Beauty Treatment
Back Care
Healing Trauma and Emotional Pain
Acupressure Methods
Healing Energy Work
Energy Blockages
Acupressure points for health maintenance
Common Acupressure points with diagrams
Acupressure points for knee pain with diagrams
Easy Acupressure points for body pain
Acupressure points for vertigo
Self-treatment Acupressure points
Video: Shoulder and neck Acupressure points for relieving stress
Module 13
Breathing Techniques
Transmutation breathing
Why do we need to learn how to breathe?
Additional breathing exercises and techniques
Earth breath
Water breath
Fire breath
Air breath
Three stage deep breathing
Extra: Magical Healing Breath book
Module 14
Color Healing
Healing with Sounds and Color
How to Heal with Color
Video: Color Therapy Meditation
Sound therapy
Harmonic Relationships
Sympathetic Vibration
A musical/frequency model of mind and body – health and disease
Sound Healing Tools
Extra: Magickal Color Reiki
Music and Color Therapy book
Module 15
Energy Medicine
Video: Energy Medicine
What is Energy Medicine?
Principles of Energy Medicine
Your Body’s energy systems
The Other Five energy systems
The Tibetan Energy Rings
Using a Crystal as your training wheels
How does it work?
Energy Testing
Daily Energy Routine
Video: Daily Energy Routine
Energy exercises for common ailments
Tracing Triple Warmer
Quick ways to calm Triple Warmer
Quick ways to strengthen the Spleen
Calming the TW neurovascular points
Expelling the Veno
Stress relief tool – the Blow Out
Triple Warmer Smoothie
Preparing for a chakra clearing
Quick energy balancer
Testing individual chakras
Releasing Pain the Energy way
Basic Pain relief technique
Meridian based pain technique
Energy Medicine for eye and vision care
Energy Medicine tools to accept and integrate change
Videos: Tracing Radiant Circuit
Cleansing and energizing central meridian
Lower your stress, lower your blood pressure
Connecting Heaven and Earth
Energy Medicine for trauma and overwhelm
Energy Medicine for sciatica
Release grief and sadness
28 day daily Energy Routine Challenge
Module 16
Qi Gong
The Benefits of regular practice
Maintaining health
Managing illness
Extending Longevity
The Foundational techniques
Qi Gong exercises
Video: Qi Gong exercises
Advanced Qi Gong breathing exercise
Video: 8 Brocades Qi Gong practice
Extra: Heal yourself with Qi Gong book
Module 17
Reiki 1
Reiki Usui Lineage
Definition of Reiki
What Does Reiki Do?
The Levels of Reiki
How Reiki Works
The Story of Reiki
Effects of Reiki
Reiki Principles
Basic Anatomy
Symptoms as Signals
Self-Healing Method and Hand Positions
The Antahkarana
The Reiki Healing Session
Before the Treatment
Hand Positions for Healing Others
Additional Hand Positions & Chair Reiki
Group Healing
Treatment Guide for Specific Disorders
Reiki Treatment Guide
Videos 13 videos
Audio 2 audio
Powerpoint presentation
Module 18
Palm Healing
What are the hand chakras?
Functions of the hand chakras
Hand chakras and energy healing
How to open the hand chakras
Video: Chakra journey hand chakras
How to use Palm Healing
The Power of Healing
Results of Palm Healing
Basic skills for healing with your hands
Palm Healing for Children
Palm Healing method to alleviate coughing and lung congestion
Palm Healing method to alleviate earache
Applying palms to the ears and kidneys
Palm Healing methods to alleviate fever
Applying palms to the forehead and intestines
For pain in the back of the head
Palm Healing method to alleviate stomach and intestinal discomfort
Module 19
Mudras for healing with pictures
Mudras for emotional healing
Video: How your fingers can heal you
Module 20
Herbs for healing
Herbs for immune health and infections
Herbs for inflammation
Herbs for the digestive system
Herbs for the nervous system
Video: Herbs for healing
Extra: Natural Herbal cures book
Module 21
Aromatherapy for healing
What are essential oils?
History of Aromatherapy
Essential oils now used in medical hospitals
Essential oil health benefits
Essential oil applications
Natural first aid kit
Extra: Essential Aromatherapy book
Module 22
Healing with Crystals
How does Crystal healing work?
What types of healing can you expect from Crystals?
Ways to use healing Crystals
Cleansing and aligning your Crystals
Decide which type of Crystal to use
What gives individual stones their characteristics?
How do I choose a Crystal?
Healing with Crystals
Merging with and attuning to your Crystals
Crystal healing applications and techniques
Crystal Grids
Focus Stones
Way Stones
Desire Stones
The Path
The Visual
How do I use a Crystal grid?
Set up and daily use
Chakra stones
Healing properties of stones
How do healing stones work?
How to choose the right Chakra stone
Crystal healing session
Extras during the session
To energize
To balance
To relieve con gested energy
To relieve pain
Table of suggested Crystals for physical issues
Module 23
What is journaling?
Mental health benefits of journaling
What should you write about?
Best practices for journaling
Module 24
What is Smudging?
Smudging Four Directions
Things to avoid
Tips while performing the ritual
When to smudge yourself
Make your own Smudge sticks or wands
What plants are available for making Smudge sticks
Smudging yourself
Smudging others
Module 25
Healing techniques
Psychic surgery
Counselling skills
Caring for the healer
Exercises to gather energy for a day of healing
Energy healing
Preparing your mind for healing
Grounding techniques
A quick physical grounding technique
A quick mental grounding technique
Opening to the grounding energies of the earth
Staying grounded in the air
Acclimating to the environment
An aura technique
A chakra technique
The violet flame
Violet flame meditation
Audio: Violet flame meditation
Module 26
The healing session
Preparing your mind for healing
Necklace of light meditation
The healer’s toolkit
Things to take into account before a healing session
The healing act
Symptoms after a healing session
Module 27
Distant Healing
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