Building Better Relationships




Relationship workbook (102 pages)

Exploring your relationship

7 Powerful questions about your relationship

My relationships

Understanding your partner’s strengths



The Emotions Wheel

A love letter

Communication styles

Questions to ask

Assertive communication

Assertive language

Using “I” statements

Compassionate communication

Communication fallacies

The love languages

Your love language

Sound relationship house

The Four Horsemen





Weekly CEO meeting

Being positive

Partner questions

Questions for your partner

The Johari Window

Using the Johari Window

Self-disclosure exercise

Distress Tolerance: STOP Skill

Cognitive Distortions

Investment Model of Commitment

Investment Assessment

Investment Evaluation

Interdependence Theory

Relationship balance

Attachment theory

Your attachment style quiz

The Triangular Theory of Love

Create a Couple’s Vision Board

Write your thoughts

About us

Making visions into goals

Action brainstorm

Visions and affirmations

The Wheel of Relationship

Relationship goal setting

SMART Relationship goals

Monthly relationship goals

Equity theory

Equity in your relationship

Making apologies

Relationship manipulation

Toxic relationships

Social Exchange Theory

The Color Wheel Model of Love

30 Days of date ideas

Compassionate v Passionate

The importance of gratitude in your relationship

Gratitude Journal prompts

Gratitude tracker

Relationship gratitude jar

Gratitude letter

Gratitude reflection

A relationship workbook is a resource designed to assist individuals or couples in improving their relationship skills and communication. It includes various exercises, worksheets and strategies that can be used to address common issues in relationships, such as miscommunication, trust issues or lack of intimacy.

In any relationship, understanding your partner is crucial for building a strong, healthy and lasting bond. While it Is important to acknowledge and address each other’s weaknesses, focusing solely on the negatives can leave both partners feeling discouraged and unappreciated. That Is why it Is equally important to take the time to understand and celebrate your partner’s strengths.

Knowing your partner’s strengths can help you appreciate them for who they are, and enable you to offer support in areas where they may need it. It can also help you understand how best to communicate with them, build trust, and deepen your connection.

The workbook may cover topics such as identifying personal values and beliefs, understanding communication styles, developing emotional intelligence, setting goals for the relationship and creating action plans to work towards those goals.

Overall, a relationship workbook is designed to be a practical and interactive resource that individuals and couples can use to build and strengthen their relationships. It provides a structured approach to addressing issues, promoting self-awareness and personal growth and enhancing communication and connection with one’s partner.


50 Relationship quote cards (PDF & PNG)


Relationship workbook bundle (7 workbooks in one) 173 pages


Relationship Goals Workbook

Relationship assessment

Relationship Wheel

Relationship Values

Identifying Core Values

Prioritizing Core Values

Understanding the connection between your relationship and your values

Identifying potential conflicts


Love Languages Workbook

Words of Affirmation

Quality Time

Receiving Gifts

Acts of Service

Physical Touch

Love Languages Quiz


Love Languages Action Plan

Words of Affirmation Action Plan

Quality Time Action Plan

Receiving Gifts Action Plan

Acts of Service Action Plan

Physical Touch Action Plan

Review your Love Languages Action Plan

Reflect on your Progress

Make Adjustments to your Plan

Love Languages and Conflict Resolution


Communication Styles Workbook

Transform your relationships with better communication skills

Communication Style Assessment

Active Listening


Emotional Expression

Conflict Resolution

Identifying Communication Styles

Reflecting on your Communication Style

Identifying different Communication Styles

Developing Effective Communication Strategies

Improving Communication in your Relationship

Identifying Communication Challenges

Developing a Communication Plan

Practicing Effective Communication

Action Plan

Communication Barriers

Effective Communication

Active Listening


Emotional Communication Exercise


Conflict Resolution Workbook

Identifying the Source of the Conflict

Understanding your own and your partner’s needs

Developing Effective Strategies for Resolving the Conflict

Understanding Conflict

Identifying Triggers

Forgiveness and Moving Forward


Trust Building Workbook

Trust Assessment

Trust Building Exercises

Defining Trust

Identifying Past Experiences

Beliefs and Expectations

Attentive Listening

Radical Honesty Challenge

Trust Fall

Appreciation Exercise

Vulnerability Share

Accountability Check-in

Forgiveness and Repair

Trust Building Activities


Intimacy Building Workbook

Understanding Sexual Intimacy

Exploring Sexual Intimacy

Communication strategies for Sexual Intimacy

Intimacy Building Exercises

Setting Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

Boundary Building: Types of Boundaries

Porous, Rigid and Healthy Boundaries

Identifying Boundaries in your Relationship

Setting Boundaries

Strategies for Maintaining Boundaries in your Relationship

Practice Assertive Communication

Reflect on your Personal Boundaries

Use “I” Statements

Practice Assertive Communication

Address any Pushback

Evaluate the Conversation

Establishing Boundary Plan



Practicing Mindfulness in Relationships Workbook

Mindfulness Breathing Exercise

Body Scan Meditation

Mindful Listening Exercises

Loving Kindness Meditation

Mindful Walking Exercise

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Mindful Eating Exercise

Mindful Technology Use Exercise

Gratitude Journaling Exercise