The Lineage Clearing Empowerment



Founder: Jay Burrell

The Lineage Clearing Empowerment, channeled on September 30, 2020, is designed to clear, align, and balance Spiritual lineages. Lineages, representing a transfer of energy from founder to student, can become corrupted through alterations or misinformation. The empowerment addresses these issues, ensuring the purity of energy transmission.

What is a Spiritual Lineage? A Spiritual lineage is the energetic record of attunement from the founder to subsequent practitioners. It ensures the integrity of the energy passed down. Corruptions can occur through unauthorized changes, impacting the efficacy and purity of the attunements.

Purpose and Importance of Lineages Lineages maintain the purity of Spiritual teachings and energies. They are safe only if the intentions of the teachers are pure. Negative influences within the lineage can affect the Spiritual growth and well-being of practitioners. The empowerment offers methods to identify and clear these negative influences.

Lineage Clearing Empowerment Functions

  1. Identify Blockages Function: Reveals hidden energy blockages.
  2. Blockages Removal Function: Clears identified blockages.
  3. Removal of Harmful Negative Influences Function: Clears negative energies.
  4. Increasing Personal Power and Inner Wisdom Function: Enhances inner wisdom and personal power.
  5. Energetic Protection Function: Provides protection from negative energy patterns.
  6. Remembering Your Spiritual Identity Function: Restores Spiritual identity.

The Lineage Clearing Empowerment offers a systematic approach to ensuring the purity of Spiritual lineages, enhancing the practitioner’s personal power, inner wisdom, and Spiritual identity. It provides protection and clears negative influences, maintaining the integrity of the attunements received and given.