- Attunements
Green Tara Seichim
- £29.00
- Pre-requisite : Reiki or Seichim Master The Green Tara Seichim attunement aims to provide a powerful combination of Seichim energies with the peaceful, healing and compassionate energies of Green Tara. The amazing energies of Seichim and Green Tara compliment each other beautifully. Green Tara, a bodhisattva (a being of great compassion who has reached Buddhahood for the good of all beings), is…
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- Attunements
Green Trilogy – Greenman, Green Fairy and Power of the Green
- £28.00
- Green Trilogy brings you healing, magick and joy. It attunes you to three aspects of Green Nature Energy. There are three levels to this system. Level one : Greenman The Greenman energies are connected to Nature Devas. The Greenman is an Earth Spirit. This attunement helps with fertility, gardening, healing Mother Earth, prosperity, and joy. Level two: Green Fairy The…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Gtummo Mao-Shan Levels 1 – 4
- £111.00
- Gtummo means sacred fire and is an art form of mystic teachings from Tibet. Gtummo also originated from the bibles of China called Mao Shan. The masters of Gtummo would often embrace the teachings of the bible into their existing knowledge to prevent the invasion of black magic and to achieve perfection and enlightenment in ones thoughts, words and actions.…
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- Attunements, Packages
Gtummo Package
- £200.00
- Tummo (aka gTummo, Tumo and Gtumo) is our wisdom fire. We naturally have this warmth within us in the area below the navel chakra, but we are not usually aware of it and we do not use it. When we develop proper concentration and begin to work with our inner fire, we can completely transform ourselves. On a physical level,…
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- Attunements
Gtumo Anti Api Hidup by Ferizal Syukur
- £99.00
- "Inti Api Hidup ® representing mikrokosmis energi in our self which is frequent to be used by some people to increase attainment of someone spiritual. Inti Api Hidup also for to assorted healing of disease of physical and non psychical. Applying Of Inti Api Hidup in healing do not accompany with concentration, breathing technique, and medicine. Can be told the Inti…
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- Attunements, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Happy Trails Reiki – To Assist in the Transition Through Death
- £0.00
- This symbol is to be used for anyone that is in the process of transitioning. They don't have to be at their death-bed to utilize the symbol. A Reiki Master can perform a "Happy Trails" attunement on anyone experiencing a life-threatening situation where death seems probable in the near future.
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- Attunements, Packages
Hawaiian Kahuna Healing Package
- £79.00
- This course comprises 7 beautiful Hawaiian healing systems, being: Hawaiian Reiki Trilogy Ho'omana Huna Empowerments Huna Reiki Hawaiian Goddess Trilogy Polynesian Kahi Kapuna Healing Includes 11 PDF manuals and attunements sent by chi ball method, for you to call in when you are ready. Once you have received the attunements, you are able to pass them on to others and…
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- Attunements
Head Care: Assists head, chakra balance, relief for headaches & Herkimer Diamond shakti
- £25.00
- Founder Mariah Windsong Couture Prerequisite Reiki Master to Attune Others - or receive for your own use About this system: Head Care energy system brings relief for most headaches and balances all of the chakras in your head. A person's head contains major and minor chakras that are as universes of swirling energies. If these energy centers are not properly…
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- Attunements, Packages
Healer’s Attunement Package
- £99.00
- Includes 22 manuals and attunements sent by chi ball method, for you to call in when you are ready. Once you have received the attunements, you are able to pass them on to others and charge for them. You will receive one certificate on completion of the attunement package.
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- Attunements
Healing Elements Lightwork
- £18.00
- Each of the four Elements of Nature have tremendous healing power that is available for you to use to help heal yourself and others. This attunement connects you to the Elements Earth, Air, Fire, and Water to help you bring universal healing into your life. Using these energies can improve any other healing techniques you may already be using and…
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- Attunements
Healing Order of the Swan
- £29.00
- This is not part of any package The Healing of the Swan - Royal Order of the Swan - Founder Erick Gonzales Gomez The Healing of the Swan - Royal Order of the Swan - Founder Erick Gonzales Gomez The Swan since ancient times has been a spiritual symbol of royalty. The Swan represents the Solar Spirit. You will have…
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- Attunements, Practitioner and Diploma Courses, Self- and Spiritual Development Courses
Healing Pet Anxiety
- £9.00
- By Linda Colibert. Helps a pet feel safe and helps to heal anxiety so that your animal friend feels calm and happy. Healing Pet Anxiety Reiki Have you ever had a pet that seems to destroy your home while you are gone? What makes them act this way? What can you do to help him or her to not get…
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